If elected:
Secretary of State: Bill Clinton
Secretary of the Treasury: Warren Buffet
Secretary of Defense: Max Cleland
Attorney General: Hilary Clinton
Secretary of the Interior: Sherman Alexie
Secretary of Agriculture: Willy Nelson
Secretary of Commerce: Oprah Winfrey
Secretary of Labor: Bruce Springsteen
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Jill Bolte Taylor
Secretary of Housing and Development: Jimmy Carter
Secretary of Transportation: Lance Armstrong
Secretary of Energy: Ed Begley Jr.
Secretary of Education: Garrison Keillor
Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Cindy Sheehan
Secretary of Homeland Security: Jim Webb
[In response to good suggestions in the comments:
Poet Laureate: Joanne Kyger
Supreme Court Nominees: (they say at least 3 will most likely retire during the next four years and since Supreme Court Justices weren't always lawyers, let alone Constitutional scholars, I think it's about time we revied that custom and chose people who we truly believe will know how to be fair, so my three would be:
Toni Morrison
Maya Angelou
and Tony Bennett]
Hi Michael
That would be interesting. Do you have a Supreme Court pick, in case of vacancy?
ReplyDeletePerhaps John Edwards (the politician, not the psychic), Barry Scheck?
ReplyDeleteHere is the answer (from Anderson Cooper 360 http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0810/27/acd.01.h... ):
COOPER: It's certainly a question the McCain campaign has kind of been hammering at, portraying Obama as a socialist. You hear that on -- on the Palin campaign as well.
Is it working?
GERGEN: They may be making some modest progress with it, Anderson. We did see some evidence of McCain coming up a point or two here and there. I don't think it's anywhere near close enough to win an election. And more importantly, I don't think the Democrats have really answered it appropriately.
You know, Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, was very much an advocate of what's called progressive taxation. Ad that is the rich pay more than the poor in terms of taxes.
Now, one of the most effective popular programs we've had in the last three decades. It's called the earned income tax credit. It's a program whereby, if you're a working person, a working couple and you're below the poverty line, the government will actually give you money. That's a redistributed program. It's a program which takes money from the upper classes and gives it to the lower -- to the working poor.
Now who started that program? The earned income tax credit? Ronald Reagan. It was one of the -- it was an achievement of the Reagan administration that Bill Clinton then built on.
So I think that these arguments are -- you know, some of them get so carried away that they don't recognize the realities of what we've been going through in public policy and the big arguments about why the wealth over the last 30 years has been redistributed. It's been redistributed upwards.
Other Republican Presidents who supported "redistribution of wealth":
"I believe in a graduated income tax on big fortunes, and in another tax which is far more easily collected and far more effective: a graduated inheritance tax increasing rapidly with the size of the estate.”
- Theodore Roosevelt
“Every dollar spent by the government must be paid for either by taxes or by more borrowing with greater debt. The only way to make more tax cuts now is to have bigger and bigger deficits and to borrow more and more money. Either we or our children will have to bear the burden of this debt. This is one kind of chicken that always comes home to roost. An unwise tax cutter, my fellow citizens, is no real friend of the taxpayer."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
In 1986, Reagan signed legislation greatly increasing the earned income tax credit, a credit for low-income workers that reduces the impact of payroll taxes in order to boost take-home pay above poverty levels. When the credit is more than the amount of federal income taxes owed by an individual, that person receives a tax “refund.”
“It's the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress.”
- Ronald Reagan
that's fine michael - but since the arts have been so deprived over the past eight years, i urge you to develop sub committees to compensate for the bush oversights ...
ReplyDeletewhat about poet laureate ?
You might want to hold off on those appointments. The race seems to be tightening.
Apparently Obama owes, the terrorist, Ayers for more than just his start in politics.
ReplyDeleteExperts affirm: Ayers wrote Obama's memoir
Scientific analyses independently find radical's mark on 'Dreams From My Father'
Posted: October 29, 2008
12:12 am Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Independent scientific analysis by a number of leading experts supports the literary detective work of WND columnist Jack Cashill that has led him to conclude unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers was the primary author of important sections of Barack Obama's highly acclaimed memoir and editor of the book as a whole
Apparently Obama owes, the terrorist, Ayers for more than just his start in politics.
ReplyDeleteExperts affirm: Ayers wrote Obama's memoir
Scientific analyses independently find radical's mark on 'Dreams From My Father'
Posted: October 29, 2008
12:12 am Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Independent scientific analysis by a number of leading experts supports the literary detective work of WND columnist Jack Cashill that has led him to conclude unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers was the primary author of important sections of Barack Obama's highly acclaimed memoir and editor of the book as a whole
gosh jim - the rove-rush reich must be so proud of you for your impertinence ...
ReplyDeleteTo paraphrase a great American;
I would remind you that impertinence in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
Hi Mike,
ReplyDeleteHow is that global warming theory working for you? At this rate maybe you and Flyn can skate at Cameron Field for Thanksgiving.
Snowfall snarls traffic and cuts power to 62,000 homes
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 BY MIKE FRASSINELLIStar-Ledger Staff
No one dreams of a White Halloween. But the highway salt trucks arrived before the trick-or-treaters this year, as a nor'easter blasted parts of New Jersey yesterday with more than a foot of snow and wind gusts approaching 50 mph.
Poor Jim, He just doesn't understand things very clearly does he. Global warming doesn't mean the weather is going to get warmer everywhere Jim. It means because the average temperature is increasing every year for the earth in general, there are certain inveitable repercussions including drastic climate changes and occurences. Some call it "global wierding" as a better discription of what results from the warming, like snow/sleet/freezing rain storms in NJ in October, not unheard of but very rare.
ReplyDeleteYou've really lost your mind there boyo, believing some rightwing nutjob reading of a book Obama wrote by himself was somehow secretly written by Bill Ayers. As for McCain's associations with people who bomb and assasinate (something Ayers never did by the way) there are legions of them, starting with some of his Cuban exile friends and running the gamut of political bents.
By the way Jim, it is philosophically and politically impossible for a Muslim terrorist to be a Mraxist or for a communist to be a fascist or for a socilaist to be...oh why bother.
It would be funny if it wasn't doing so much damage, your kind of rightwing hatred and lies. Obama is an "American" politician, a Democrat, who has demonstrated that he is a pragmatist, often taking stances that would be very comfortable for a true conservative, and certainly for any true moderate or independant. He is a part of and supports the U. S. political system.
You can disagree with his policies, but to characterize them as anything other than within the traditional parameters of major party politics in this country is not only inccorect, it's dumb.
And hey, John M. and Harryn, good ideas. I will try and add a Supreme Court nominee and Poet Laureate.
PS: Please excuse the spelling typos. I still do this with two fingers and often miss or reverse letters.
ReplyDeleteVery revealing. I would love to see Cindy and Hillary in the same room.
ReplyDeleteAnd if it were possible, how would you explain to Eric Blair the continuation of "Homeland Security" under a Lally administration? Maybe you and Jim have more in common than either would like to admit.
butch, I was going with the cabinet that already exists, but if I actually did get elected president, I'd create a Department of Peace with a Secretary of Pece and maybe a Secretary of Love too. Jimmy Carter would make a great Secretary of Peace (and maybe that guy who builds houses for people in need on TV could replace him as my Secretary of Housing and Development) and Agelina Jolie might make an appropriate Secretary of Love.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like every time the Global Warming nuts have an ininitive the weather seems to embarass them.
ReplyDeleteSnow blankets London for Global Warming debate
Track this topic Print story How Parliament passed the Climate Bill
By Andrew Orlowski • Get more from this author
Posted in Government, 29th October 2008 12:35 GMT
Snow fell as the House of Commons debated Global Warming yesterday - the first October fall in the metropolis since 1922. The Mother of Parliaments was discussing the Mother of All Bills for the last time, in a marathon six hour session.
In order to combat a projected two degree centigrade rise in global temperature, the Climate Change Bill pledges the UK to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 80 per cent by 2050. The bill was receiving a third reading, which means both the last chance for both democratic scrutiny and consent.
More embarassing weather in Florida and Switzerland for the Global Warming Nuts. 67 year old and 158 year old records are broken. Before long, the nuts could be praying for a little Global Warming.
ReplyDeleteOctober 30, 2008 - 9:00 AM
Record snow storm triggers delays
Snow flurries throughout the night and early morning caused numerous delays for travellers using Switzerland's rail system on Thursday.
A heavy, wet snow snapped trees, which fell across tracks. The most affected regions included Zurich, Schaffhausen in the north and the areas around the Gotthard pass in central Switzerland.
Passengers moving between Spiez and Interlaken south of Bern were forced to take buses when rail service there was interrupted around 7am. Broken branches and trees blocked roads.
Farmers in the Bernese Oberland also awoke to snow-related problems. Damaged fences allowed their cows to wander freely.
According to MeteoNews, the Swiss lowlands received the most snow for any October since records began in 1931. Zurich received 20cm, beating a record of 14cm set in 1939.
Trains were largely running on time again by 9am.
Record cold swept over the region Wednesday
By Joe Callahan
Staff writer
Published: Thursday, October 30, 2008 at 6:30 a.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, October 30, 2008 at 5:35 a.m.
It was a record for Oct. 29 and the second lowest temperature ever recorded in October since 1850. Ocala's official weather site is at the city water treatment plant on Southeast 24th Street.
Until Wednesday, Oct. 29's record temperature was 37 in 1943 and a close second was 38 degrees in 1957.
As the guy on "Laugh In" used to say: very interesting.
ReplyDeleteWas Obama born in Kenya and thus not eligible to be president? Court Documents are to be delivered to the Supremme Court today, to hear the case on an expidited basis.
Obama could end the controversy by delivering the original birth certificat or have the state of Hawaii publish it. It is strange that he does neither.
October 21, 2008 | By Drew Zahn | © 2008 WorldNetDaily
Pennsylvania Democrat Philip J. Berg, who filed a lawsuit demanding Sen. Barack Obama present proof of his American citizenship, now says that by failing to respond Obama has legally "admitted" to the lawsuit's accusations, including the charge that the Democratic candidate was born in Mombosa, Kenya.
As WND reported, Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court in August, alleging Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is thus ineligible to serve as president of the United States. Though Obama has posted an image of a Hawaii birth certificate online, Berg demands that the court verify the original document, which the Obama campaign has not provided.
ReplyDelete"As for McCain's associations with people who bomb and assasinate (something Ayers never did by the way) there are legions of them, starting with some of his Cuban exile friends and running the gamut of political bents."
Looks like another non answer. Which one of McCain's associates killed or attacked US citizens or US institutions like Obama's terrorist friends did to Pentagon, police stations, judges, US diplomats (murder ordered by Khalidi's boss, Arrafat, in the Sudan).
Once again I anxiouslly await a list.
jim -
ReplyDeletei can't wait til you start arguing with yourself and take up even more space unrelated to topic - this is what you people do so well ...
and since we're off point, i've been thinking about one of michael's previous blogs: 'the real difference' ...
what becomes more apparent is your self-righteous, stubborn, unwillingness to consider anything other than your own opinion ...
how sad for you - conquest and coercion by what ever means - such a goebbel-esque, paranoid, prejudiced, deluded, post-mccarthy, 20th century, exclusive, elitist way of being ...
if your party really wanted to be maverick - they'd concede to obama at this point in the best interest of our country and work to heal the divisions, anger, and hatred they incited among an ignorant faction of the population in their desperate attempt to blame, dominate, and control a changing world and consciousness ...
jim, it's a lead, follow, or get out of the way scenario - and your thoughts just aren't resonating with what's real anymore ...
at this point it doesn't matter who wins the election - the world is still changing - and it's only a matter of which leadership is pertinent to meet this country's challenges - but i'm affraid that for you and people who share your point of view - your fifteen minutes are up ...
ReplyDeleteFlash! It is not over. Undecideds are at approx 9%. They are primarily white. There is some thought that since Obama has not closed the deal with them that they will break for a know quantity in McCain. Could be a fun finish.
Dana Blanton
Thursday, October 30, 2008
John McCain and Barack Obama are closer among likely voters in the latest FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll (AP Photos).
As the candidates make their closing arguments before the election, the race has tightened with Barack Obama now leading John McCain by 47 percent to 44 percent among likely voters, according to a FOX News poll released Thursday. Last week Obama led by 49-40 percent among likely voters.
ReplyDeleteThese MIT scientists(artcle below), obviously, have not been reading your man caused global warming wisdom on this blog.
"Poor Jim, He just doesn't understand things very clearly does he. Global warming doesn't mean the weather is going to get warmer everywhere Jim. It means because the average temperature is increasing every year for the earth in general, there are certain inveitable repercussions including drastic climate changes and occurences. Some call it "global wierding" as a better discription of what results from the warming, like snow/sleet/freezing rain storms in NJ in October, not unheard of but very rare."
Maybe an old weatherman like yourself could help them out.
MIT scientists baffled by global warming theory, contradicts scientific data
By Rick C. Hodgin
Thursday, October 30, 2008 09:55
Boston (MA) - Scientists at MIT have recorded a nearly simultaneous world-wide increase in methane levels. This is the first increase in ten years, and what baffles science is that this data contradicts theories stating man is the primary source of increase for this greenhouse gas. It takes about one full year for gases generated in the highly industrial northern hemisphere to cycle through and reach the southern hemisphere. However, since all worldwide levels rose simultaneously throughout the same year, it is now believed this may be part of a natural cycle in mother nature - and not the direct result of man's contributions.
Project funding
Rigby and Prinn carried out this study with help from researchers at Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Bristol and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Methane gas measurements came from the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE), which is supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Australian CSIRO network.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
ReplyDelete21 comments, 11 of them from Jim.
He certainly knows how to clear a room.
I'm sure Jim was a big hit in high school. Now, folks like us have to pay for the welts he got from being snapped w/ wet towels in the locker room. Very sad guy, especially since no one on this blogs cares about anything he has to say.
ReplyDeletedid "they" boot Ron Reagan's son Ron Reagan OFF that channel (CNN? MSNBC ?
ReplyDelete'they" got some woman on now that sort-of looks and acts like him...not as RR: humor as this election is minus of (humor)
besides the aunt..
Biden now censored. tv network/news in Fld "booted" by Obama.
3 newspaper reporters booted off the Obama plane by Obama due to their paper's backing wrong candidate.
and, where in hell did Obama get $700+ million dollars to buy this election? (don't dare tell me it was from 12 million plumbers-dancing.
the Dems should have run him for a governor somewhere first so he could get some experience..
faith, hope, and charity ain't gonna "cut it"