Monday, April 12, 2010


As usual. what makes my day is love, in whatever form it may take. Whether it's my youngest's presence in my life for a few minutes or hours or days, his smile or enthusiasms, connections with my older kids on the phone or even the internet, a new book or song or artwork or expression of someone's imagination or reality no matter how small or obscure or limited the edition, and so much more.

Here's the one for today, a link to the most recent post on my good friend the great photographer Robert Zuckerman's blog KINDSIGHT. His compassion and genuine love for his fellow travelers on this spinning almost-sphere always comes across in person and in his work, and this is just another example of the latter, but a beautiful one. [Be sure and click on the image so you can see it better and read the prose that is as important as the image.]

Take the time, if you haven't, to check out other posts on his blog or better yet buy his book KINDSIGHT and contribute to the proliferation of not just works of art but acts of genuine love.


  1. Thank you Michael, for spreading the word. Mike made it to my gallery reception on Sunday in downtown L.A. where he made quite an impression on folks. There are now more good people thinking about him. If anybody has any thoughts or connections about getting a good power wheelchair for Mike in the Los Angeles area, please contact me at

    Again, THANK YOU.

  2. Mike sounds like one hell of a man, Michael. I'm too far away to make helpful suggestions about the wheelchair but thanks for the link.
