Why not?
I always liked the guy and still do. And I think his assets compliment Obama's, and vice versa.
You have to admit, they both have killer smiles. And both have terrific intellects. But Biden has the gianormous, as they say these days, foreign policy chops, offsetting McCain's supposed "experience" in this area (Biden's is more extensive and smarter, just go back and read his speeches and proposals and the bills he enacted or backed, etc.).
Biden has a great story too, (as does Obama, but his campaign seems incapable of getting it out there).
Biden also has a quick wit and is not afraid to tell the truth as he sees it. Something McCain has been touted for but in recent times has come across more as anger and confusion.
Sometimes Biden's shooting from the lip has gotten him into trouble, but it's almost always refreshing. That may cause a few awkward moments in the campaign, but he will make up for it by striking back quickly, humorously, and honestly when the McCain rightwing commandoes that now seem to be running his campaign throw out the kinds of spurious allegations that are unsubtatiated but still work if repeated enough without being counterattacked.
I'm glad it wasn't the Virginia governor or Evan Bayh, if only because they just don't come across as very exciting in speeches and presence, whereas Biden almost always does, because you never know what he might do, or say. But you know whatever it is, it will be coming from his real feelings and ideas, not some handler's script. (He's like a cross between JFK and Dennis Leary.)
(As for Hilary, and her many supporters who claim they will not vote for an Obama ticket, all you had to do was watch her last speech supposedly in support of Obama where she kept referring to him as "my opponent" to know where she's still coming from—resentment. The last thing Obama would need is that in a running mate, not even counting Bill's even more caustic remarks about Obama in recent weeks.)
The Republicans might try and bring up the one act that did seem scripted in Biden's many years in the public eye, and that's when twenty years ago or so, he copped a paragraph from a speech by an English politician. But, if you look into that occurance, you discover that what Biden really did was paraphrase something said in the speech because the guy was coming from a similar place, politically and life-experience-wise, and Biden liked the way he had said it.
But put that against Biden's story—one of the youngest Senators ever elected to Congress at 36 (THE youngest the way I remember it [actually he was 29 and has been in the Senate for 36 years, thanks to Kevin for reminding me of that]), his wife and their little daughter killed in a car accident, leaving him to raise their two sons on his own. Which he did, including spending every night at home with them in Deleware, something no other Senator or Congress person I ever heard of has done.
And now one of those sons is on his way to Iraq in the military, while Joe remains a terrific family man (his wife is a working woman, an English teacher in fact), a practicing Catholic and a champion of the working person, and basically a self-made man like Obama, putting himself through college through hardwork and intellect.
I'm looking forward to the debates between him and whoever McCain chooses (the only surprise would be if McCain chose a woman or a non-"white" running mate).
This ticket will be great fodder for the comedians (a lawyer and a used car salesman).
ReplyDeleteBiden plagarizes Neil Kinnock while Obama plagarizes Deval Patrick, they have so much in common. Both cases of plagarism exposed by their fellow Dems in the primary season.
Obama insults religious, second amendment loving Americans while Biden insults hard working immigrants in Dunkin Donuts and 7-11's.
What a Dynamic Duo.
I watched a bio on BH Obama on CNN and it was made clear that he is a cold-hearted politician. I thought CNN was going to do the kid glove treatment, but the Truth came sneaking through anyway.
I'm starting to think that even Vlad Putin could be the GOP nominee and win this year.
Obama wrote his onw books, unlike McCain. But lawdy lawdy, Obama is a "politician" and a "coldblodded" one, according to "another"—thank God he's not like those non-politician Republicans, Junior and McCain et. al. We all know how Republicans have never displayed any coldblooded behavior, uh, wait, um, "bomb bomb Iran" and Junior laughing about the people he executed as governor or making a joke about not finding any WMD, a lie for which hundreds of thousands of people have died and it ain't over yet. And McCain changing positions whenever the political expediency presents itself, including turning his back on benefits for fellow veterans who have never had his silver spoon privilges, or married one of the wealthiest women in the world (after coldbloddedly leaving the wife he was with etc.) Oh yeah, it would be a real stretch to have Putin as a Republican.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy your twisted rhetoric. You seem to be under the spell of the 'Anyone But Bush' spirit, but Bush isn't running this election. You've seem to have bought into this lie of Change that never produces anything good for this nation.
ReplyDeleteJimmy Carter the Second is already blaming us for over-consumption (break out the sweaters), a lack of compassion(though we have the largest social services system in the world and give the most in foreign aid), just another campaign of 'Blame the USA First'.
The term cold-blooded politician came from a former Obama associate, I guess I should have mentioned that.
The more you get to know the real Barry Obama, the more able you will be to get an idea of what he is about.
I think you are enamoured of him partly because his name sounds Irish, Barry O'Bama from County Kenya.
before we get too carried away with more name-calling and unkindness mr. 'another', please explain the virtues of the past eight years of republican authority in america ...
ReplyDeleteJust watched the Obama/Biden rally in Springfield. Like you, I've always dug Biden, and he did not disappoint today. I felt like a was a kid who had been being bullied by the neighborhood toughs and my big brother came back to town and kicked some ass. And of course, being my big brother, he was as suave and cool as ever.
I don't see the name calling or unkindness of which you speak. I should have put quotes around "cold hearted politician" so that I am not acussed of plagarism.
ReplyDeleteAh the last eight years, the era that began with a recession, compounded by companies exporting manufacturing and service jobs to the far east, conpounded further still by the 911 attacks. Pretty tough situation it sounds like.
The current adminstration seems to have kept us afloat, secure and prosperous. This is no thanks to the monies that bailed out the airlines after 911 being spent in Europe on Airbus planes. The stock market was maintained with federal backing and thus our economy grew.
Al Queada lost its main base in Afghanistan, thanks mainly to the Northern Alliance. Iraq lost Sadaam after he started giving away rewards to the families of suicide bombers and Congress voted to remove him from power using military force.
Democrats in Congress began accusing the administration of falsely claiming Sadaam had WMD, even after they knew that we supplied them in the first place. They also claimed that there was no 'yellow cake uranium' even though it was recently shipped to France. They also claimed that the current adminsitration started a wire tap program that had already been the topic of debate in the Congress since the 90's. Very strange way of representing the interests of the people rather than the interests of their party.
THEN when the Dems aquire control of the House and Senate, our economy is wracked by out of control oil prices. Didn't the Dems promise a few things if they got control of the House and Senate? Guess they never keep promises.
As we sit back at our computers with little thought as to electricty, water supply and an abundance of food, I'd have to think that Junior is doing a rather good job.
But that's only my opinion.
Wasn't that nice how Obama introduced Biden as the 'next president' before correcting himself. Then Biden forgets Obama's last name. This stuff can only be reality because no one would belive them otherwise.
Another Lally,
ReplyDeleteYou're doing well, keep it up. You forgot the great accomplishment of the Madam Speaker. The new minimum wage law, which has raised the unemployment rate among teenagers and students. And we can not forget the Democrat Party energy policy that makes it possible for Russia to attacks its neighbors using energy rather than nukes. In retrospect, we can at least Thank God, that this has been the least effective congress in modern times.
Unfortunately, those of you who read my blog because you like what I have to say, the only response to "another" and "Jim" and other rightwing commentors on this blog who repeat the inevitable lies and misinformation that has been the basis of the right's message in this country for too many decades now, the only response is to ignore them. There are plenty of Republicans who have made known their own displeasure with the way those at the top of their party have messed things up in the past seven years, many of them have openly stated their preference for Obama. People like "another" and Jim" obviously have no capacity for any in depth analysis of events, since they have no basis for fact other than the misinformation propogated by rightwing sources. Any intelligent human being who was alive during the Clinton years and the administration that followed can see the difference, let alone all the statistical evidence which overwhelmingly shows nothing but positive results for the Clinton years and negative ones for the last seven. So, let them wail away with their lies and self delusions. We know the truth and can live by it with clear consciences, while those poor souls will either be eternally ignorant of their lack of understanding and knowledge of reality or suffer the consequences of their lies, if they are even aware enough to know that's what they are.
ReplyDeleteAh Michael, you really don't understand the entertainment value in your political opinions. You sometimes seem to think there is great knowledge or profoundity in your writings. It is always funniest when you realize that you have been running with the lie of a crowd that you thought you belonged in. I always enjoy your Steve Martin impersonation of a black person in white skin.
ReplyDeleteI laugh hardest when you seem to be confronted with facts that you don't want to acknowledge. I picture you covering your ears and singing "La,La,La, La, La" so that you can block out the facts.
Your self-avowed search for meaning and understanding is comedic in that whenever you flop into a new place where you have thought you 'fit in', you 'plant your feet firmly and take a stand' for the principles of that belief. Then when you find that you 'may have been mistaken' and 'reassess the facts' you take a different view just as firmly.
The Lally trait of believing that we have the 'meaning of Life' causes us to talk ourselves out of larger success. Just can't leave alone the interpretations of our writings by the intelligencia, that garner acceptance in learned circles. Just have to clarify the message until it is filed under "MUNDANE".
Your writings as the confused, harmed, misunderstood traveler in this life are so contradictory and drastically changing under the guise of 'enlightenment' that I laugh uncontrollably at times.
I can see the first scene of the movie as 'Don't Touch The Stove'. It would make a great movie for its currency had it not been done so many times already.
Getting back to political opinion. Loyalty to Party can be commendable when the Party is endorsing reasonable propositions. At some point though, one has to take off the blinders of Loyalty and admit that the King has no clothes.
We Republicans and or conservatives can take solace as we wail and wallow in our ignorance and misinformation, that a fellow Republican, Martin Luther King was the original American black leader with the Audacity of Hope and Change.
ReplyDeleteI suspect he would have had problems with Obama’s positions and associations.
- He voted against the Infant Born Alive act in Springfield. This same bill passed almost unanimously in the congress. supported by liberals like Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy and even Boxer. It takes a special human being to vote to withhold treatment from infants that survive abortion.
- He sought and received support from haters like Wright and the Nation of Islam leader. He supported and was supported by machine politicians like Daly and Stroger who traded city and county jobs for support and kickbacks.
- He sought and supported terrorists like Ayres and Dohrn. If there is nothing to hide, why not release those Anneberg records?
- He obtained tax payer monies for Resko and his failed slum projects and in return received money and backing not to mention a shady house deal.
- Obama the visionary wants to send 850 billion of US tax money to the world's poor but is seemingly unwilling to send a few dollars to his half brother living in abject poverty in a hut outside of Nairobi. Even mean old Republicans would send a buck or two to a brother. We might even send more, if made 4 million in a year.
This is the kind of hope and change that I suspect Dr. King would have trouble supporting and to which, the American people might find offsetting when they find out more about this rock star Chicago politician.
ReplyDeleteAs an admirer of your literary work and your blog, it puzzles why you would provide a opportunity for people like “Another Lally” and “Jim” to disseminate their right-wing opinionettes. Your blog is your space, and these apologists for the anti-American politics of the republican party should not be allowed to occupy any of it. Like too many liberals, you are making the mistake of thinking that you should be fair and open-minded with people who are never that way themselves, that you should allow these misguided characters to have their say under your roof.
But your blog is not a public forum---it’s your domain and should be governed by your perspectives. You have no obligation to give these guys room in a space that is increasingly popular because of your accomplishments, creativity, reputation, and reasoned and passionate opinions on art, politics, music, movies, and life. They are nobodies who can start their own blogs and write to each other. Through the benefit of corporate ownership, right-wing extremists control almost all of talk radio, Fox “News,” the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, and all sorts of other media. Let “Jim” and “Another Lally” spew forth within the many right-wing blogs, among their benighted brethren on the right, where they belong. There is no reason why you should accommodate them or give them a soapbox for their destructive, un-American squeaks and groans. Progressives have to learn to stop enabling these nasty right-wing losers. Kick 'em out! Let them try to build a readership on their own and see how far they get.
You and I both know that if the labels were switched, “Jim” and “Another Lally” would be bashing any Democrat who ignored a clear and direct warning, as did Bush, that Bin Laden was planning to attack us, then let Bin Laden attack us, and eight years later, still hadn’t caught him. They would come down very hard on a Democrat who would doctor intelligence to deceive the American people into an unnecessary war in which more than 4,000 American troops have died (and more than 100,000 Iraqis) and that will cost over a trillion dollars---especially when that war and the subsequent occupation were incompetently planned for and completely mismanaged after the initial “mission accomplished” period. “Jim” and “Another Lally” I’m sure would find fault with a Democrat outing a courageous covert American spy to gain some sort of twisted revenge on her husband. I’m sure these two bold patriots would think that the leaders of a Democratic administration that threw away habeas corpus, allowed massive warrantless spying on the American people, introduced torture as accepted American practice, fired US attorneys for not prosecuting republicans, awarded no-bid contracts to their pet corporations, etc., should all be impeached. But since it was republicans who committed all these atrocities against America, J & AL think it’s all excusable.
That’s the way of the right-wing extremists who have controlled the media and the political discourse in this country for so long. The Js and ALs will go on absolving these war criminals because they’re republicans. Although it is a bit heartening to see an increasing number of traditional conservatives recognizing how the right has violated and undermined America’s foundational principles, knee-jerk right-wingers like J & AL will never accept that their team could be so wrong in so many ways. And they sure don’t want a Democratic administration to be the beneficiary of all these new un-American powers that Bush has established.
Their answer?---crazy little flip-flopping John McCain, who finished nearly dead last in a class of almost 900 at the Naval Academy, who crashed five planes in his pilot days (how does that stack up statistically with his fellow pilots?), who made tapes renouncing the US while in captivity (how many other POWs did that?) which seem to have conveniently disappeared, who everyone who knows him agrees has a nasty temper and temperament, who called his second a “c-nt” in front of a reporter, who says he doesn’t know anything about economics, who is clearly itching to fight more wars, who in his forties cheated on his first wife (after she was injured in an accident) with a 24-year-old multimillionaire heiress (a former addict who was caught stealing drugs from her own foundation), who doesn’t know how many mansions he owns, who doesn’t know the difference between Sunni and Shia, who helped destroy the S&L industry as one of “The Keating Five,” who is surrounded by and beholden to innumerable lobbyists (and probably has slept with at least one of them), who voted against torture before he voted for it, who has been humping Bush’s leg for the last five years. What a maverick! What a straight-talker! The only thing worse than four years of McCain would be four more years of Bush. Or might even Bush, God help us, be a better bet than little John?
---Lally’s ally
Anonymous,(what kind of cowardly name is that in a political debate)
ReplyDeleteIf one is to spout politically in a political year, they should be prepared to defend their views in reasoned debate backed up by facts. If they can't back up their arguments with facts or reasoned debates they should stick to films and poems.