Thursday, October 29, 2009


In a few places over the years, including the poem I wrote to be read the night before our military invaded Iraq, MARCH 18, 2003, I point out the connection between illegal drugs and our secret agencies, especially the CIA:

"Don't the links between the CIA and
drug smuggling date back to its beginnings?
In fact, can't you track which country the CIA is trying
to get something from or do something to
by which drug is the latest 'epidemic'?"

So, is it just a coincidence that most of the heroin in the world now comes from Afghanistan, and that the corrupt government there—set up and maintained for the last several years by the Bush/Cheney rightwing Republican administration—includes the Afghan president's brother who is on the CIA payroll and also heavily involved in the heroin trade, and the story our media is just beginning to cover (e.g. on The CBS Evening News earlier tonight) that there's a new epidemic of heroin over here so strong that white suburban kids are from snorting it, including some as young as middle school?


  1. US enemies in Afghanistan are estimated to make upwards of $1 billion a year in the drug trade to further their ambitions. The US, for forty years, has followed a foolish policy of prohibition of drugs which has never worked, is not working now and is unlikely to ever work in the future. The anti poppy campaign is driving Afghans into the arms our enemies. The CIA water boarded at least three very bad Islamic Terrorists who were responsible for the murder of US citizens. That interrogation led to the disruption of further deadly plots against US citizens. The agents had the approval of their superior officers. Obama the most radical and anti American president ever, has given the green light to his AG to prosecute those officers. So any of your concerns, of CIA agents not always playing with boy scouts, will most likely be addressed by the current administration.

  2. i think its gradually being revealed that 'they' don't want u.s. there anymore than the 'players' of the crips and bloods want their gangland gentrified - its a source of huge profit - and anyone with intent to skim, manipulate, or coexist in that atmosphere is going to have to sleep with the enemy or outwardly oppose it ...
    i doubt that human nature would only follow the virtuous path ...
    and aside from the daily goings on in afghanistan and those who terrorize our strategies, i still believe the bigger picture has to do with maintaining destabilization to prevent direct oil access and natural resources from africa - look at the maps, populations, and needs - there's a huge socio-economic super culture brewing in the eastern hemisphere for the 21st century - kind of makes the west look a little isolated, spent, and primitive ...
    so lets see how they spin the need for more troops ...

  3. Hey, it’s halloween, so I guess it’s natural that the little corporal would quickly segue from drugs to a lame defense of water boarding.

    What’s on the DVD at the Jlm house tonight? The first couple of seasons of 24? Or do you take your torture porn straight?

  4. You carry on a breath taking intellectual discussion, Butch. There is a significant possibility of Republicans, winning not only in VA but possibly even in NJ. If that happens it could possibly portend a replication of the 1994 like sweep, next year. Your difficulty in making sense is reflected in the current radical socialistic government in power. Hopefully the blue dogs receive a powerful message tomorrow.
