Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Just thought I'd share a residual payment I got in the mail today for a character I played in the movie WHITE FANG. Ca-ching!


  1. I saw that movie with my kids when it came out. You were great and deserve every penny.

    This reminded me of a question I have that is tangential to this post. Given what I presume is the great difference in costs to produce a movie vs. a music CD, why are they so close in price? Movies have more talent and technicians to support, so I am not sure why this is.

  2. God question. Volume I assume. As they now work, books too, the blockbusters support the costs of the rest of their (the studios, labels, publishers, etc.) output.

  3. Woops. Not actually a "God question" but a pretty good one.

  4. Wow! No worries now huh? On a sad note though, what a waste of some machine's time and energy to process all that paper!

  5. Cait,
    I thought they had a policy that anything under a dollar wouldn't be sent because of the expense in paper, time, energy, etc. But unfortunately I still sometimes get checks for under a dollar!

  6. if THAT is all they paid you THEY need it more than you

    send it back

  7. Someone tells me there is a bar somewhere in LA where you can get a free beer is you give them any residual check for less than a dollar.

  8. an apt testimony to the 'trickle down economics' ever since lawyers and economists took over the entertainment and arts businesses ...
