Why is it that the rightwingers think that if you criticize their theories and justifications for their leaders’ actions (i.e. Bush/Cheney et. al.), you’re an “America hater” but if they criticize your position and perspective as represented by various politicians or publications etc., they’re feckin’ (as the Irish say) “patriots”?!
It’s hypocritical and dreary. If Clinton pursues Osama Bin Laden under his administration, it’s because he’s trying to divert attention from Monica. And if his anti-Osama, anti-terrorism policies succeed in limiting or completely eliminating terrorist attacks on US soil, it’s coincidental.
Then when it happens on Bushie Junior’s watch on 9/11, because he dropped the ball Clinton and Gore handed him and his people about the terrorist threat, it’s somehow Clinton’s and Gore’s fault!
But if then there are no more terrorist attacks on US soil under Junior, it’s suddenly the result of his administration’s policies, including the war in Iraq, which even his own analysts and experts declare has produced many more Al Queda supporters than there were before the invasion of Iraq.
Then they defend that invasion on the grounds that Saddam was a villain, which he was, and try to tar the critics of the Iraq war as pro-Saddam!
But they never bring up the Saudis, the best Arab friends to the Bush family and their financial empire, who have been financing not only Al Queda and other terrorists for decades, but who finance the madreses (sp?) the all male schools which are the only place poor Arab boys can get schooling in most Arab countries, schools that teach only one thing, the jihadists’ interpretation of the Koran as an imperative to kill all infidels.
So if you rightwingers really despised what the fundamentalist Islamists are doing in the world, you should be demanding that the Bushies invade Saudi Arabia and depose that kingdom’s rulers for a democratic government that would truly be our ally and stop bankrolling the jidahists around the world (and while you’re at it invade Pakistan and not only get Osama, but return that country to democracy and cease their support of the madres schools and the jihadists who run them and recruit future suicide bombers and Al Queda “fighters” out of them).
And the weirdest thing about all these rightwing politicians and pundits is almost none of them, close to zero, ever served their country in the military. Every one of my brothers that lived beyond infancy served in the military, as I did, for over four years, and as did many of the prominent Democrats in the Clinton administration and among Democrats in congress during the Clinton years and since.
I could go on, and so could you probably. I’m just reacting to comments on recent posts and e mails I get, and other rightwing attacks out there on the net and the media in general.
But the best response I can give to all of that, is something that came to me when I was praying and meditating to get my blood pressure down from the original attack that sparked this post, the inner voice came to me loud and clear saying:
“Don’t let others control your emotions with their fear.”
Amen, Mike to your entire post and especially your last line. As Jesus told Peter, be my rock. No matter what the world sends you, be steady. Don't let the bastards get you down, or your blood pressure up!
ReplyDeleteRegarding the financing of jihad; Democrats are afraid to talk about this for fear of seeming racist, or anti-Islamic; I had the same concerns until I read "Infidel" by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman who grew up in Muslim Somalia. Ayaan makes a persuasive argument that the Islam practiced in, specifically, Saudi Arabia is one that supports and promotes jihad, in word and deed and with rich, financial support. It's a problem you and others have recounted before - the Dems are so afraid of offending, they remain silent, or strategize themselves mute (but I think Obama's strong, moral voice is coming back.) And as for Bush, et al, and their selective viewing of events - it reminds me of the reasoning of children. Spoiled, rich children, who grow up with such a sense of entitlement, who were never forced to face the consequences of their actions, and therefore have never learned to take RESPONSIBILITY for their mistakes. I want to treat him like the child he is and stop explaining why I want him out of Iraq, NOW. I want to say, "George, by the time I count to three, you'd better be OUT of Iraq!"
Kid: Great comment to Michaels cogent post. But the reality you miss is that Dubya is like a kid in a divorce case who manipulates his parents so that the one who will give him free reign gets custody, meaning he can do whatever the fuck he wants, no matter what the responsible parent has to say about it. Our problem is how do we get "custody" of this brat so that we can render appropriate discipline.
It's bad enough that almost all of the right-wingers who shout
ReplyDelete"America-Haters" at critics of Bushevik social and economic policies and the Bushevik wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have never spent a day in uniform. What I find even worse is the intellectual dishonesty of the charge. "America-Haters" is a bogus reaction to legitimate critiques, a straw-man ad hominem dodge that avoids direct and honest answers to the charges
levelled against the current
administration: imperialist wars
overseas and class-warfare against
ordinary working people at home,
all for the purpose of the further
enrichment of and the perpetuation
of the privileges and entitlements
of a narrow class of elites.
Bob Berner
You make my point every time you declare your loyalty to your party over the nation.
ReplyDeleteYou are following the Socalist call made popular in the country wit Howard Dean's call to hate everything not of the party. "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party."
I'd bet you still have your Che shirt and Chairman Mao's Red Book.