"The Census Buereau has tracked the economic fortunes of affluent, middle-class and poor American families for six decades...these tabulations reveal a wide partisan disparity in income growth. The real incomes of middle-class families grew more than twice as fast under Democratic presidents as they did under Republican presidents. Even more remarkable, the real incomes of working-poor families...grew six times as fast when Democrats held the White House. Only the incomes of affluent families were relatively impervious to partisan politics, growing robustly under Democrats and Republicans alike."
—Larry M. Bartels from "Inequalities" in The New York Times Magazine (4.27.08)
Ah, I long for the days of Johnson's Welfare Society, double digit inflation of the Carter years and the bursting of the Dot.Com boom by Clinton's Justice Department.
ReplyDeleteJust seems that it takes the Dems longer to mess up the economy than it takes GOP's to repair it.