Sunday, March 9, 2008


1. So Bush Junior vetoed the congressional attempt to make the CIA conform to the rules of prisoner treatment that the U. S. military follows, that helped us win WWII, that have been in place since the Revolution, at least the ban-on-torture part of it. Guess “the Greatest generation” didn’t know what they were missing.

2. Another thought about the Obama/Clinton challenge: the big states Clinton won are more likely to go Democratic and therefore vote for him if he is the candidate, (i.e. California and New York etc.) while the smaller states he won are less likely to vote for her in the general election, but are places where he might attract independents and Republicans looking for a change.

3. Has anyone else discovered the aggravation of graduated lenses, or whatever they call eyeglasses that are supposedly graded so that you can see at any distance? The problem being that the sweet spot where you can se whatever it is you're trying to look at, especially when reading, or up close work like me typing this right now, is very narrow, meaning I can only see two or three words at a time clearly, (the peripheral vision is completely blurry with these things) which means I have to keep moving my head from left to right when I’m reading, and read a lot less quickly than I usually do. I also got “transition lenses” for more fun in the sun, except today at the way-too-early, but this part of Jersey’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, watching with my younger son and his mother, the sun was behind the oncoming marchers, so everyone and everything looked so dark I couldn’t read their banners or distinguish their features etc. Ain’t modern technology grand?

1 comment:

  1. 1) Bush said the CIA must retain use of "specialized interrogation procedures" that the military doesn't need. The military methods are designed for questioning "lawful combatants captured on the battlefield," while intelligence professionals are dealing with "hardened terrorists" who have been trained to resist the techniques in the Army manual.

    I would think that the Greatest Generation had little time to wonder what they were missing. Wasn't WW 1, the depression, WW2 and the Cold War enough to think about? (Not to mention Korea and Viet Nam)

    2) Once it gets to the convention all bets are off and the party puppeteers will choose their candidate as they always do. (Remember Hubert Humphry. Though I enjoyed HHH better as a VP candidate. 'Vote For Johnson And Get A Hump Free' - Mustang Ranch , Nev.)

    Dems always follow the dictates of the party. Once the Kool-Aid wore off. folks were still in shock that they voted for Kerry. (or did they vote for him before they voted against him?)
