Here's a few questions for Palin from a list Maureen Dowd had in today's NY Times:
"What kind of budget-cutter makes a show of getting rid of the state plane, then turns around and bills taxpayers for the travel of her husband and kids between Juneau and Wasilla and sticks the state with a per-diem tab to stay in her own home?
Why was Sarah for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against the Bridge to Nowhere, and why was she for earmarks before she was against them? And doesn’t all this make her just as big a flip-flopper as John Kerry?
What kind of fiscal conservative raises taxes and increases budgets in both her jobs — as mayor and as governor?
Does she really think Adam, Eve, Satan and the dinosaurs mingled on the earth 5,000 years ago?
Why put out a press release about her teenage daughter’s pregnancy and then spend the next few days attacking the press for covering that press release?
As Troopergate unfolds here — an inquiry into whether Palin inappropriately fired the commissioner of public safety for refusing to fire her ex-brother-in-law — it raises this question: Who else is on her enemies list and what might she do with the F.B.I.?
Does she want a federal ban on trans fat in restaurants and a ban on abortion and Harry Potter? And which books exactly would have landed on the literature bonfire if she had had her way with that Wasilla librarian?
Just how is it that Fannie and Freddie have cost taxpayers money (since they haven’t yet)?
What does she have against polar bears?"
I could add my own, like how can she and McCain lie about Obama's tax plan raising taxes for working families when it lowers them, that Obama has been responsible for no legislation when he has sponsored and co-sponsored tons of it and been responsible for ethics reform in politics, tax cuts for working families and extending health care to more children etc., and that he is too partisan and "liberal" to work with Republicans when all the legislation he sponsored was with Republicans and he has a record of being more moderate on many issues than his party, as opposed to Palin who has a record of being more rightwing than her party, as in suing the current administration to get polar bears off the endangered species list just when their habitat is melting away as a result of the gloabl warming she doesn't believe in.
Another would be how do she and McCain get off repeating the story that she sold the former governor of Alaska's luxury jet on E-Bay and made a profit, when it didn't sell on E-Bay but through a broker and lost money rather than made a profit.
I doubt Charlie Gibson will ask them because his network, ABC, has made clear its bias in favor of Republicans and McCain in its coverage of the campaign so far, e.g. in the debates they've hosted or covered, drilling Obama on why he didn't wear a flag lapel pin (though sometimes he did and sometimes he didn't) but not asking Hilary or McCain why they also weren't wearing flag lapel pins in several televised debates and speeches etc.
[PS:And to the rightwing commentors on this blog, but most specifically the one who goes by the name "another lally"—I don't let people come into my home and insult me or my family or my friends. I ask them to stop and if they don't I throw them out. Anyone who continues to call the oldest party in the world "The Democrat Party" when it calls itself the Democratic Party, and has been called that by everyone else throughout its history pre-Rush/Rove, is a partisan ideologue who is not interested in a dialogue or even argument but only in bullying folks through insults, lies, and verbal belligerance. Despite the use of my last name, you ain't family, so enough's enough (and by the way, pretty much every statement you've made against Obama and for McCain/Palin can be refuted with facts, either you misrepresent what critics of Palin and McCain have stated or you just have your information wrong (as Rush and Rove often do and knowingly). This is my blog and I don't intend to spend my time and energy responding to your lies and misrepresentations and insults to me and my friends as if it's yours.]
Every attempt to discredit Sarah seems to strengthen her. Even though Obama used unfortuate phraseology,"lipstick on a pig", to discribe McCain's proposals, he is getting nailed for anti feminists remarks. Obama is being ill served by the net roots crowd that are trying to distroy Sarah. In that, "turnabout is fair play" the McCain campaign(a little unseemly for my tastes) is playing the feminist card like Obama played the race card.
ReplyDeleteIn retrospect Obama should have taken McCain up on the townhall meetings. He may have lost on substance, but he would not have to face all the emotional feminist stuff.
Here is an example of Democrats ineptitude.
ReplyDeleteELECTION 2008
Official Democrat website: Palin pick 'lipstick on a pig'
Posting with photograph of dolled-up swine made before Obama's controversial remarks
Posted: September 10, 2008
10:24 am Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Image posted on Democratic National Committee website
The official website of the Democratic Party has a blog posting entitled, "McCain's Selection of Palin is Lipstick on a Pig," illustrated by an altered photograph of a pig with makeup, designer glasses and pearls.
Here's a few things I would want to ask her:
ReplyDeleteFirst, I would want someone to ask her some tough questions about Russia and our relations with Russia. She holds herself out as an expert on Russia- because Alaska is up there, you know, next to Russia, and I want to see if she really knows anything about Russia.
Next, I would ask her some questions relating to national security. She also holds herself out as an expert on National Security by virtue of her position as "Commander in Chief of the Alaskan National Guard". Will she be able to talk intelligently on the subject?
Anyway, good job on your last paragraph, setting some boundaries on your blog comments. I'm yet another Lally who's not family, but nonetheless a fan.
I actually went on the ABC site and signed up as a member so that I could send a comment to Charlie Gibson regarding a question I wanted him to ask Palin. There were over 500 good souls before me! I read a few of them and it looks like everyone is making great suggestions. I put my two cents worth in: "Do you believe in equal pay for equal work for women?" My understanding is that she and McCain are against any governmental action to right that egregious wrong. Here are the facts from the AFL-CIO web site:
ReplyDelete"In 2007, women were paid only 77 cents for every dollar a man is paid, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Economist Evelyn Murphy, president and founder of The WAGE Project, estimates the wage gap costs the average full-time U.S. woman worker between $700,000 and $2 million over the course of her work life."
It seems to me that the so-called Wal-Mart moms, (white workin' women), who are supposedly migrating to the dark side will not like Palin's answer at all, if she will even answer the question honestly.
~ Willy
Can anyone say it any better than Biden? "Maybe Hillary would have been a better pick"?
ReplyDeleteHere's another question Gibson won't ask: If she believes so completely in the sanctity of life, that she would deny her own daughter an abortion if she was the victim of rape or incest, what about the sanctity of her unborn grandchild's life?
ReplyDeleteHow do you ensure the safety, care and good future of a child born to child-parents, wholly unprepared - financially and emotionally - to care for them?
And how does she propose to be there "and unconditionally support" her daughter and the baby's father when she's Vice President of the United States?
Will she be conducting the interviews for the nanny or au pair that will help her daughter raise the baby?
Will she and her husband be setting aside a portion of their income to house, feed, clothe and educate their grandchild, until her daughter and the baby's father have matured sufficiently to do the hard work that is parenting? The hard work that even grown, well-intentioned, able-bodied adults have notoriously screwed-up since the dawn of time?
This is not about sexism; this is about hypocrisy.
Don't preach that each life is precious and then deny your children (and the women of your state and potentially all the girls and women of this country through policy) the means to PREVENT unplanned pregnancies.
A woman who proclaims to believe in the sanctity of life should have been the driving force for sex education in public schools and access to contraception at publicly funded health care facilities in her state.
Keep it up Liberals. Pound her! If you can just keep it up, I think McCain might run it up to a 60% victory and have coat tails that could take back the congress.
ReplyDeleteDear Michael, I have another point of view on the bridge to nowhere. I believe that Obama should say that after some thought he approves of the construction of this bridge. Why you ask?
ReplyDeleteWhen the gov't built the railroads the west was teeming with bufalos and red skins; now it's just filled with white folk, except for the indians that are invading us from South of the border. Hey if you build the bridge they will come. That Southern part of Alaska is beautiful. Might like to go live there myself if there was a bridge. Build a bridge and I bet it will go somewhere in no time