Friday, August 29, 2008


More tomorrow, but for now—it was the best convention acceptance speech I've heard in my lifetime. Anyone who doesn't get how smart and committed this guy is, how much he truly does represent the future and understand the struggles of the rest of us and has specific proposals and ideas to get the glory of this country and what it stands for back, either isn't paying attention or is so enslaved to some ideology or collection of lies and misinformation, they can't think for themselves. If you're still voting for McCain, you desrve the disaster of four more years of failed government and policies that favor the few over the many, but the rest of us don't.


  1. I'm listening to it a second time.

    It beats me how so many Republican commentators can make such contemptuous remarks about simple, decent everyday values. Ben Stein just said on Larry King that he "stole" 30% of his speech from Martin Luther King.

  2. To paraphrase George Carlin, we may not always get the government we want, but we always get the government that we deserve.

    Good governance starts at the most local levels.

    Seemed like a waltz between conflicting ideals. Promoting personal responsibility and the Reaganesque 'Hand Up, Rather Than a Hand Out' are contradictory to the usual Democratic Platform of 'Federal Programs Are The Answer'.

    The one very good thing in the speech is the point that Johnsonian 'Great Society' programs have had their desired effect and are now passe.

    Since both Obama and McCain made no mention of lost jobs due to the path to globalization until Michigan, I suspect the main differences in the two platforms will be the war in Iraq and taxation.

    It was a great moment in our history to have the promises of the Declaration come a bit closer to fruition.

  3. The speech, the moment, the venue was great. I can think of no Republican in history that could have filled Invesco field. As has been said before, his qualifications are, just the fact that he has been able to do what was necessary to arrive at this momeent in history. Congradulations to Barak. Martin Luther King would be proud. America is proud that this is possible in America.

    How about my hometown of Denver. It looks like we are no longer just a cowtown.

  4. I caught the Tavis Smiley show on PBS after Charlie Rose, and Cornel West and another African American guest were incensed that Obama did not mention King by name, nor this moment as a significant milestone in the history of the civil rights movement. They weren't just irritated, they were furious. Said they would still support Obama, but....

  5. Obama has a lock now that McCain has chosen a two year governor as his running mate.

    I strongly dislike panderers.

    Many Consevatives and Republicans will vote for Bob Barr probably with Ron Paul as veep.

  6. McCain Palin -- Wow!!

    This crystalizes the race on issues. Republicans win when they run as conservatives.

    1-Reform corrupt govt. She has attacked entrenched corruption in Alaska. Some are now in jail.
    2-She is the Queen of "Drill Here Drill Now" I suspect John McCain will have a change of heart on Anwar.
    3-The culture of Life vs. the culture of death. Barak Mr. Infanticide, Pelosi the supposed practicing Catholic who presumes to instruct Catholic clergy on Catholic doctrine. Bishops have already started to instruct abortion politicians not to receive communion.
    4-I look forward to the Palin Biden debate on foreign policy. Biden's experience as only led to persistently bad calls like:
    -Opposing Reagan on oppostition to the USSR.
    -He advocated the Partitionment of Iraq
    -The surge
    -Attack on Patraeous.

    What an exciting election!!!

  7. It was a spectacular speech, transcending all the rancor and and distortion generated by the right. Obama made a powerful and persuasive case that he represents what's right for, and right about, the U.S.A. Poor old McCain, having to drag the increasingly heavy ball-and-chain that is George Bush into the arena with an unbelievably formidable opponent like Obama. Even if the republicans were not so completely bankrupt ethically and politically, McCain wouldn't be able to beat this guy.

  8. There's so much to say about his speech, it was incredible. So many phrases stand out - one of my favorites - GWB's administration must finally "own their failures." Those are the words of a true leader (and great Dad.)
