Interesting that, according to news reports I’ve been reading in mags and newspapers and hearing on NPR, out of the millions of people who have fled Iraq since we invaded it, and are still doing so, running from the carnage and the mess, the USA has given refuge to only a handful, something like 69 in the past seven months, while hundreds of thousands have been turned away.
Meanwhile, in Israel, many Sudanese refugees fleeing from the carnage and mess created there by the Islamic regime, the whole Darfur genocide situation, have been refused asylum and instead imprisoned as a possible threat because they are coming from an enemy nation, even though they are being raped and murdered by that regime!
And even more interesting is the fact that after WWII, during which Jewish refugees faced the same kind of discrimination and were refused entry into countries like the USA, Israel pushed for a worldwide accord on refugee status that said each case had to be evaluated individually and no one could be refused asylum based on the country of their origins, and the USA signed on to it out of guilt for its treatment of Jewish refugees back then!
Now both countries are going against their own stated principles and the international law they pushed to have enacted so that, in terms of the USA, we aren’t overrun by Iraqi refugees which would give the lie to any statements about how “well” things are going over there, and in terms of Israel, so that it doesn’t have to accept dark-skinned non-Jews into its country (unless someone can explain another motive for refusing asylum to the enemy of your enemy).
How the worm turns.
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