Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Huffington Post has an article by Drew Westen that supports what I was trying to say in my deja vu all over again a few posts back. Check it out here.


  1. Hey, Lal - I agree. I think Westen's piece was a good summary of the problems with Obama's campaign.

    Hope they read it over at Obama HQ.

  2. What is wrong with the Obama campaign is Obama.

    He has a past that is filled with individuals who either have promoted or continue to promote anti-USA agendas.

    On numerous occasions, he and his spouse have stated that they feel that the USA is a deeply flawed and hateful nation.

    All of his programs and agendas are Big Brother central government run fiascos.

    His class warfare statements are ridiculous to any intelligent individual. He never says "workers of the world unite", but he comes close quite often.

    He constantly demonizes the oil industry. To let Obama tell it, the only product oil provides is gasoline. Where would this nation and the world be without the plastics made from oil?

    He demonizes capitalism and success. This is akin to lauding the many businesses that have tried and failed, over those who have survived and prospered.

    He panders to his audience with no regard to delivering on his grandiose government run schemes.

    The longer Obama exposes himself to the public, the more he is exposed as the empty suit that he actually is.

    Pelosi made very clear in shuttering the Senate during this most recent oil crisis, that partisan politics will exist and be the norm no matter who is in the White House.

  3. This isn't a response to "another lally" (whether he or she really is a "Lally" I have no idea) because again, I don't want to encourage whoever it is, but obviously, they (and the Republicans and others who echo this nonsense) are not talking about anyone remotely close to Barack Obama, who is in some instances the exact opposite of what is described in the comment above and it's all on the record. The saddest thing is that U.S. citizens are so badly educated and the Republican rightwing propaganda mill is so efficient at its job that the truth no longer matters, just the repeated false images and lies that take hold even in the minds of people who are well educated and should know better how to think for themselves. Sorry stae of affairs I'm afraid.

  4. When Ted Kennedy endorsed Obama, I was not impressed. But when the Princess of Camelot endorsed him, I thought the election was nothing more than a formality. Obama was unstoppable.

    Obama himself has eroded his own image by being inconsistent and then insistent that he is not inconsistent. He has been changing his positions ever since he was willing to sit down with Chavez and others.

    I didn't think Obama could mess up the most sought after endorsement that any Democrat could dream of, but he has.
