Monday, July 6, 2009


"She can hunt wolves from the air and field-dress a moose, but she fears being a lame duck? Some brickbats over her ethics and diva turns as John McCain's running mate, and that dewy skin turns awfully thin." —Maureen Dowd (in Sunday's NY Times)

[And this juts in from today's Huffington Post: "I disagree with some of my friends who say this is 'out of character' for the good governor. Sarah Palin quit five colleges in her otherwise unremarkable collegiate career, before finally graduating from the sixth. She quit her job in television. She and Todd quit their snow machine dealership in Big Lake. She quit as chair of the Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission. Now she has quit the governorship of the state she supposedly loves. Sarah Palin is a quitter. When the going gets tough, Sarah Palin quits." —Geoffrey Dunn]

[For another take on this from RJ Eskow on today's Hffington Post click here.]


  1. Sarah has star power. She could be a help in winning back congress next year. Go Sarah!

    Here is a quote on lovely Maureen.
    July 6, 2009
    New York Times Barbie Strikes Again
    By Andrew Breitbart

    What a shock that Maureen Dowd devoted her New York Times column Sunday to attack Sarah Palin. It did not so much criticize Alaska's governor for prematurely stepping down from her official duties as to finish off what sister snipers Katie Couric and Tina Fey began last fall.

    The assassination of Sarah Palin - by media.

  2. Sarah Palin is a moron and a quitter: perfect for the repub party. We can only hope that they hitch their wagon to her star power.

  3. She is not your average moron or quitter and makes average morons and quitters look bad!

  4. all of the above is probably true - unfortunately, i believe its part of a bigger strategy to rouse the emotions and fears among a large part of the american voters that seriously identify with her herky jerky cliched hypocrisy in the same way bush and cheney pulled off their agendas with their down home boy appeal - lets face it, the rightwingers are relying on ignorance, short-sidedness, and knee-jerk bigotry to fuel any hopes they may have in 2012 ...
    and as i've said before - there's a huge part of the population that rely on the military to better themselves during economically difficult times ...
    the republican party is starting to look a lot scarier than i imagined - and palin is just another poster girl to sell them ...

  5. I'll tell you scary. A deficit that has grown from 400 billion to 1.8 trillion in one year is scary. A president and congress who is attempting to fix an economy,with 9.5% unemployment, by waging a war on business with higher taxes, health costs, energy costs and more regulation. That is really scary. There is no model in history in which big govt spending and increased taxes on business(except the bubble of the 90's) has worked. Controlling govt. spending and lowering taxes on the economy has worked time and time again.

  6. Palin quit her job as Governor of Alaska to focus on getting a job as President of Alaska. ;)

  7. For a picture of America's future under Liberal Politicians, look at California. The rating agencies just dropped California's to just above junk status. Can the US be far behind with Washington Democrats spending and taxing with no end in sight.

  8. Jim: It must be that Democratic Goverator of theirs. The one who was so important that they nullified Gray Davis's election.

  9. What can I say? Even Republicans screw up. Arnold has been a major screw up. He seems to have belatedly descovered back bone. He says he will not sign any tax legislation that raises taxes. We will see. California is losing population and business because of its high tax war on business and people who run business.

  10. All those rich Californians can come to Kentucky if they want. Save those tax dollars and spend them at Churchill Downs. (We might even have slot machines soon). Louisville's a lot like Hollywood. You won't even notice the difference.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Mike,
    RE: Comment Deleted
    I assume a loony leftie took umbrage at either John or myself. It would be entertaining to see them sometime. Maybe you could use the censor screen more sparingly.

  13. "removed by the author" means the one who wrote the comment.

  14. Yeah. I removed it because I accidentally posted it twice.

  15. I'm going to have to learn how to do that.
