Monday, July 7, 2008


Jim Webb just took himself out of the running for Obama's Vice President. He was my choice, with his heroic military record, articulate and well reasoned rebuttals to this administration and Republicans in general, especially having been one and having worked in the Reagan administration etc. Says he wants to sitck it out as a Senator from Virginia. I hope he doesn't know something we don't.


More deaths of American troops in Afghanistan last month than for any other time in that war, and then today's big blast in Kabul. The Taliban AND Al Queda on the rebound there.

I know probably a lot of you share with me the realization that we could have not invaded Iraq, stayed the course in Afghanistan where we actually were greeted as liberators by a lot of the population, brought democracy to the region by starting there and staying to support it and help rebuild infrastructure etc. etc.

What a success story that might have been, as well as given us the chance to capture Bin Laden etc. etc. etc. But, Afghanistan doesn't have Iraq's oil. What they did have was the Taliban refusing to let an oil pipe be laid across their land, which Karzai's (sp.?) government immediately agreed to.

So there was no reason for Junior and his oil cronies to fulfill the promises his administration made to Afghanistan, and instead pulled out troops and resources and money for the invasion and securing of Iraq, well, at least their oil fields, now going to be turned over, in part, to four "international" (i.e. Western controlled) oil companies kicked out of Iraq when Saddam originally took over the country. Oh, and with a no bid no competition process. Just let'em have it.


How come the media ignore the fact that John McCain has no idea how a computer works (and by extension the internet and most of the work that gets done in this country) nor any interest in learning. He has minions to do that for him. Doesn't that seem relevant to anyone except a handful of bloggers and editorial writers?

1 comment:

  1. 1 - i wonder if now that obama has achieved the rank of dem nominee, if he doesn't fall prey to the machinations of 'bigger' political schemes of the two party system - maybe webb just pissed off too many people along the way ...

    2 - congress passes a bill to approve another 162 billion for the war in iraq and afgan till next summer under the cloak of g.i. benefits and flood relief for the midwest even though 60% of the american public disagree with the war[s] - where's the media coverage and what the hell were the dems elected for last november -
    oh, and the no bid fave five oil companies - i need to know how this stuff is allowed to slip through and what the response is from our european allies that also sacrificed lives throughout this bogus war ...

    3- john 'weasel' mccain may not know anything about computers but he sure knows how to pick his hatchet men to run his campaign - have you seen some of the new 'slam' ads against obama - "mccain has a plan" - especially the one on environment and economy - it's ludicrous and blatantly false [but sellable to the vast majority of blind flag wavers matriculating to the only opportunity this administration has provided in nearly a decade - but i guess if we didn't have a war, we'd have a lot more jobless, hopeless, underprivileged kids reeking havoc domestically] ...

    getting to look like the american public wouldn't know truth even after it bit us in the ass - thank you gw and friends, corporate news conglomerates, and the apathy of modernity ...
