Thursday, June 14, 2007


So whatta ya think? Israeli leaders are maybe feeling a little regretful over weakening Fatah back when they had them on the ropes?

Better the devil you know, as they say. (In case you hadn’t heard, Hammas has conquered Fatah in “the Gaza strip” and basically declared it an Islamist state.)

Now the U.S. is arming the Sunni insurgents that have been killing our troops in Iraq in the hopes that those insurgents in their struggle with the foreign born Al Queda fighters will win, and then not turn those arms back at us again, or in the meantime.

If it wasn’t for all the death and destruction it’d be funny.

But it’s not.

Bush Junior has been going around for the past years or so acting like the thugs him and his kind pretend to be against aren’t his ancestors and himself.

Nations acting like thugs is nothing new. But it’s always the other guy—Hitler, Stalin, Franco, Papa Doc, Idi Amin, Noriega, etc. Not us. Or our allies. Woops, Stalin was our ally during WWII, and Franco was for decades afterward despite his fascism, and Papa Doc while it suited us, and etc. etc.

Thuggery everywhere, and everyone acting like it’s the other guy.

The “infidels” which to Hammas now includes their fellow Palestinians, as if they haven’t suffered enough already.

The “insurgents” until, woops, we need them now. Did you see John Stewart’s take on the news media’s parroting of the new administration line for defending arming those who have been most responsible for the death of our troops in Iraq—“the enemy of my enemy is my friend” reasoning.

Which, if you carry the illogic of that to its obvious resolution ends us up with Al Queda as our friends, according to Stewart, and me, and anyone else who stops and thinks about it. But of course they were our friends, in fact we created them to help us fight the Russians when they were bogged down in Afghanistan, because as everyone knows, “the enemy of…” Yeah right.

It’s seems more blatantly thuggish out there lately though, doesn’t it? Syria knocking off anti-Syrian members of the Lebanese government, Russia knocking off journalists and others who dare to criticize Putin and his government, China locking up Chinese-American scholars visiting their families there, Viet Nam locking up dissidents once the economic conference of world leaders is over there, Bush approving torture and locking up even U. S. citizens without trial or allowing them to see lawyers or etc. etc.

Bad enough my little boy has to come under the influence of all the phony bling bling wannabe gangster jive thugs he gets through music or movies or from the neighborhood teenage boys, but all that is mostly for show, though he and his little friends think it’s real and sometimes somebody really does get hurt.

But even the real gangsters in nearby Newark, who keep shooting each other and innocent bystanders can’t match the level of thuggery out there in the “real world” of the “family of nations” (and those teenage gangsters dying in Newark aren’t above being influenced by the wannabe hip hop rapper millionaire thugs on the radio either.

It’s enough to make you wanna smack someone yourself. Snap out of it world!

Ah, maybe it’s the earth’s way of shaking us off, getting rid of the human pests who have contaminated her so badly she’s dying, or at least a lot of what made her beautiful is.

I know there’s always been death and destruction in the world, but it’s hard not to blame Bushie for this last round of incredible stupidity, when it comes to national thuggery.

“You’re either with us or against us”—“Bring it on”—“Mission accomplished” etfuckingcetera. (and especially his warning to Osama Bin laden that he “could run but” he “couldn’t hide”—oh yeah?)

Oh, and by the way, “the surge” has failed, if you haven’t noticed. But let’s give it another few months for that point to be driven home with a lot more death and destruction.

It isn’t funny at all.


  1. Oh dear, not again. Im not taking about the "war" Im talking about your comments. Look I've heard this all before from many quaters and while the points are valid in my opinon they are stale. THE POINT HAS BEEN MADE. Re hashing it with a piece of news tacked on to back it up is not making a new point.
    Why not argue for a constructive approach, a way forward thats realistic and achievable.Start a debate, dont stand on a soapbox

  2. The solution is obvious and has been since this particular debate started (on 9/11 for a lot of it, but decades earlier in terms of Israel and/or Palestine): treat terrorism as crime on an international level, and address it as we do other global criminality, and use diplomacy for containment and be willing to talk to any nation to achieve that. If done, nations "sponsoring terrorism" could be more easily isolated and persuaded to change. But using disproportionate violence in the name of the state to counter "terorism" not only creates more victims than the terrorists created (i.e. Iraq where the civilian death toll long ago exceeded the number of dead on 9/11, as did the death toll for our troops, let alone the numbers of permanenetly impaired and the incredible destruction of not only property but infrastructure and institutions) it breeds more terrorists as well. And put international political and financial pressure on Israel to deal with the reality of all the displaced famlies and their descendants from the takeover of Arab land and buildings etc. since the origins of Israel as a modern nation.

  3. It seems that you miss the point of what is actually going on in the world concerning Islamic terrorism. In Islam, it is not a major infraction to kill non-muslims or even muslims deemed inferior in their version of Islam.

    The western or Caucasian world is separated in its rationale from the Middle Eastern rationale by light years of misunderstanding.

    It is the goal of Islam and its adherents to conquer the world for Allah. Any action taken in this pursuit is acceptable behavior amongst the adherents of Islam. Thus killing or terrorizing the Caucasian west is not a criminal act in their minds.

    This is the reason that there is no international manhunt for terrorists as long as they are Islamic. Islamic nations see them as heroes.

    The Palestinian problem has existed even before Israel took control of the West Bank and Gaza. Palestinians accepted that Israel conquered them and displaced them so they turned their anger and hatred against their sponsor nations, Jordan and Egypt. Now as we see since there is no sponsor nation and the Palis have no one to fight with but each other, the battle has begun.

    A little known fact is that the two main languages of the Palestinians are Arabic and Hebrew. Another is that Palestinians are viewed by most arabs as jews. The Hamas-Fatah battle is just a larger version of the war among the Lubavitchers over succession.

    What it comes down to is that the main stumbling block to peace in the Middle East is the Palestinian people, their leaders and their incessant complaints that they should have more and more at the expense of others.

    These are a people who burn down their own homes and then claim that they are homeless.

  4. God bless you whoever you are, and like I said, I'm sorry we share the same last name, if that really is your name. For anyone else who hasn't been entirely brainwashed, check out Seymour Hirsch's article in the last New Yorker to see who doesn't have any qualms about killing whom.
