Thursday, September 20, 2007



1. On 9/11 the radios the NY Fire Department and Police Department were using, couldn’t communicate with each other, causing the unnecessary deaths of too many fire men and police officers.

This happened on Giuliani’s watch, because he failed to correct this problem even though everyone involved was aware of it and asking for the problem to be remedied.

And then on 9/11 itself, he allowed, or perhaps requested, the top police officials to act as his security guard and entourage, when they should have been busy coordinating the response of the police department with the fire department.

2. He also is the mayor who put the emergency response to terrorism headquarters inside the World Trade center, even though it had already been bombed once and was a known target for future terrorist acts, as he and his administration had been warned many times by the Clinton administration.

3. He has the same problem Bush Jr. has with hiring and firing according to loyalty to him, rather than competence, best illustrated by G’s elevating his personal driver, Bernard Kerik, to top police officer in his administration, and then recommending him to head Homeland Security for the entire nation, even though his record was not only spotty in terms of competence, but in terms of illegal activity, for which he is still under investigation, and which caused him to not be hired by Jr’s administration, despite the fact that this administration has never been shy about hiring known felons, and others with a criminal record (including Bush Jr. and Cheney).


1. He claims to be a committed follower of a religion that actually believes the real Garden of Eden was in Missouri, among other unbelievable tenets. It also believes in buying or otherwise acquiring the geneologies of everyone alive today and re-baptizing every one of our ancestors into the Mormon faith (although the rite is not exactly baptisim but a bit stranger).

2. He has proven himself not only one of the more egregious examples of politicians changing their positions to suit the time and tide, but also a blatant liar, trying to pass himself off as a “lifelong hunter” when he had never hunted before he began his campaign for president (much like Bush Jr. buying a “ranch”—with no livestock—in Crawford Texas, where he can have photo ops of him clearing brush, ala Reagan, and pretend to be a cowboy, with no cows, and a “ranch” brought just in time for his run for president).

3. John Edwards, who is being dismissed by some on the right for spending too much on haircuts and being a “Ken doll,” looks like a guy who cuts his own hair and doesn’t care how he appears compared to the slick as grease look of Mitt Romney. Not that appearances should necessarily matter, but if it’s going to be used against one, then lets be fair across the board.


1. Here’s the same old phony “regular good old boy” b.s. too many voters fell for with Bush Jr., e.g. the Thompson campaign uses the image of a red pick up truck as a symbol for this good old boy’s down home regular guy hominess quotient, despite the fact he regularly travels in limos and private jets, including “back home” in Tennessee.

2. He’s got no real program that isn’t just a continuation of the past seven years.

3. As a Senator he was one of the least successful lawmakers in the Seante. As an actor, he was more successful, but barely. The man has pretty much one reaction to everything, dour.

At least Reagan was personable. Thompson comes across like an old fart who’s doing us a favor by mounting a half-hearted campaign, as if the country has been begging him to run, and he’s doing the world a favor.


The bonus reason: they all want to continue Bush’s “strategy” in Iraq.

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