My friend Terence, among others, points out that “Americans” vote for the “most likable” candidate for president, and unfortunately or not, that ain’t Hilary.
Among the Republicans, Mitt Romney has the looks and affability to be “the most likable” but then the question becomes, as many critics of Mormonism have put it: “Can a guy who believes the Garden of Eden was in Missouri and follows a religion founded by a 19th century con man, be trusted to make decisions based on real facts?”
Of course the same could be said of many of the tenets and origins of all kinds of religion, which depend upon a suspension of ordinary logic and reliance on facts in order to be believed.
But the quote that I thought said most about Mitt Romney was in a recent TIME magazine article on him, from a Republican named Stephen Crosby, who says:
“There’s two ways to look at this guy. One is that the glass is half empty. The other is that the glass is totally empty.”
I am of the opinion that a candidate be judged on his or her moral stances, as this influences the decisions that he/she will make. Yes, your religious affiliation has some influence on ethical stances, but then again, look at Mr. William Clinton...his farcical claim to Christianity was diametrically opposed to his actions. Listening to what the candidates have to say, and examining how they live their personal lives is (in general, of course)more telling than the Church they belong to.