Tuesday, December 16, 2008


"Monsters detract from our willingness to find something to like in everyone. Maybe we shouldn't let them do that." —Nick Piombino (from a recent post on his fait accompli blog)


  1. Does that mean you can find something to like people like, Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich, Rush and Sarah?

  2. I've only recently begun to understand more fully the meaning of a statement by Martin Luther King that I've thought about for years: "Let no man pull you so low as to hate him".

  3. there's quite a leap between "something to like" and hating nick ...
    hatred is truly reserved for the monsters, since they're all consuming and deny acceptance - but not liking someone [and unfortunately for me, there are a few] isn't something i ascribe arbitrarily - it's an earned rank ...
    being exposed to someone is like opening a new file - beyond that the data is from response or interaction ... if the file becomes an accumulation of negative, corrupting, or inpertinent data - i tend to not like it ...
    take bush for instance - i didn't know much about the guy before he was elected president except that 'the apple usually doesn't fall too far from the tree' - but i wanted to give him a chance ...
    besides, at the time the dems and gore seemed to be fumbling a lot and the word 'integrity' seemed like a fitting platform ...
    some of his cabinet selections [including powell] appeared to lend a certain amount of credence to his platform ...
    but then, the last eight years of redneck, self righteous, dispicable behavior started and it became nearly impossible to like anything about the man's actions ...
    hatred? no - like? no - irrelevant? yes - accepting history? yes - retaliation? no - justice for the wrongs, lies, and suffering caused? yes ...

    a simply complicated world ...
