Thursday, February 26, 2009


One of the great gifts of the internet is to be able to link so many connections that it's almost like an instant replica of the thought processes that occur at least in my mind pretty much constantly.

Like this morning I checked poet Ron Silliman's blog where today's post was one of his regular lists of links to all (or at least a lot of) things related to poetry on the web, and there was a link to some recent (or at least I hadn't seen it yet) work by Tina Darragh, one of my favorite writers as well as an old friend (she cites me in her authors note as being one of her college teachers as well, which is where we met, but I always felt like she was a friend and creative original from our first encounter).

So now I can pass that link to her work on to anyone reading this and you can discover a very interesting and unique writer, and in this particular case (or place in internet space) a few works of hers that prove her originality instantly. And everything of hers on this site is worth reading. And I'll bet you learn some things you didn't know (and useful things too, especially in arguments, even with yourself) and in a way that's not only pleasant but challenging, as well as satisfying.

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