Saturday, October 18, 2008


Here's an article worth quoting, to show what the rabble rousing is creating.

"Greg Gordon | McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — An ACORN community organizer received a death threat and the liberal activist group's Boston and Seattle offices were vandalized Thursday, reflecting mounting tensions over its role in registering 1.3 million mostly poor and minority Americans to vote next month.

Attorneys for the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now were notifying the FBI and the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division of the incidents, said Brian Kettenring, a Florida-based spokesman for the group.

Republicans, including presidential candidate John McCain, have verbally attacked the group repeatedly in recent days, alleging a widespread vote-fraud scheme, although they've provided little proof. It was disclosed Thursday that the FBI is examining whether thousands of fraudulent voter-registration applications submitted by some ACORN workers were part of a systematic effort or isolated incidents.

Kettenring said that a senior ACORN staffer in Cleveland, after appearing on television this week, got an e-mail that said she 'is going to have her life ended.'

A female staffer in Providence, R.I., got a threatening call from someone who said words to the effect of 'We know you get off work at 9,' then uttered racial epithets, he said.

McClatchy is withholding the women's names because of the threats.

Separately, vandals broke into the group's Boston and Seattle offices and stole computers, Kettenring said.

The incidents came the day after McCain charged in the final presidential debate that ACORN's voter-registration drive "may be perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history" and may be 'destroying the fabric of democracy.'

McCain's comments provoked a response from ACORN.

'I would not say that Senator McCain is inciting violence,' Kettenring said, 'but I would say that his statements about the role of this manufactured scandal were totally outlandish. We would call on Senator McCain to tamp down the fringe elements in his party.'

McCain's campaign didn't immediately respond to requests for comment.

Kettenring said that ACORN had received growing amounts of hate mail in recent weeks, but 'the campaign debate sort of tipped it over to a scary point, where raising allegations of voter fraud went from a cynical campaign ploy to really inciting racial violence.'

Since McCain's remarks, ACORN's 87 offices across the country have received hundreds of hostile e-mails, many of them containing racial slurs, Kettenring said. "We believe that these are specifically McCain supporters" sending the messages, he said.

The e-mail to the Cleveland employee was traced to a Facebook Web page in the name of a Baltimore man. It featured a photo of a McCain-Palin sign.

Kettenring said that the bulk of the e-mails had been either 'flat-out racist' or had racial overtones. Most of the group's 400 members and about 80 percent of the 13,000 voter-registration canvassers are African-American or Latino.

It's unclear whether the alleged threats violated federal law, but Jonah Goldman, the director of the National Campaign for Fair Elections at the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a nonpartisan, nonprofit legal organization that battles discrimination, argued that the Voting Rights Act should apply.

'A real concern is the impact that these terrible acts have on the people who registered through these registration drives," Goldman said. "Legitimate, eligible voters who sign up through these registration drives may be understandably intimidated and choose not to show up at the polls, and the Voting Rights Act prevents voter intimidation.'


  1. These attacks have all the earmarks of the Obama campaign.

    The similarities to their attack on 'Joe the Plumber' are very telling.

    ACORN is just another cohort of Obama being thrown off the cliff to join Bill Ayres, Rev. Wright, Tony Rezko, Louis Farakhan and a cast of others.

  2. Dear M:
    The McCain-Palin Nazi storm troopers obviously feel emboldened. I did find it heartening, however, that the Obama campaign is calling for a special prosecutor to investigate what appears to be collusion between the Bush administration, the republican party, and the McCain campaign to manufacture these bogus charges against Acorn. The strategy is classic republican dirty politics: while we are busy trying to steal the election, please look over here at these people we want you to think are stealing the election. Smear & fear: the rightwing way.

  3. Obama is the one who has deployed "Truth Squads" to attempt to shut down media outlets that run opposition ads to Obama. It is followers of Obama who attacked and threatened the Chicago radio station that had Stanley Kurz on.He did the research of Obama's role in distribution millions of dollars from the Annenberg research project. The funds were supposed to go to education, like reading, riting and rithmatic but went to ACORN instead. Obama, in is only executive position, should have prosecuted for malfeasence.

  4. Folks who are bothered by obama's stance on infanticide, should take note of Denver's archbishop.

    Archbishop criticizes Obama, Catholic allies

    Oct 19, 6:34 AM (ET)


    (AP) Denver Archbishop Charles J. Chaput speaks during a news conference in Denver in this Tuesday, July...

    DENVER (AP) - Denver Roman Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput labeled Barack Obama the "most committed" abortion-rights candidate from a major party in 35 years while accusing a Catholic Obama ally and other Democratic-friendly Catholic groups of doing a "disservice to the church."

    Chaput, one of the nation's most politically outspoken Catholic prelates, delivered the remarks Friday night at a dinner of a Catholic women's group.

  5. This is the best article I have yet to see on the "Regressives" and how their greed has devastated our once great and respected nation.

  6. Once Obama wins, we're going to have to wage a campaign for the hearts and minds of these embittered souls. We have to kill every last vestige of the party of Bush.

  7. Have you ever noticed that when there are falsehoods or abuses in gun licensing paperwork, it's not enough to stop the dangerous gun shows from selling arms to terrorists... but

    When there are falsehoods and abuses in voter registration, even in a situation where the registrations are flagged by Acorn, reviewed by state and county officials, subject to review by the opposition party, and susceptible to prosecution by the Justice Department, a voter registration drive is dangerous to the "fabric of our democracy".

    Selling guns to terrorists must be tolerated in our society. Zero tolerance on voter registration drives.

    It really goes to show where our priorities are in the country.

  8. It's rather absurd to equate the vote, the basis of our Democracy, with gun shows.

    There is no greater crime than the invalidation of the vote in a nation such as ours.

    How the party of Jim Crowe, poll taxes and voting tests can stand in support of obvious voter fraud in this day and age is astounding.

    I can guarantee that if Obama loses there will be claims of cheating. If McCain loses, life goes on, but with the lunatic fringe in Congress using the presidency as a rubber stamp.

    Can you fathom the insanity of the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee claiming that the failure of oversight that led to the financial crisis is not his fault ?

    Putting Chris Dodd and Barney Frank in charge of any facet of the bailout or recovery monies is insanity.

  9. Isn't it amazing how rightwing thinking can twist anything, any situation, and circumstance, any fact, any reality, into an idictment of liberals and Democrats (not always the same thing, obviously). If only the rightwing conservative Republicans could get control of the presidency and Congress and the Supreme Court, than you can be sure every vote would count (except in Florida of course or any other swing state that might determine the election). Why if it wasn't for Democrats warning about AlQueda and Bin laden and a possible attack using airplanes as bombs on our country and warning about deregulation of financial instituions and etc. etc. the Republicans could have put a rightwinger in charge and rubber stamped all his actions and led this country to greater glory, oh, woops, they did get all that, and led this country into the greatest decline on every front since it was founded. The rightwingers are always telling us to go to Canada if we like universal healthcare enough (and Obama haters in McCain/Palin audiences have actually been telling Obama supporters to go to "Russia" because they still think Russia is "Communist" and that Obama is too!) but now since a conservative won in Canada we can tell rightwingers if they don't like democracy USA style, which includes the Democratic Party duh, they can hoof it to Canada if Democrats take the kind of control rightwing Republicans have had for eight years (yes, including the last two because as they well know— or if they don't then they should keep quiet because obviously they don't have a clue how our government works—the Democrats cannot override a fillibuster by Republicans in the Senate or a veto by the Republican president because they don't have a wide enough majority. So the Senate is virtually controlled by the Republican opposition except in cases where individual Republican Senators find it politically expedient to vote with the Democrats, ala veterans rights (which the Republican president and Congress had denied for six years).

  10. I wasn't equating the vote with gun shows.

    I was comparing the value of voting with the value of owning a gun. In my opinion, the value of voting outweighs the value of gun proliferation.

    I was also comparing the value of gun dealers with the value of voter registration drives. Again voter registration seems to outweigh gun dealership.

    I don't understand why anybody would want to keep Acorn from registering voters because of some abuse, but tolerate gun shows despite abuse.

  11. "...the lunatic fringe in Congress using the presidency as a rubber stamp."


  12. More incouragement for Obama/Biden from Hamas

    ELECTION 2008
    Now terrorists swoon over Biden
    Hamas says VP candidate will help Obama with 'right policy' for Middle East

    Posted: October 19, 2008
    10:39 pm Eastern

    © 2008 WorldNetDaily

    Ahmed Yousef

    JERUSALEM – In an exclusive interview tonight, a senior Hamas official heaped praise on Sen. Joe Biden, calling him a "very nice" person and a "great man" whose record "speaks volumes" and who can be counted on by the terror group to engage in the "right policy" toward the Middle East.

    During the interview with WND's Aaron Klein and WABC Radio's John Batchelor, the Hamas figure also expressed hope regarding Sen. Barack Obama's "vision for change," announcing Hamas will send Obama a letter of congratulation "the moment he will win the election."

  13. jim:
    Are you in the business of spreading Hamas propaganda now?

  14. I just posted the quote by the Hamas person. You can judge if it is propaganda. Obviously, from the quote, Hamas believes it has a horse in the US presidential race.

  15. The ballot should not be a partisan issue. Rule by the majority may not be fair to all parties, but it has so far offerred the best government in history.

    I recall Conyers wanting the UN to send inspectors to oversee our elections. Did he think ACORN was signing up GOP voters ?

    Poll workers are from both parties so any discrepancies are noted on a bipartisan basis.

    Gun proliferation is not a problem.

    Proliferation of crime is a problem.

    Many instances of gun violence would be minimized if the gun man had the fear of equal or greater force.

    In this age of home invasions, a homeowner would at least stand a chance against the invader.

    I'm sure fewer cars would be highjacked at intersections if the highjacker had the fear that the driver had a gun.

    Guns don't kill. People kill.

  16. Biden said Obama to be tested in the first six months. This is of course rememicent of JFK. JFK's percieved weakness led to the disastorus Vienna meeting with Kruzchev. JFK was viewed as pushover. The Cuban Missel Crisis ensued. I don't think foreign enemies will think McCain is a pushover.

    It sure is fun to see Joe at work underming his own ticket.

    Biden to Supporters: "Gird Your Loins", For the Next President "It's Like Cleaning Augean Stables"
    Share October 20, 2008 7:35 AM

    ABC News' Matthew Jaffe Reports: Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sunday guaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions.

  17. As I've said, republicans will twist and contort in order to allow gun shows to sell guns to terrorists, but they will try to cite every single irregularity in order to suppress the right to vote.
