Thursday, October 9, 2008


It seems pointless to even comment anymore. McCain looked like a troll, alternating a self-satisfied smile—when he thought he had zinged Obama or just gotten all his talking points out—with a mean pout that looked like he couldn't believe he wasn't just getting handed the presidency for saying all the "right" things.

As for Palin, she has proven herself to be not only ill-informed and incapable of stating the truth, but her nasty streak, the one Alaskans talk about her using against anyone who challenges her or questions her, has grown to the point of her seeming willingness (along with Cindy and John McCain) to incite their loyal rightwing crowds to shouting death threats against Obama as if that's how our democracy works (though unfortunately in our history, it too often has, witness JFK, Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy, et. al.).

It was disheartening to see the various focus groups interviewed on the networks and cable news shows after the debate who couldn't seem to make up their minds because they thought neither candidate gave any specifics. Obama couldn't have been more specific. Even McCain was specific a few times, in ways that should have made it clear to any clear thinking citizen that his ideas and projected policies will not solve any of our big problems but instead will make most of them worse.

Unfortunately, policy and how it gets carried out are lost on a lot of our fellow citizens, and so short easy answers, or stories, work best. Obama had a few great moments where he seemed to realize that, like when he said he thought health care is a right. And McCain gave Obama one—at least for those of us who are paying attention and can see past the spin—when he said the country needs a "steady hand" on the rudder in these times of crisis, and most of us could nod our heads and agree that Obama has been the steady one while McCain has been erratic.

I hope the Dems are smart enough to run adds making that point.


  1. Questions of Obama for the next debate

    Why have you represented and trained operatives for the ACORN group. ACORN routinely violates election law and has been doing so way before you represented them in 1996 Motor Voter case in Illinois. Did you teach them their intimidation tactics when you were an ACORN trainer? ACORN intimidated bankers to make shaky loans to poor city folks. Do you think it was appropriate to go to the banker’s homes and scare the wives of the bankers. Why do you continue to use the services of this organization that attempts to commit fraud against the US election process.

    Why did you and your allies Dodd, Frank, Schumer block the regulation that would have deleveraged and regulate the GSEs as Presidents Clinton and Bush advocated. Why did you not cross party lines and vote in support of John McCain and the Republicans program to regulate and deleverage. Should you return the $125,000 in funds that you received from Fannie Mae?

    You were a member of the Democrat Socialist party in 1996. Do you still believe in socialism? Is that a philosophy that you would follow if you become president?

    Your only executive position was as Chairman of Chicago Annenberg Project. You approved $50,000,000 for projects run and inspired by fellow board member Bill Ayers. The projects were to promote community activism in the schools. Was this appropriate for money that was supposed to raise scores and promote leaning in the schools. Academic scores have continued to deteriorate in Chicago. Do you think it is ethical to direct funds to a fellow board member? Do you think it was appropriate to give funds for community activism, when the intend of the donor was to raise scores and promote learning?

    PS What does Barak Obama and Osama Bin Laden have in common? They both have friends that bombed the Pentagon.

  2. Jim, your guilt by association McCartyhism is not only tired and lame, it's self destructive. Reagan was friends with Werner Von Broun, the Nazi scientist who created the V rockets that destroyed much of London and murdered innumberable people in England and elswhere, and who was a friend of Hitler's therefore Reagan shares in the guilt for all those killed by the Nazis. Junior and the entire Bush family were and are in business with and very intimate family friends with the Saudi Arabian leaders therefore all the Bushes are co-responsible for 9/11 and all deaths caused by radical jihadism (since it originates in Wahhabinism which originates in Saudi Arabia and is supported by the Saudi leaders). John McCain has ties to innumerable rightwing hatemongers and was on the board of an organization that is racist and anti-semitic, which is actually a truly bad association, but he also made friends with his Vietnamese Communist adversaries so therefore he now shares guilt for all the deaths on our side caused by them (over 50,000, including friends of mine), and there is ample evidence—including the testimony of fellow POWs who aren't his supporters who testify—that the confession McCain gave under pressures many of them also were subjected to but they never gave up military information, but according to them, McCain gave plane routes and bombing mission sites that led to more of our planes being shot down (statistically provable by the way) after his confession, as well as more Americn troops dying. So McCain is therefore co-responsible for millions of deaths, shall we go on?

  3. Republicans are fond of using the slogan "9/11 changed everything" to excuse a number of sins including torture, preemptive warfare, warrantless wiretapping of US Citizens, and maltreatment of our troops and veterans. We are asked to look at everything through the prism of 9/11.

    I would argue that Viet Nam and the Civil Rights movement "changed everything". If you can't view the Weather Underground movement or William Ayers through the prism of the turbulence of the times, any discussion of him in present day politics is meaningless.

  4. So it is ok for Obama to become president even if he:

    1- Supports ACORN's fraudulent vote getting and intimidation tactics.
    2- Supports and agrees with the way Frank, Dodd, Schumer, all Democrats, supported the GSEs that are at the center of our financial panic. It is fine take a $125,000 payoff.
    3-Directed $50,000,000 in funds to his friend and terroist, Ayers to promote community activism rather than learning. Apparently it was no problem going against the wishes of the donor.
    4- Promote and govern, if elected, as a socialist, if his 1996 party membership is to be believed.

    Mike, you have a real talent for evading and obviscating. You and Obama are well suited to each other.

  5. Viewing bombing and murder through the "Prisim of the time" and excusing a terrorist is an abomination. I am surprised some relative of those murdered by Ayers and Dohrn has not taken them out.

  6. A special touch from racist, America hater Louis Farrakhan. "Obame is the Messiah".

    It just confirms what Obama has said, that "He is the one for whom we have been waiting for". I feel holy just listening to Farrakhan and Obama.

  7. If you get points for the number of posts you make, jim wins.
