Monday, November 10, 2008


If you're not too tired of reading about it, here are two of the best takes on last week's historic event.

There have been many amazing responses to the election and the day after, but these struck me as the most perceptive responses.

First RJ Eskow's analysis of Obama's gamble.

And then Frank Rich's articulation of what it meant to wake up in a new world the day after the election.


  1. Sounds high minded, as if Obama and his followers do not practice contact politics,but are in an ethereal world of high minded governence, never before praticed before. His method approaches holiness. When the incense clears Democrats will be happy that Obama has chosen Rahm Emmanuel as COStaff. Rahm is by no means holy but he is a very effective partisan. He is not a crazy wacky far left liberal, but he is a pragmatic tough, vulgar liberal. He has been the architech of the Democrats takeover of the House by recruiting relatively conservative Democrats in conservative districts. It is interesting,that he served with the Israeli defense dept. in 1991. I don't know how that computes with Obama's support from Hamas types. It is interesting times, hopefully, not like the old Chinese curse.

  2. Did you read Doonesbury today? It sums up the post election withdrawl pretty well. You can go to if it's not in the paper.

  3. Caitlin, I checked it out and you're so right. totally captures what Im going through. I couldn't wait to see the shots of the Obamas entering the White House with the Bushes today. It's like every drop of this reality I want to drink and I've yet to quench the thirst.

  4. Yeah, I was so desperate I read about the reaction to Michelle's dress the night of the election. Wha', who cares!? Um, I do, now that we can breathe again and know there's nothing to worry about with ballots being counted and the like. Now I can catch up with the White House visit, thank God! :)

  5. yeah - the post election hangover is lifting ...

    couldn't wait to get back from upstate new york last night to see how the obama - bush meeting went ...

    thought it would be like the tutor meeting with the class clown ...
    seemed better, but i took some offense to the media's overuse of the word 'aggressive' as they tried to depict obama's demeanor on the rachel maddow show ...

    i think its time the media clean up their act a bit and choose words more accurately ...

    resolute, deliberate, thoughtful, and urgent seem to characterize obama's posturing if you turn the sound off ...

    all these spin shows are great for attaining celeb status among their hosts - but truth is still what we've been lacking ...

    that 'change' thing is only effective if it comes from the bottom up, top down, and middle all over ...

    i know guantanomo is a huge tax burden - but because the conditions are supposed to be so five star - i'd be reluctant to close it prematurely - there may be a load of beltway and wall street candidates eligable for occupancy ...

    by the way, i'm blogging again ...
