Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Just a quick thought to balance out the recent over-long posts: After weeks, and months even, of the media blaring about Obama's unpopularity and poll numbers descending, it might help to realize that as of last week, Obama's poll numbers were higher, HIGHER, than Reagan's or Clinton's at the same point in their first terms.

Obviously their futures improved, poll-wise, partly because the media gave Reagan a pass ("the Teflon president") and Clinton improved the economy and other things so much it was hard to complain (except for the right's fantasies). Obama is facing a much tougher situation because of what he inherited from Bush/Cheney.


  1. Obama seems to agree with you. His consistent refrain is "Blame it on Bush". His policies are flawed and have never worked in history, yet he was successful in ramming them through even though the electorate wanted no part of it. He has destroyed the business climate with his excessive regulation and anticipated largest tax increase in history on January 1. His Bush mantra is all he has left.

    Whata President!

  2. I may just cut Jim off for a while. His adherence to rightwing lies is too tiresome. Actually, if you look up the facts, Obama is responsible for one of the largest and most extensive tax cuts for working people in history. And the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy (which are due to expire so we would return to the same tax rates that existed when Bush/Cheney took office and were still greater than the tax cuts under Reagan and are not "raising taxes" they're letting a temporary tax break Bush Jr. said would help us all but only helped the wealthy lapse), along with his two wars and other tax breaks for the wealthy (the wealthiest citizens in the USA pay a little over 16% in taxes, much less than I or anyone reading this does, unless they too make millions and billions on capital gains etc.. But the rest of us who work for a living under the Republicans have only paid more taxes, until Obama and this Democratic Congress passed laws that cut taxes finally for those of us who aren't wealthy.

  3. Thanks for posting this Lals.I continue to be a Obama supporter.

    I see that he is going hardline about maintaining the tax cuts for lower and middle class folks while keeping current tax schedules for the wealthy. Good on him.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I decided to delete comments for a while that just repeat the right's propaganda lies. It's one thing to criticize Obama or the Democrats or vice versa, but to just continue to pass on the same kind of lies we have to put up with now all over the media as they continue to be in thrall to the right's manipulation (how many times have you seen a rightwing mouthpiece tell an outright lie on the news in recent weeks (and months and years for that matter) and get away with it? Once a week several times a week, several times a day? For me lately it's been the latter. Some days in just casual TV news viewing I catch well over twenty sometimes thirty lies with no rebuttal! It's disturbing and disheatening, so the last thing I want is to encourage that kind of thing on this blog. Criticism based on facts, no problem, but based on lies "Obama's a Muslim, fascist, communist, socialist, etc." or letting a temporary tax break for the wealthy lapse when it's time runs out is a "tax hike" at all, total lie, or a tax break even for the rich, nope, et-unfortunately-cetera.

  6. Thank you Michael, for standing up to the insanity...and inanity. Jim talks/lies about Obama destroying the business climate...does he mean Enron (end-run), Bernie, Wall Street, Ponzie - these and more that came to be under Bush x2 and Reagan? Or does he mean saving our banking system, GM and Ford, all of which were headed straight to oblivion before he (Obama) took office? It's easy for some to see through the Jims of the world, but unfortunately, too many don't.

  7. In light of all the nastiness, lies, and misinformation concerning President Obama, the "Mosque Controversy", and issues concerning the national/global economy - I hear people say "they're entitled to their opinion".
    I wonder if that's true today - especially when some opinion propagates lies and becomes incendiary leading to even more social disorder ...
    The court of public opinion has become dangerously tilted toward reaction to deceit and disproportionately financed by social-terrorists like corporate lobbyists and special interest groups ...

    It's getting to the point one can say anything about anyone under the freedom of opinion, gossip, and inflammatory accusations regardless of truth - and the recipient is left to do damage control or defend themselves. This is completely irresponsible, and yet it is either being tolerated or irrepressibly accepted as the new norm ...

    I'm afraid this "vast right-wing conspiracy" has lost control of itself by creating chaos at a time in our culture's development when cooler, more reasonable minds need to prevail.

    Opinion is an entitlement earned by reason.

    Thank you for continuing to shine the light Michael.

  8. Thank you, Michael, for putting the troll back under the bridge. He had been nauseating for far too long, and seems to be getting worse--if that is possible...

  9. The right has learned how to use words to great effect - think "death panels." It also knows how to stay on message and hammer it home, while the left is always qualifying the message.

    The idea that so many people came out for Glenn Beck's Bring Back Honor rally makes me wonder where in heaven did America lose its honor? What are the dishonorable things that have caused this loss of honor: pregnant unmarried teens? burning of holy books? bank bail outs? Sorry, I'm confused.
