Sunday, April 5, 2009


I've written about and recommended my friend Robert Zuckerman's collection of photos with commentary called KINDSIGHT. It came out several years ago, but he's been steadily continuing the venture and hopefully there will be a new collection soon.

The project is unique as "art" and powerfully moving. Sometimes even provocative, as the last one he sent around, which is receiving strong reactions from the usual suspects. I've added his blog where he posts his newest photos and commentaries, most as inspirational as you could ever need, to my list of mostly good friends' blogs and sites down to the right, but since the latest isn't posted yet I'm reproducing it here. If you click on it, it will get bigger so you can read it.

[I should add that Robert makes his living as a still photographer on movies. You've seen his work, as I'm sure everyone has in this country as well as around the world, because many of the movies he's worked on have been big successes and the image used in ads and on posters etc. is a photo that Robert took. So saying what he does in this post and sending it out to friends and colleagues in the movie business is not only provocative, but extremely courageous, because it could cost him jobs. But he's one of the most honorable, as well as obviously thoughtful, people I've ever known, so I'm not surprised.]

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