Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This link too was sent by Winch, though I had heard of it from a few friends and family members.


  1. It is noteworthy when even Dan Rather recognizes media bias against Sarah.

    Guess Who Sees MSM Double-Standard on Biden's Latest Gaffe?
    By Mark Finkelstein (Bio | Archive)
    October 21, 2008 - 07:58 ET

    Guess who said the following this morning about Joe Biden's latest gaffe—his statement that America would be faced with a major international crisis within the first six months of an Obama administration as foreign forces seek to test the young new president: "certainly if Sarah Palin had said this, it would be above the fold in most newspapers today."

  2. Do you disagree with Biden's comment?

    Isn't that what happened to Bush on 9/11?

  3. I don't disagree with Biden's comment. I believe an inexperinced Obama invites a foriegn test from our enemies. I suspect his lack of experince invites him to be rolled as JFK was 45 yrs ago. Sarah is way overqualifed compared to Obama. And of course Joe Biden has not been right on a significant foriegn policy issue in his 35yrs. in the senate.

  4. Obama and Campaign Donation Fraud.

    It is apparently easier to collect large amounts on the internet if you break the rules and take foriegn and group donations under fictitious names. I wonder if ACORN is running the internet campaign???

    Obama Ignores Credit Card Donation Fraud

    Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:01 PM

    By: Kenneth R. Timmerman Article Font Size

    What do Bart Simpson, Family Guy, Daffy Duck, King Kong, O.J. Simpson, and Raela Odinga have in common?
    All are celebrities; and with the exception of Odinga and O.J. Simpson, they also are fictional characters. And yet, all of them gave money earlier this month to the campaign of Barack Obama, without any apparent effort by the campaign to screen them out as suspect donors.
    The Obama fundraising machine may owe its sensational success in part to a relaxation of standard online merchant security practices, which has allowed illegal donations from foreign donors and from unknown individuals using anonymous “gift” cards, industry analysts and a confidential informant tell Newsmax.

  5. jim:

    If you want to see voter fraud, look at the republicans:

    The whole issue of Acorn is vote supression, not voter fraud. Do you remember the Justice Department purge a few years ago? This was their goal-- to install politically motivated US Attorneys who would bring bogus voter fraud cases to supress Democratic voters.

    As for fictional names, So What? There is no disclosure requirement on gifts at the level these guys were giving. In other words, when you give small amounts, like they do on the internet, you can give anonymously.

  6. As a matter of fact, if your goal is to buy influence, then you are not going to donate money under the name "Homer Simpson". You are going to make damned sure that the candidate knows who gave him that money.

    If on the other hand, you are just donating $10 or $20, you may want to do it anonymously so you don't end up on somebody's mailing list.
