Monday, October 13, 2008


When I was a kid, I always got confused and called Frankenstein's monster Frankenstein, like most kids, and actually many adults.

I got the monster and his creator confused. But now I know the difference, and in our current crisis, the cynical rightwing political manipulators behind uncredited rightwing attacks on Obama, along with Palin's and McCain's (though he showed some regret for his part in it briefly a few times on Friday), Rove and his surrogates and those in the rightwing media from FOX News to Rush et. al. know very well that Obama is not a socialist, a communist, a gangster or a terrorist, let alone a Muslim, anything other than "American," etc.

But they fuel these rumors and smears and lies because it is the only game they have left. And the monster they create—young couples afraid for their children's lives if Obama gets elected (!) and old people believing he's an Islamic terrorist (!) etc.—can lead to no good, as we learned the last time this kind of anger was fueled by the right in order to get Nixon elected. I was on the receiving end of some of that anger, not pretty.

Here's a link to a youtube video of what they've wrought.


  1. The racist attacks have come from Obama. He used it against Bill and Hillary in the primary. He and his surogates are using it against McPalim. I don't think it will work. Hillary cleaned his clock in the later primaries. If the rules had been all or nothing rather than proportional voting, Hillary would be the nominee.

    The financial panic has reversed Obama's fortunes. If the markets come back in the next couple of weeks, McPalim has a chance.

  2. And what would "Jim" have said had Hilary been the nominee?
    Bob B.

  3. I would have said she would be less scary than Obama. The Clinton's are center left, if I assume she would have governed as Bill did. Obama is an out and out socialist as evidenced by his membership in th Democratic Socialist party in 1996. If Obama is elected he will be teamed up with Pelosi/Reid who are also on the scary wacko liberal wing of the Democrat party. Terror from my view point is unchecked liberal socialism that those three represent.

  4. "Right-wingers of the Bush-Rove ilk have had a tough time finding a human face to put on their failed, inhuman, mean-as-hell policies. But it was hard not to recognize the genius of wedding that faltering brand of institutionalized greed to the image of the suburban-American supermom. It's the perfect cover, for there is almost nothing in the world meaner than this species of provincial tyrant."

    Read Matt Taibbi's entire article from the 10/2 Rolling Stone;

  5. We had the biggest one day market move since 10/21/1987. We only need 6%+ to get above 10,000 on the Dow with corresponding moves in the other indices. If we can do that and hold in the next week, McPalim should get a big boost, since they had been tagged with the panic.

    This election could have a real exciting finish.

  6. Hey jim,

    Since the market's doing so well, can we have our $700 billion back?
