Monday, April 9, 2007


When Clinton was being impeached for lying about a personal relationship that had nothing to do with the great job he was doing as president in terms of most things that matter to people (economy, crime, peace, etc.), one of the leaders of the rightwing attack dogs that generated the impeachment process was Newt Gingrich.

Of course, as we all know now from his recent confession, and as most of us who paid attention knew even then, Gingrich was having an affair with a political subordinate even though he was married, at the same time Clinton was. But Gingrich acted all outraged about Clinton’s affair while continuing his in secret, and for the most part the so-called “liberal media” (though as I’ve pointed out over and over again most of what passes for media in this country is owned by Republicans and a high percentage of that by extremely rightwing Republicans, not just Fox News and The Washington Times either) went along with that charade.

Now Gingrich is all self-righteous about The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pellosi, going to Syria against the so-called president’s objections, even though Gingrich went to China while Clinton was president, despite that administration’s objections, and even more hypocritical, there were three Republican members of Congress in Syria, also visiting with the president of that country as Pellosi did, almost at the exact same time!

And once again, most of the media repeated the administration’s claims, and their many lackeys echoing of those claims, about Pellossi while leaving out the fact of Repubican politicians visiting Syria in larger numbers than any Democrats, as the media, for the most part, also reiterated Gingrich’s objections to “two foreign policies” without mentioning that he conducted his own private foreign policy with China when Clinton was president.

I hate hypocrisy. And even though most people, including me, have been guilty of some hypocrisy, and politicians more than most, Republicans seem to own that vice more than anyone in my lifetime.

Just one short list of the most recent examples of that include: W's compromise with North Korea over its development of nuclear weapons that duplicates almost exactly the compromise the Clinton administration made and which the Bushies still attack as weak; W's administration getting the U.N. to create sanctions against North Korea for its arms dealings and then secretly allowing Ethiopia to continue buying old Russian arms from North Korea because the Bushies don’t want radical Islamists taking over Ethiopia (can you imagine what they would have done with that double faced two sides of the mouth jive if Clinton had anything to do with it, or Pellosi or Hilary or etc.); still pretending to have a “Christian” faith based perspective in their policies, or his policies, and total support of Israel, while Saudi Arabia, the Bush family allies for generations, continue to finance anti-Israel, anti-Christian terrorist organizations and their terrorist creating schools, and not allow almost any rights for women or non-Muslims (when the Bushes are in Saudi Arabia there are no churches for them to practice their supposed faith because that country doesn’t allow them), et fucking cetera.

As the Canadian novelist Robertson Davies put it in WORLD OF WONDERS:
“A boy’s first recognition of hypocrisy is, or ought to be, more significant than the onset of puberty.”

A girl’s too, I’d add.

Oh and PS: If you want to see a beautiful rap on more recently blatant hypocrisy on the part of many who would see themselves as anything but rightwing, check out the YouTube link on my friend Tom's Coolbirth blog, just hit that name over there on the right in the list of sites I recommend.

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