Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Back in the late 1980s and early '90s I began and ran a weekly poetry reading series in Hollywood with Eve Brandstein called Poetry In Motion. We had most of these weekly sessions video taped and Eve has just begun to digitize and upload them to Youtube starting with one reading in 1990 billed as "The Best of Poetry in Motion."

It isn't, because that would entail culling the highlights from, if I remember correctly, six years of readings every week. But there's some fun stuff in the tapes she's uploaded. Here's my contribution to that evening (besides opening it—Eve and I use to alternate opening and closing the evenings) the much slower and more deliberate than usual reading of a popular poem of mine of that period called "The Healing."


  1. I don't know if I was there for that particular reading but I certainly remember the poem, even the last lines.

    It also makes me slightly nostalgic for those hopeful and healing days of the very early Nineties. I expected that feeling to have been more prevelant after the Bush years than it has been.

    But then again one of the ideas of "The Healing" is that it comes from within, regardless of external circumstances.

  2. I love this..thanks for putting it up

  3. without a doubt, one of my favorite Lally poems ...
    i recall seeing you read this on several occasions - on Fairfax, at Tommy Tangs (in LA and NY) - but it effected me most profoundly when i heard it the first time (shortly after you wrote it) at your place off Montana - it really did illuminate another path in life for me at a critical time ...
    ah, the power of poetry and inspired thinking ...
    forever grateful ...
    p.s. "six years in another town"?, and "Lost Angels" come to mind as well
    p.s.s. and thanks to Eve for doing what she does ...

  4. Your welcome Suzanne, and K I hear you, Harryn too. By the way, "Lost Angels" (with music) is on my new CD, called LOST ANGELS, which is now available at Amazon as well as CD Baby and downloadable at iTunes (hint hint to anyone else out there reading this—I want the label to at least make back their investment!).
