Saturday, March 7, 2009


Got to see this.


  1. A comic makes fun of conservatives and liberals who are on Obama’s Enemies List. How droll. It is a shame that Milton Berle or Bob Hope did not attack those folks who made Nixon’s enemies list. Obama attacks radio and TV personalities as the Obama Stock Market Crash continues. You would think that America would be better served if Obama would spend time vetoing the bipartisan laden pork budget bill. Maybe we should look to Communist China for hints on how to pull out of this recession, fast decending into a depression because of misguided government policies. China has a 25% corporate tax rate versus the US at 35%. Their capital gains tax rate is zero. The US rate is 15% and Obama wants to raise it to 20%. Even Obama can still learn something from Communists.

  2. I viewed this clip on Comedy Central’s site the day after the show and there were 400,000 + hits. There’s now over a million.

    It’s so funny because it exposes the pompous fumblings of the economic and political elites. Pointing and laughing at these clowns is a very good way to deal with the anger most of us feel.

    Obama and Bush, Democrats and Republicans, share the same outlook on how to solve this problem. We’re supposed to revere, trust, follow, respect, and “loan” gigazillions of dollars of our children’s money so the very people who caused this economic shit storm can save us. Does this make any sense?

    Ironically, if not drolly, CNBC has a slideshow that highlights some of the Famous Last Words of our economic geniuses:

    I particularly like Bernie Madoff’s October, 2007 opinion on how highly regulated (and therefore safe) the markets are:

    "In today's regulatory environment, it's virtually impossible to violate's impossible for a violation to go undetected, and certainly not for a considerable period of time."

    You gotta laugh.

  3. They should'a let the banks and insurance companies fail. They should have "written down" all the failed mortgages, and nationalized GM and Chrysler, the way they did the auto companies in Europe.

    Every dollar we spend now on banks and brokerages is never coming back to us. It's a black hole.

    The National Debt will sink this country, because we've systematically dismanted the engines of capital--we'll never be able to pay it back. We've sent all our manufacturing overseas-- and with no money, we won't be able to accomplish anything, militarily, educationally, or in any other sphere. Kiss it good-bye, kiddies, America's going DOWNNNNNNNNN.

  4. ”The National Debt will sink this country, because we've systematically dismanted the engines of capital--we'll never be able to pay it back.”
    Curtis Faville, 3.8.2009

    "Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
    Dick Cheney, 11.15.2002

  5. Curtis,

    Ther are deficits and than there are DFICITS!!!!!!!!!!

  6. isn't interesting that the the most insightful analysis of the news comes from a comedian? Not really.
    It is a fact that the 4th Estate has abdicated it's responsibility to inform and put the news into historical context. Capitalism= Democracy. Socialism= surrender of liberty, Money=Wealth. I could go on but I'm sick of the Horseshit.

  7. isn't interesting that the the most insightful analysis of the news comes from a comedian? Not really.
    It is a fact that the 4th Estate has abdicated it's responsibility to inform and put the news into historical context. Capitalism= Democracy. Socialism= surrender of liberty, Money=Wealth. I could go on but I'm sick of the Horseshit.
