Thursday, June 4, 2009


How great is it to have a president who doesn't speak to the world like a bully or master or boss or finger-wagging, self-righteous, hypocrite. No matter what missteps he may make (and there have been very few and very minor ones so far), Obama certainly embodies the qualities many of us would want the main representative of the USA to have—honesty, humility, strength, calm, and intelligence. What a breath of fresh air.


  1. Obama looked so Cairoesqe with his new found lip hair and he spoke so endearingly, as he slipped the knife into our long time ally Israel. Israel has been a staunch and loyal ally in a very difficult region. I am sure US liberals hearts went pitter patter at the thought of an African, former Islamic, American President addressing Muslims with words of peace and conciliation as George W. did so often. Of course George W. freed 50 million Muslims, but Barak reads a prompter much better than W. ever did.

    Meanwhile Tim Geitner went to China to reassure them that their investments in the US bonds were a good and safe investment. The Chinese actually laughed out loud at him. Even communists know that you can not quintuple government deficits, takeover industries, nationalize health care and print money to pay for it. The Chinese know enough to lower the cost of industry by reducing taxes thus unleash private capital.

    It is good to see Chancellor Merkel of Germany take on the out of control spending of the UK and the US and to a lesser extent the European Central Bank. It is somewhat reassuring that there is some government sanity in the world. As an American I only wish some of it was in the US.

  2. I don't know why it's such a shock to me that Obama acts "presidential". Eight years of W completely destroyed my memory of the strong and dignified way that Carter, Reagan, Bush I and Clinton represented us in foreign countries. Obama can certainly walk the walk.

    I hope he has what it takes to handle the incredible mess that Bush left him.

  3. Preach it brother. You took the words right out of my mouth as the old saying goes.

    And Jim, get a grip! Your stance on just about everything reminds me of the father who can never see anything good in his children. Admit it, you may think Obama's trip is akin to an elementary school play, but geez, give the guy some props for his performance and the overall effect on the audience.

    ~ Willy

  4. Alameda Tom
    I believe Obama's words undercut Israel and strengthen Iran. He said to Iran "Go for it for nuclear power generation". I wish he would say to America "Go for it for nuclear power generation" but instead he plans a "Cap and Tax Plan" and continued limits on American nuclear and oil production. The limits on American power generation further strengthens bad people like Chavez, Ahmadinijad, Putin etc. Hugo Chavez sounded a little jealous of Obama. He said that Obama is to the left of him in his policies. I have to agree with Hugo.

  5. Michael Lally:
    “No matter what missteps he may make ( and there have been very few and very minor ones so far ), Obama certainly embodies the qualities many of us would want the main representative of the USA to have—honesty, humility, strength, calm, and intelligence.

    Mistakes, few and minor? Preventative detention, drone attacks killing innocent Afghan and Pakistani peasants, protecting Team Bush torturers, shoveling trillions to the banks, “defense” budget up, the Gitmo to Bagram bait-and-switch, giving the coal companies thumbs up to blowing up mountains . . .

    Oh yes, I forgot, he’s so damn smooooooth - makes liberals forget everything.

    Phil Ochs, we need you now more than ever!

  6. Butch,
    He has kept his promise of change. During the campaign he resisted calling the changes Socialism. But he has achieved much to turn us into a European Socialistic country with the banks, autos, subjugation of bond holder’s rights to unions and the soon to be Canadian/ UK style government run health care with limited choice, rationing and long waits for care that that entails. He has concentrated power in the presidency, like no one since FDR. FDR and now BHB rule the economy with an iron hand. However, there are glimmers of hope and resistance with the Tea Parties and now even Darth Cheney is polling with higher favorability than SanFranNan the shepardess of Obama's socialism.

  7. So much for the brilliance of the Obama stimulus bill.

    "Less than four months after the Obama administration argued that unemployment would top 9 percent only if Congress failed to pass a massive trillion-dollar "stimulus" spending bill, the Labor Department reported Friday that the jobless rate had soared to 9.4 percent, the highest in 25 years."

    The Associated Press contributed to this report.

  8. Does anyone remember the good old days when W. was thought undiplomatic?

    From The TimesJune 5, 2009

    Barack and Michelle Obama decline dinner with the Sarkozys

  9. maybe they don't have time for dinner being their kids are with them

  10. They are there on America's dime to do diplomacy. When they go on their dime, they should do what they want.

  11. I'm sure that if they went out to dinner, Jim would complain about the extravagance, or what kind of mustard he used.

  12. I suspect that the Parisian chef made the mustard decisions.
