Monday, March 22, 2010


Unfortunately, the right wingnuts will continue to do everything they can to stop the healthcare reform bill from becoming law.

But if and when it does, as I understand it, Rush Limbaugh has promised he'll leave the country. You would think that would be enough to win a majority of votes from anyone with any intelligence in this discussion.

But then, from the ridiculous levels the "debate" has descended to from the opponents of the bill, it's difficult to locate the intelligence on that side of the argument.

At any rate, I'm ready to wish him bon voyage, the sooner the better.

[I don't watch or listen to Rush, but I caught a clip from today's show with him saying about those in favor of healthcare reform— including the president who was democratically elected to that office as were the Representatives who voted for the bill—"We've gotta defeat the bastards. Wipe them all out!" A sentiment provocative enough to lead to more of the violent outbursts and actions the right has been promoting ever since Obama was elected.]


  1. Right on Rush. Defeat the bastards! They violate congressional rules. They violate the constitution. The so called "Moderates" vote with the most radical socialist group of politicians in our nations history. Dam right, defeat the bastards.

    Correction: Rush said he would leave the country to seek medical treatment (Costa Rica) when the US medical system is destroyed by Democrats.

  2. Recall the Bastards

    Several states including NJ and Colorado have recall provisions. A website has been established and efforts will be ongoing.

  3. Jim, since we are having a frank discussion about health care, would you mind sharing with us your diagnosis and what meds you are on?

  4. rush has been a cynical and destructive force in this country under the guise of entertainment - which he always reverts to when he's put to task on any real issue - and face it, he's ready for retirement anyway - and after all this jive about being a patriot and a real american - look who's going to take his profits and run - now that's loyalty ...
    so when he says he's going to leave the country "if" - he probably would have to anyway ...
    and typical of any pompous bully - they never assume responsibility for the mess they create ...
    my only question would be - who would have him?

  5. I read all your posts Michael, but feel ill equipped to speak about American politics. It's hard enough to speak about our own here in Australia.

    I am struck by some of the 'vitriol' apparent in some of the comments here. I suspect though that it's time for health reform.

  6. Over the years the Republicans have followed Marguis of Queensbury rules while Democrats follow Pelosi rules and the Chicago way. This time when we throw the bastards out, we will hopefully use the Democrat's rules.

  7. I do not usually use CNN as a source but this was to good to ignore.

    CNN Poll
    As you may know, the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are trying to pass final
    legislation that would make major changes in the country’s health care system. Based on what you
    have read or heard about that legislation, do you generally favor it or generally oppose it?

    Mar 19-21
    Favor 39%
    Oppose 59%
    No opinion 2%

  8. Jim, that's the biggest load of baloney you've yet emitted. It's so just the opposite it's not even funny. I personally am not a huge Al Gore fan, but one thing he said makes a lot of sense: "when you're in a hole, stop digging." Consider this, because your current utterances are showing true colors that are completely devoid of credibility.

  9. Polls are inaccurate and have very little to do with real reality, so stop gloating and go spend the day in a VA hospital and see if you think our current health care system is good as it is.

  10. Robbie,
    Here is the Real Clear Politics averages of polls. The Bastards in charge do not appear to be very popular, possibly because they break congressional rules, violate the constitution and have gone against the opinion of the overwhelming majority of the American people. Pelosi and the Chicago croud should be consoled by the fact that they still have most of the loony left with them.

    President Obama Job Approval

    Poll Date Sample
    Approve Disapprove Spread
    RCP Average 3/10 - 3/22 -- 47.6 46.4 +1.2

    Congressional Job Approval

    Poll Date 3/3 -3/21
    Approve Disapprove Spread
    RCP Average 3/3 - 3/21 17.4 77.0 -59.6

  11. Signs of the times from Drudge's headlines

    FLASHBACK: Obama promises 'public will have FIVE DAYS to look at every bill that lands on my desk'...
    12 States File Lawsuits Against Mandatory Insurance...
    CBS: Pelosi's favorability ratings 11%, Reid at 8%...

  12. Oh, Jim: {sigh} You're actually wrong again. As has been pointed out by Keith Olbermann and others, the CNN poll "against" vote contains a large percentage of progressives who responded "against" because they believe the bill does not go far enough! When you back those folks out and add them to the "for" response, you get a majority. In other words a majority of the people want this bill or something even more sweeping.

    As usual, Jim, you neglected to mention this critical true fact.

    ~ Willy
