More tomorrow, but she gave a great speech—and Rudy's wasn't bad either—in terms of speechmaking, not truth or keeping McCain's promise to not throw mud—but both were, as usual with the Republicans, but especially the rightwing that is represented in McCain's new positions and the people now running his campaign, full of snide condescension dressed up as its opposite (standing up to the elites etc.), as well as misinformation and misdirection, outright lies, and characterizing any criticism of the fat cat Republicans that have been in power in Washington for many many years now, and their faithful, as criticism of "America."
If the Democratic strategists are on their game, as the Republicans are obviously on theirs again, they should have ads and press statements immediately out there debunking all the lies etc. starting with trying to cast McCain as a "maverick" against Washington when he has been part of the Washington establishment for half his life and has sided with Bush and his failed administration over ninety per cent of the time.
And ads that show Palin has stood up for big oil and for "earmarks" (i.e. DC pork) for Alaska if it benefitted her contributors and her career, "standing up" to big oil and the Alaska Republican Party only when those entities got in the way of the oil interests backing her or interfered with her career.
She's good, and recasting McCain's candidacy as all about his P.O.W. experience and "war hero" status and Palin's as the down home mom from smalltown "America" (they should have an ad out immediately also on how she and her husband have supported the party in Alaska that is for seceeding from "America" and whose founder and leader stated his "hatred" for "America" and died in a botched illegal explosives buy (hmmm, wonder what someone who stated he hated America wanted with explosives etc.)) is a clever way of deflecting criticism.
Like my rightwing commentors on this blog who only see "hatred" when it's aimed at those who have come closer to destroying this country than any administration in history but seem oblivious to it in their own spewing of lies and mud slinging (accusing me of mudslinging when I listed FACTS about Pallin's actual record, but I'm sure they won't accuse Palin and Rudy and McCain's campaign of mudslinging for telling LIES about Obama and his proposals and record (like that he has never accomplished anything in all his years of service to "Americans"—oh and by the way if McCain has proven he can "fight" it's mostly been with his friends and fellow servicemen and fellow elected officials, there's plenty of videos from other P.O.W.s stating how they think he's unfit to be president because of his uncontrollable temper etc.. Maybe I'll put some links to them tomorrow, just to clear the air).
But Pallin is attractive, gives a good speech, and knows how to twist a lie into a palatable sound bite.
Let's give them credit, they managed to make the Democrats who have had no power in Washington in 8 years (and still don't since there aren't enough of them in the Senate to override a veto or a Republican standoff) as the Washington establishment, and themselves, who have run just about everything in Washington and the rest of "America" for way too long now, as the outsiders.
(And as always, i take special umbrage at their always linking "Hollywood" and "celibrty" to the Democrats, when they're the party that ran a Hollywood actor for president and has a Hollywood actor as governor and had a Hollywood actor running for president this time who spoke at the convention the night before et-endlessly-cetera.)
But if I know my right wing controlled and owned media, which is almost all of it, there will be few challenges to the most blatant lies that were thrown around that convention tonight. (Oh and did anyone else notice how much more the cable news shows stopped talking while various seemingly unimportant events occurred on the convention stage but during the Democratic convention when Republicans of all kinds, from Ike's granddaughter to a column of retired generals and admirals most of whom voted for Junior and are Republicans as well as war heroes spoke of their support for Obama as commander-in-chief they were talked over or totally ignored? As Shakespeare said "Let me count the ways"...but not tonight, I'm going to bed after I pray for our country and for the truth to win the day. Though it'll take a lot more than prayers.
Sarah Palin was a hit.
ReplyDeleteShe compared and contrasted the 'experience' issue quite well.
Rather than being in the pocket of Big Oil, she did not renew the drilling contract. She opened it up for new bids to get a better deal for Alaskans.
The natural gas pipe line is being built with no federal money.
Huckaby's line about Palin getting more votes as mayor of Wasilla than Biden got in his run for the presidency was hysterical.
I sense dread among the Dem political machine with their cries of divisiveness already. Contrasting the political platforms of each party and characteristics of each candidate is not being divisive.
The time for specifics will be in the debates and campaign after the conventions.
All of Joe Biden's claims will be checked for accuracy and his speeches will be checked for plagarism. If he makes a 'misstatement' during the vp debates a buzzer will sound.
State Sen. Donne Trotter, an Obama adversary from Chicago, told the Chicago Reader newspaper in March 2000: "Barack is viewed in part to be the white man in blackface in our community. You just have to look at his supporters. Who pushed him to get where he is so fast? It's these individuals in Hyde Park, who don't always have the best interests of the community in mind."
ReplyDeleteGood Obama article, but leaves out his trash tactics in his senate run in 2004.
The chairwoman of an Alaskan political party that advocates a vote on the state’s secession from the union said Tuesday that she had been mistaken when she said Gov. Sarah Palin had been a member of the group.
pray hard michael - after watching and actively listening to some of the convention spin last evening, i'm affraid the truth is gone, that nearly everyone speaking has contradicted themselves on opinions they previously upheld ranging from the notions of experience, fundemental moral issues, and events of history that defy interpretation ...
ReplyDeletei'm affraid this convention is like the closing argument at a trial that doesn't require fact, only memorable bytes to create more confusion, misinformation, and fear in the minds of the listener - and that the vast majority of the voting public is too ignorant or too gullible to distinguish truth from lies - perhaps there was wisdom in shakespere's adage about lawyers ...
i'm affraid that evil has a more discernable face than ever in the right wing conservative republican party and the constituency that uphold its' lack of principles ...
it gives new credence to the hilary theory of " a vast, right wing conspiracy" ...
but hey, i'm just a non-voting, non affiliated, tax paying, born and bred american, trying to err on the side of truth, justice, and good ...
The survial of representative US representative government and the continuation of a military, capable of protecting us at home and abroad hang in the balance.
ReplyDeleteLaws are made in this country by elected representatives that are held accountable by voters. Liberal Democrats believe it not only OK, but is preferable if unelected judges,who are appointed for life, change, modify or make up new laws.Obama is the most radical liberal to ever represent a major party. If elected, he will appoint judges in his own image. He will probabley appoint 3-4 judges who could serve for up to 30 years. This will alter our government to something not recognizable to our founding fathers or to people who value the power of the vote.
Obama has said on tape that he plans to gut the military, which will leave the US and the world defenseless in a dangerous world.
If I were a praying man I would pray for a McCain Palim victory. Absent that, I will give money and work for the campaign.
The physiognomy of the Republican conventioneers was truly frightening. Who was it said we get the face we deserve? The bloated, teeth gnashing, bilious faces and their reactions to Guiliani's and Palin's goading were beyond terrifying. Only Bosch might have captured them on
ReplyDeletecanvas--or maybe Ralph Steadman. God help us all.
To me, the "entrenched Washington elite" are the lobbyists (such as the imprisoned Jack Abramof)who are warping this country beyond recognition. But these are definitely not the people Palin was referring to.
ReplyDeletemmm, thought about your comments jim and couldn't avoid response ...
ReplyDeleteso 20th century - all the old fashion military tactics all over the world haven't been able to stave off the new version of lashing out about injustices we refer to as terrorism ...
all that muscle didn't stop anything on 9/11 - and the ensuing machismo hasn't really solved any problems while bin ladens' laughing hysterically somewhere at the effects that are sustained by our own myopia - ie., depletion of resources, money, jobs, - discrimination, profiling, fear, et f'n cetera ...
and that tape thing of obama wanting to gut the military - wish i had a penny for everytime i heard bush say something that sounded stupid - at least obama's brain is in the right place - it's time to trim the fat $ this fear has caused - besides, doing the same thing over and over again - the new battles are apt to be more strategic - besides, peace-keepers, diplomacy/policy, conflict resolution, and education are the way history has identified as a method to resolve issues ...
and that ditty about the judges - 'bout time we threw some conscience into the mix ...
thinki 21st century baby ...
Hi Harryn,
ReplyDeleteRe: judges legislating from the bench vs. elected representatives making laws
Give me an example of how conscience should or would change the importance of congressmen held responsible for what they do(as was set out in the Constitution. Courts were never given the power to legislate in the Constitution.) vs. unaccountable, unelected judges making law from the bench. With three or more additional liberal judges, judicial legislating will become even more common.
Note: Conservative, strict constructionist judges do not believe in legislating from the bench.