Friday, October 10, 2008


They're actually trying to pin the world economic meltdown on Democrats!

The current rightwing Republican administration was warned about what's happened over the past few weeks time and again by many, including Obama, but just as they responded to the warnings from the outgoing Clinton administration and from their own intelligence advisors that Al Queda was planning a major attack on the U. S. and as they were warned by the U. S. Weather warning system and The Army Corps of Engineers and their own advisors about the impact Katrina might have on New Orleans, and just as they were warned by military leaders, their own and retired ones from previous administrations about the necessity of not invading Iraq, but if doing so doing it with a larger force and being prepared for the chaos to follow—they ignored every warning and twiddled their thumbs while they and their cronies profited from their mistakes.

And now they're trying to pin the 1960s radicalism of Bill Ayers on Obama, though he was a little boy when those events occurred. But as I said in a comment on a previous blog and is worth repeating in case you missed it, their guilt by association McCartyhism is not only tired and lame, it's self destructive.

Reagan was friends with Werner Von Broun, the Nazi scientist who created the V rockets that destroyed much of London and murdered innumberable people in England and elswhere, and who was a friend of Hitler's, therefore by their logic Reagan shares in the guilt for all those killed by the Nazis.

Junior and the entire Bush family were and are in business with and very intimate family friends with and profit from their connection to the Saudi Arabian leaders, therefore all the Bushes are co-responsible for 9/11 and all deaths caused by radical jihadism (since it originates in Wahhabinism which originates in Saudi Arabia and is supported by the Saudi leaders).

John McCain has ties to innumerable rightwing hatemongers and was on the board of an organization that is racist and anti-semitic, which is actually a truly bad association, but he also made friends with his Vietnamese Communist adversaries so therefore he now shares guilt for all the deaths on our side caused by them (over 50,000, including friends of mine), and there is ample evidence, including the testimony of fellow POWs who aren't his supporters—that the confession McCain gave under pressures many of them also were subjected to (but they never gave up military information) included giving information about bomber routes and bombing missions and targets that led to more of our planes being shot down (statistically provable by the way) after his confession, as well as more American troops dying. So McCain is therefore co-responsible for millions of deaths, shall we go on?

And don't forget, Reagan and the Bushes and McCain were all adults when their friends did the nefarious deeds that led to the deaths of multitudes. And they were and are actual friends. Obama was a boy when Ayers promoted radical actions to fight against the Viet Nam war effort, actions which led to no deaths at the time, and a handful later but not caused by Ayers, by the way. And Obama and he are not friends—as I'm sure you all know Ayers is a professor now and he and Obama served on the same board of an organization dedicated to improving public education, and Ayers hosted a fundraiser for Obama's Senate race in his home. As did many other people Obama either had never met or only knew as fellow prominent Chicagoans, etc.

We know these tactics are born from desperation because McCain and Palin have no real solutions to the enormous problems facing this country except to blame the Democrats and Obama for problems caused by Republicans, and when that doesn't stick, start throwing accusations about being friends with "terrorists."

It's heartbreaking to see what could have been one of the first modern campaigns to be more about issues than personal attacks turn into one of the most disgusting displays of smear tactics and rabble rousing. Unfortunately these tactics will only get worse I'm afraid, and the people behind them won't disappear if they fail to steal the election, which they are hard at work doing by questioning voter registration in predominantly Democratic districts in swing states already.


  1. The world financial crisis is directly attributable to Democrats. Greenspan, Bush, McCain, Pres. Clinton warned congressional Democrats of the excesses of the GSEs. The Democrats black mailed banks into making sub standard loans. The Democrats blocked legislation that would have deleveraged and tightened oversight. The GSEs and Obama's financial advisor, Raines, were major Democrat Party contributors, so they were protected by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Obama, Chuch Schumer et al.

    This melt down was designed and created by Democrat Party congressional greed and incompetence.

  2. Democrat Party voter fraud is a time honored tradition. JFK would never have been elected without the thousands of Chicago deceased voters in 1960. ACORN is a Democrat party crimminal organization. Hopefully the Feds will use the RICCO laws and put lawbreakers in jail.

  3. It's hard to blame either party for the economic meltdown we're seeing now. It's not a partisan problem, it's a corruption problem. Money corrupts politicians without regard to party affiliation.

    Wall Street Banks had money, power and influence in Congress. Case in point is the the latest Bankruptcy reform legislation. It was written by the banking industry to limit debtors from getting relief from their debts to banks.

    In this situation, what the banks were doing was loan sharking. Predatory lending can be lucrative under the right conditions. However, their actions caught up with them. They used their power, money and influence to convince Congress to allow them to keep their earnings, and shove off their losses onto the American taxpayers. They do this every several years. This time, however, you won't see anybody go to jail like Charles Keating did. The Bank has been at work gutting the penalties for their actions.

    We'll get upset about this, and about 10 years will pass, and then some lender will wonder why nobody has tapped into the subprime market. Then it will start anew.

    Oh, and by the way, the poor are not responsible for the economic meltdown. The poor are the only ones who acted as a rational market participant would. After all, it's just as easy to get evicted from an apartment you can't afford to rent as it is to be ejected from a home you can't afford to buy. Any suggestion that our problems were caused by the poor, by minorities or by immigrants is just plain silly.

  4. Dear M:
    It's a little naive of you to think that an issues-based campaign was ever really in the cards. That is not the way repubs roll---they always run smear campaigns (even against each other) because they would automatically lose any election based on issues. Their only hope is fear & smear. Fortunately, this time around, they are up against a smart and strategic opponent in Obama, and their collective failures are so staggeringly obvious that they are having a very hard time hiding them from public view. And on top of that, Democrats are not inclined to turn the other cheek this time around. (In fact, I think we should be challenging the validity of voters in heavily republican districts around the country---to create long lines of frustrated citizens who will give up on voting and go home---as the repubs are planning to do in Democratic districts.)

  5. Once again everything Jim says is a lie, starting with calling the Democratic Party by a name that is not its true one. For those who don't know, Raines is an African American associated with the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac problems who inquired of the Obama campaign if they could use him as an advisor but they turned him down. He has no association with Obama or his campaign, The other allegations are so transparently and patently untrue they don't need me to dismiss them. There's been enough misinformation and lies and viscious ones spewed forth from the right in this campaign to actually convince many followers of Fox News and Rush and Rove et. al. to believe, as Jim seems to, that if Obama is elected he'll turn America into a communist-socialist state before turning it over to radical Muslims and Chicago gangsters. It is a sad state of affairs to see so many citizens falling for this hate mongering propaganda, but there's no room on this blog for it. So I will delete that stuff Jim if you continue to propagate lies that contribute to the rabble rousing hatred that now threatens violence against Obama and those who support him (as can be seen in numerous videos of McCain/Palin followers calling for Obama's death, and death to those who support him, based on their beliefs that he is a secret radical Muslim gangster communist-socialist. Incredibly sad. heart breaking actually. How low they must stoop to try and destroy a good man because their man seems to be slipping in the polls. And how easily tricked so many seem to be, though thankfully a minority.

  6. Hi Mike,
    This should take care of supposed lie #1 on Raines.

    You will have to ad Bill Clinton to your list of Right Wing Liers, since he places the blame for the GSE meltdown on the Democrats.(see item 2)

    #3 covers Obama having to amend election reports on $800,000 to the voter fraud organization, ACORN.

    Do you have any more lies? This has been fun.

    1# Allegation of Raines and Obama connection
    On July 16, 2008, The Washington Post reported that Franklin Raines had "taken calls from Barack Obama's presidential campaign seeking his advice on mortgage and housing policy matters." [19]. Also, in an editorial in August 27, 2008 titled "Tough Decision Coming", the Washington Post editorial staff wrote that "Two members of Mr. Obama's political circle, James A. Johnson and Franklin D. Raines, are former chief executives of Fannie Mae."[20]

    2#President Clinton told ABC News That the blame for the Fannie Mae Meltdown Lies squarely at the feet of Corrupt DEMOCRATS who blocked efforts to regulate and investigate Fannie Mae. You have to admire his honesty, candor, and political courage-

    Watch The Jim Angle Report It Links To The

    PS You should be happy. At least Pre. Bill did not call them the "Democrat Party".

    3#Obama to amend report on $800,000 in spending
    By David M. Brown
    Friday, August 22, 2008

    Buzz up!

    U.S. Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign paid more than $800,000 to an offshoot of the liberal Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now for services the Democrat's campaign says it mistakenly misrepresented in federal reports.

    An Obama spokesman said Federal Election Commission reports would be amended to show Citizens Services Inc. -- a subsidiary of ACORN -- worked in "get-out-the-vote" projects, instead of activities such as polling, advance work and staging major events as stated in FEC finance reports filed during the primary.

  7. Hi Mike,
    I forgot lie #4. Obama failed to protect born alive aborted babies and in fact his action was advocation of infanticide.

    In the Illinois Senate, Obama opposed legislative efforts in 2001, 2002 and 2003 to give legal protections to any aborted fetus that showed signs of life. The 2003 measure was virtually identical to a bill President Bush signed into law in 2002 that unanimously passed the U.S. Senate.

    Source available upon request.

    Note: I wonder if the real "Messiah" would have approved of that one?

  8. Jim, I don't have time to get into a footnote war with you. Your statements are still lies. Raines is not part of the Obama campaign. The newspaper article you quote is from an editorial, not a fact based investigative report, of which I have read several in the past few weeks, all making it clear that raines has never been and is not now a member of Obama's campaign as an advisor or otherwise, except as one of millions of supporters who want to see him be our next president. As for Bill Clinton's statement, he has made several over the past week or two about the financial crisis laying most of the blame where it belongs at the feet of the republican party and their deregulation policies and mistakes in addressing a problem most intelligent observers have been aware of for a while now (even me, with few financial expert credentials has been forcasting much of this for awhile.) You distort a few phrases here and there, parroting your rightwing spin masters, Rush and all the others, against enough factual evidence to fill several office buildings or more. And all just to aggravate people who you know don't agree with you and won't fall for your rightwing bluster and lies and smear tactics. Which means, like many on the right who see the writing on the wall and can't take it, so you strike out blindly in hopes of hitting something.

  9. Hi Mike,
    Once again you are never at a loss for words,only facts.

  10. Global Warming Update.

    I awoke to 6 inches of snow on my deck this morning. My cabin is at 10500 ft.

    Anchorage Alaska had the coldest summer on record and the earliest freeze last week.

    Boise Idaho received its earliest snow on record. The valley shived as winter weather made a premature appearance.

    Big Al Gore may want to rename hes movie to "An Incnvient Freeze".
