Monday, April 30, 2007


Check this article out.

And please don't let the term "fascist" put you off. It's thrown around way too much on the left, but the point she is making, or points, are totally compelling and counter any typically devil's advocate stance I would usually take, even with people who share my perspective but not my tolerance.


  1. An excellent article by Ms. Wolf, thank you. In point #6, "Engage in arbitrary detention and release." she writes: "It is a standard practice of fascist societies that, once you are on the list, you can't get off." A version of this has already been happening on the state level for the past decade. The Department of Corrections in New York State, for instance, has increasingly expanded the concept of "civil commitment" for prisoners on probation and parole -with the effect of extending their imprisonement beyond their court determined sentences, over riding the determination of juries and judges. The DOC also expanded its authority to base parole and probation restrictions on preliminary charges included in a prisoner's pre-sentencing report - a document that merely describes the alleged crime as determined by the arresting officers before the facts of a crime have been established and not the prisoner's indicted and/or convicted offenses. This has continued without effective protest from the courts themselves due in large part to incredible political intimidation from the governor's office. All done of course under the convenient lie of ensuring the safety of our citizens. I would like to someone to write "Defending against a Fascist Government, in 10 Easy Steps" because we could surely use it.

  2. For any and all who do not believe that an Islamic military movement is alive and well in many countries try reading Al Jazeera English.

    I have almost given up on asking people to familiarize themselves with the History of Islamic Expansion so I'll just ask that they familiarize themselves with the present day tactics to form Islamic separatist states.

    Our rights were curtailed during WW2 but we never heard of the secret prisons on Ellis Island among other places for suspected enemy agents or supporters.

    We don't know what it is like to have goods and services that we take for granted rationed.

    Many don't remember terrorists setting off bombs in this country. They have no clue who the FALN or SDS were or that many of their members are now part of the system.

    Many , mostly non-native born, Americans and immigrants read about this nation and our rights and think that they are granted and protected by some spirit in the sky. They are in fact granted and protected by the very same people they love to attack and blame for all the ills of the world, the US government.

    It doesn't make a difference who or what party is in the White House, people who hate us and promote a socialist or religious agenda seek to bring this nation and our ideals to an end.

  3. Whoever "another lally" is I can't believe he has the same last name, (or that it's a she, or a member of my clan, no matter how far removed). How silly is the comment that SDS members are now in "the system"—what exactly is "the system"? If he means the government, I only wish. If he means living in the US and holding down some kind of job, duh. And yes religious agendas are dangerous, especially fundemntal ones, Christian, Islamist, Jewish, or any other, if it is meant to create a government based on religious ideology rather than the Constitution and Bill of Rights. And what exactly is he saying in response to the article I made a link to above? Is he agreeing that the basic steps toward creating a facist government have already been taken by the Bushies or is he disagreeing? And what 'socialists" is he talking about? Are we in danger of being invaded by some small Scandanavian Democratic Solcialist Party? I appreciate the interest in the blog, but calm down a little, whoever you are. We are not in a "war" with any nation capable of invading, let alone defeating, let alone doing serious and permanent damage to "our way of life" as W. calls it. We're doing that ourselves, thank you, with our overdependence on oil, high fructose corn syrup and the (corporate) "farm" subsidies that support it, economic expansionism and over consumption and corporate consolidation, etc. There have been "terrorists" throughout the history of humankind. Sometimes, like with Timothy McVeigh, they do serious damage to life and limb, but despite the horror of innocent lives lost (as happens in huge numbers every day in Irag, numbers that make Saddam pale in compraison to what our little invasion has wrought) "terrorist" attacks can't compare to the death and destruction caused by real wars. Less than 3,000 people lost their lives on 9/11. A terrible loss, sickening and sad, and including someone I knew and cared about. But the death toll in Iraq passed that number long ago. I'm talking innocent people, unless this "Lally" thinks all Islamics deserve to die, even babies. Like I've said before, I should never reply to comments late at night when I'm tired and least coherent but most emotional and easily baited. So I'll take my own advice and calm down, in fact go to sleep.

  4. Former SDS members are your local politicians and political activists. The most damaging are the ones who are college professors preaching anarchy and anti-Americanism. I still recall the standard Mao's Red Book as their ideals for this nation.

    You seem to miss my point that this nation has curtailed civil rights in the past, but few are alive today who know of such things as a draft or rationing. Curtailing civil rights civil rights in the face of a threat is not fascism by any means.

    You also do not seem to realize that we are in a war with two very powerful groups. First we are at wae with the 'New World Order' globalists (EU)who are buying up controling interests in our corporations and then laying off people by the thousand. Globalists who would rather see us become a srvice economy rather than the one that was able to sustain itself during our past. And the more insidious globalists who buy up farms and build congested communities overtaxing resources and services of cities and communities.

    The second is the Islamic terror community who know that the best way to take over this country is to infiltrate, become a majority a piece at a time and gain political power. Typical Islamic expansion before enacting Sharia.

    Iraq is a similar Islamic situation more to the traditional.

    Have you ever seen the movie 'Flame Over India'(1960 in USA, 'North West Frontier' in Europe)) ? It would give you a bit of insight.

    Again, the killing in Iraq is not being done by Americans. It is Iraqis, Jihadists and Al Queada killing Iraqis. We cannot be blamed for that killing anymore than we can be blamed for the killing in Somalia, Malaysia, the Philipines, Sri Lanka, West Africa, Ethiopia, India or any other place where radical Islamists are committing acts of terror in their separatist movements.

    We are being coaxed along into being the largest consumer nation populated by consumers with no jobs or money to buy. Consuming without producing until we become a Third World nation when the electricity goes off.

    I'm always calm, but at the same time observant. It is what it is. This nation will not be conquered from without but fall from within.
