Unfortunately I can.
Bill Maher on his last show did a rant about how, now that some Democrats have taken back the “L” word—“liberal”—they should also take back the “elite” that usually goes with it when right-wingers are decrying anyone more moderate than them.
In the rant he points out how in other areas we want “elites” as in “elite fighting force” etc. and then points out how un-elite most of W.s appointments to important government jobs have been and goes on to say:
“You know how whenever there's a major Bush administration scandal it always traces back to some incompetent political hack appointment and you think to yourself, ‘Where are they getting these screw-ups from?’ Well, now we know: from Pat Robertson. I wish I were kidding, but I'm not. Take Monica Goodling, who before she resigned last week because of the U.S. attorneys scandal, was the third most powerful official in the Justice Department of the United States. Thirty-three, and though she had never even worked as a prosecutor, she was tasked with overseeing the job performance of all 95 U.S. attorneys. How do you get to be such a top dog at 33? By acing Harvard, or winning scholarship prizes? No, Goodling…attended Pat Robertson's law school.
I'm not kidding, Pat Robertson, the man who said gay people at Disney World would cause ‘earthquakes, tornadoes, and possibly a meteor,’ has a law school. It's called Regent. Regent University School of Law, and it shares a campus with Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network studios. It's the first time ever that a TV network spun off a law school…The school says its mission is to create an army of evangelical lawyers, integrating the Bible and public policy, and producing graduates that provide ‘Christian leadership to change the world.’
U.S. News and World Report, which does the definitive ranking of colleges, lists Regent as a tier-four school, which is the lowest score it gives…
But there's more! As there inevitably is with the Bush administration. Turns out she's not the only one. Since 2001, 150 graduates of Regent University have been hired by the Bush administration. And people wonder why things are so screwed up...Forget religion for a second, we're talking about a top Justice Department official who went to a college founded by a TV host.”
There were some jokes interspersed with the above that I cut, because the facts are hilarious enough. Maher ended by making the point that Goodling hired a lawyer who went to a real law school to defend her in any fallout from the Federal Prosecutor firing scandal.
Another thing to put under "Can You Believe This" is Gingrich yesterday linking the mentally ill man shooting students in VA to liberals. It was rambling and incoherent but I guess he felt he was safe saying whatever he wanted in that there's never any challenging follow-up on a national news show.