Wednesday, October 20, 2010


My good friend Bill Lannigan stopped by last night and we talked about what's going on in our lives and the world at large. One of the things he shared was that he'd been listening to an ABC talk show on his car radio and had heard a very sincere veteran of the first Iraq war, whose father and grandfather had served honorably in combat in previous wars, and who had children and was worried for them because the country seemed in trouble and he believed, as a rightwing radio listener, that it was the fault of President Obama, and asked the radio talk show host why, why would our president do things that are "ruining" the country (according to those on the rightwing talk radio and Fox TV News he's listening to and watching).

And my friend Bill said he felt a deep stillness in his heart when the radio host gave his answer, in a sincere salesman like conversational tone. He told this well meaning, concerned, and obviously—to Bill—decent sounding citizen that the reason Obama was ruining the country was because Obama believes that "America is bad" and therefore, naturally, wants to destroy it and create something entirely different.

My heart sunk as well when Bill relayed what he'd heard. Not because I don't know this is the lie the rightwing media machine has been propagating, but because so many goodhearted people are taken in by it. (And of course the main fear for people like Bill and I who remember the assassinations of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy and more, is that someone listening to this show might not be as stable as the veteran asking the question sounded like he was.)

They yearn for a return to the country they think they knew as children (I get emails circulating myths about how wonderful the 1950s were almost every day, with no sign in them of any recognition of how repressed and oppressive those days really were for many, I would say most, "Americans") (or for younger folks the nostalgia is for the days of Reagan, forgetting all that was so negative and destructive about life under his administration and some of the terrible changes it wrought that we are still dealing with the consequences of).

They also yearn for a simple explanation for why what they think of as "their" country (rather than all of ours) has ended up threatened by drug wars on our Southern border and religious fanatics and ideological terrorists within and without our borders, and had an economic collapse and thus is deep in debt, and got stuck fighting two wars that contributed mostly to that debt and seem to have no easy and obvious definition of victory, etc.

I understand that yearning, and I even understand why either self-deluded or unscrupulous people would take advantage of it to supply scapegoats (Obama-Pelosi-Ried-Democrats-et. al.) and an easy if untrue explanation (like the rightwing radio host Bill heard) rather than deal with the nuanced complexities of the realities we are faced with.

It's like a woman friend of mine told me when I had gotten into a heated argument with a woman I had been seeing, she said it was pointless to try and argue the logic or truth of what the woman was yelling about because it was obvious by her emotional state that it wasn't whether what she was saying was logical or even factual, it was about the emotions that were being expressed.

The same with much of the right and the Tea Party I believe. Otherwise everything they say and do would be preposterously hypocritical. How can you say you're for a more moral country and then back candidates who circulate racist and obscene emails (Paladino), or that you're for fiscal responsibility and back candidates who have a track record of fiscal irresponsibility (O'Donnell among many others), or you're for independence from government and against anyone who takes federal money when you (Joe Miller) have been taking that for decades, etc.

But it's the same problem with all those Western states that depend inordinately on federal largess for almost everything who scream the loudest about big government being bad and wanting to reduce it to a small enough size to be able to "drown it in a bathtub" as one rightwing leader famously put it.

Because it's not about the facts of any argument, as has been proven over and over again just from the rightwing parroting comments on this blog, it is about the feelings of people who are obviously frightened much more by the changes in our world than those they attack are (in recent neurological studies, brain patterns show self-identified "conservatives" reacting with fear to much more than self-identified "liberals" and to entirely different things).

Hopefully fear and cynicism (another version of fear) will not win on election day. But obviously very few are counting on that.


  1. Actually the argument is very simple. The Democrats Obama/Pelosi/Reid believe that political leaders and bureaucrats are more knowledgeable and ablier than individuals to make decisions in their own lives. Government is the answer to Democrats.

    Tea Party Folk believe that the individual and free enterprise is the engine that drives the economy, free enterprise, employment and individual freedom. Barack Obama is good for the country because he has set up an election where the divisions are clear and the choices are diametrically opposed. Thank you Mr. President.

  2. Once again more lies. The federal bureaucracy GREW THE MOST IT EVER HAD IN HISTORY under Reagan's and Bush/Cheney's administrations, and was actually reduced under Clinton's and is being cut, unfortunately in some instances, under Obama's.
    And "bureaucrats" don't make decisions for the people under "The Democrats Obama/Pelosi/Reid" but in fact democratically elected officials Obama/Pelosi/Reid et. al. make decisions in doing "the people's business" as the Constitution ordains, unlike the last administration, Bush/Cheney/, who allowed lobbyists to write bills and make regulations or get rid of them. et-endlessly-cetera.

  3. Mike,
    I do believe "lie" is your favorate word.

    Spending and growth of government under both parties has been rampant. That is why the Tea Party Folks are so motivated to reverse it. We have little patience for Democrat lite Republicans.

    As for the "democratically elected officals making decisions for people in their individual lives", that is what we Tea Party Folks will work to reverse. It will take much to undo 75 years of "Share the Wealth" economic folly. The difference now, is that it is clear to those who will see, that the United States can not afford a Welfare State. Even Europe is reversing course. I suspect the first step back from the brink of American bankruptcy will begin November 2nd.

  4. "I LIKE IKE" (his VEEP was Nixon) ! I suffered nightmares still do thinking that TH BOMB was gonna fall on our elementary school that was just 9 blocks from the White House
    and that if I went under my little desk I would survive.

    what a fine mess they got us in..

    and then...
    well we either went brain-dead under Ronald Reagan (a "B' actor at best) or, even worse, we all got his Alzheimer's

    the 50's "s*c**d", as did the 60's 70's 80's 90's 00's, 010's and

    when we look back on these times we will see that they also s**k!

    it really matters very little who our leadership is ... they are all Empty Suits and are motivated (mostly) by GREED and FEAR!

    I refuse to vote against 'things' let me know when somebody is running who is FOR things otherwise than all of the useless BLATHER!

  5. Mike,

    Love your blog!!! I get so tired of the screaming "fox" news. I am very lucky that my daughter's high school softball team made it to state so I won't have to hear the negative stations/ads this weekend.


  6. Once again the rightwinger moves the goalposts when his statements are refuted. And the other comment falsely concludes that all are motived "(mostly)" by greed and fear and equally culpable and that all times are the same, as if an African-American's life was the same in the pre-Civil Rights era as now, or that it makes no difference if it's Bush in the White House or Gore, or if it's a Bush/Cheney administration or Obama/Biden one, or a Democratic controlled Congress or a Republican one (tell that to the parents of kids who have "pre-existing conditions" et. al.). From my experience, cynicism is the sign of a lazy intellect, or an aspiring comic.

  7. PS: Loyeen, didn't see your comment before I posted my response to the previous two. But thank you for it. I don't know how you do it!

  8. Disgust with the spending and neglect of the 10th amendment limiting the Federal Government has been a tenant of the Tea Party from the beginning. If that is moving the goal posts so be it. You got me man. Way to go. But the real prize is the restoration of limits on government and expansion of employment and of the economy. A first step is nigh.

  9. I know exactly how sad and frustrated this whole thing makes you feel. Me too, and double that. Sadly, here is my take on the situation:

    Barack Obama = Billy Budd

    Fox News and the Right = John Claggart, Master d'Arms

  10. Swing Billy swing, metaphorically of course.

  11. Exactly how far "back" does Jim want to go? If you look carefully, you will see that for all of human history there has been a narrow band of elites at the top, supported by the exploitation of everyone else, no matter the ruling socio-politico-economic system, whether it be feudalism, monarchy,or democracy, mercantilism, capitalism, communism, etc. Thus, there's no ideal to go "back" to, no shining city on a hill to "take back our country" to. And if we do take back our country--taking it back from the current holders--in whose hands will it then be held? Those of the Tea Party's Dick Armey? Newt Gingrich? Steve Forbes? Or the guy who hooks you up to your cable service? The woman who checks you out at Shop Rite? The person who takes your deposit at your neighborhood bank branch?
    Surely the latter three could do no worse a job than the former three, but we all know that "taking the country back from Obama-Reed-Pelosi" does N O T mean putting it in the charge of ordinary people.
    Shem The Penman

  12. And for further exploration of this theme, readers may look to Dana Milbank's column in yesterday's Washington Post, entitled "A Tea Party Of Populist Posers." It's another reminder that we must keep telling ourselves:
    All that is populist does not
    necessarily come from the ground

    Shem The Penman

  13. Shem,
    The beauty and success of America has been in it's Founding Documents. The Documents promise equal opportunity not equal outcomes as well as equal justice before the law. One can argue that American Constitutional government has delivered unevenly on the promise, but it has delivered fairer results with a better economic result than most if not all societies on earth. Over the years well meaning people have come to the conclusion that a few smarter and better intentioned politicians knew better what was good for American society than the collective wisdom of the American people. We Tea Party Folks mean to reestablish the checks on the federal government that the Founders invisioned. Milbank spoke of rich people who are populist possers. Richness does not eliminate a person from being a populist, witness FDR. The beauty of the Tea Party movement is that no one controls it. Contrary to Nancy's declaration we really are a loosely organized grass roots movemnent. Republican philosophy, not necessarily implementation of policy is mostly allianed with our view of the Constitution. Republican leaders, however can not control us. We will likely control or at least greatly influence them.

  14. Shem,
    I would also like to go back to a time before a tax payer supported organization like NPR can discipline for a supposed politically incorrect statement. Most observers recognize that Juan's real transgression is that he appears on Fox. Shem, do you regret the undo influence of Soros on NPR, Media Matters, Huffington Post etc,?

  15. If you've ever been a caregiver to a badly disabled or terminally ill loved one, as I have and am, then you may have a different, valid, reality based perspective on health care accessiblity. I have seen elderly relatives' life savings drained by our former health care system. I myself watch whatever I earn go out to care for my two badly disabled sisters and our Mom. I am personally a fiscal conservative, and I believe in accountability, and I also believe that in our society, as in others on our planet, people should not have to worry about receiving proper, top quality medical care based on their need.

    I also stand behind my president and believe that if he had the allegiance and support of this country, instead of total resistance from the second he assumed office, we'd be in a much better place at this moment.

  16. Robert,
    You are to be commended for your family loyalty.

    Opposition to a government that has subverted the Constituion is what we Tea Party folk believe is our sacred patriotic duty. I suspect it will take more than one election to roll back out of control government.

    PS How about that NPR? There is an organization that a liberal can really be proud of. They are very politically correct, especially since Juan also works at Fox News. NPR said that federal funding only amounts to 2% of budget. They forgot to mention the indirect payments from subscribing stations who receive federal help. I have heard estimates that direct and indirect federal money amounts to more than 50% of their budget. If the election goes right, NPR will probably get a chance make it on its own, of course with Soros's help.

  17. The Constitution was heinously subverted by the previous administration, as was the Geneva Convention. This administration is trying to reverse the avalanche of damage done from 2001 to 2008.

  18. Robert,
    Possibly you have some examples other than Bush's No Child Left behind initive which is never mentioned as a federal power in the Constitution.

  19. Robert, I forgot the drug thing; Medicare. I suspect any terrorist actions, particuarly actions supported by congress would pass muster. After all Lincoln and FDR make W look tame.

  20. Perhaps Jim would like to return to those thrilling days of the Eisenhower 50s, when the maximum income tax rate was 91%, which helped finance the National Defense Highway System, not to mention the U2 flights over the Soviet Union, the abrupt cessation of which, thanks to the shooting down of Gary Francis Powers, led to the Soviet withdrawal from the planned summit meeting between Ike and Nikita Khrushchev.
    As to the influence of the money of George Soros on NPR, etc., I hardly notice, since I'm not a regular listener to National Pussy Radio because I find it's at best nothing but chicken-shit liberal.
    The lunatic-fringe has been a part of the American right since the 30s. The Tea Party is only the most recent reincarnation of the spirit of the America Firsters and their anti-Semite hero Charles Lindberg and the John Birch Society, with an all-white hue reminiscent of the Klan. The difference, of course, is that the John Birch Society had a sense of humor: they caled Eisenhower a Communist plant.
    Shem The Penman

  21. Shem, lighten up on the profanity or I'll have to delete. Not just because I have young people reading this but also because I don't want the blog getting flagged and whatever that creates. And hey, calling people chicken anything when you're commenting under an alias is a little hypocritical, unless your legal name is shem the penman.

  22. Lal--Points taken. Mea Maxima Culpa.

  23. No need for maxima, but your culpa acknowledgement is humbly accepted and applauded. More exchanges like this and we'll be honored at Stewart's Return to Sanity rally!

  24. Lally,
    Good and bad news. My daughter's high school softball team made it to the championship. Bad news, they lost and are the runner-up team (second year in a row.) Very Proud of her.

    On a completely different topic, I would like to add that I really do not understand how some people would love to see our government fail? They thrive on the negative media. How sad. Robert you sound like an incredible man taking care of your sisters and mother. Family is the best!!!


  25. Good for her, and you Loyeen, and you're right about Robert, one of the kindest and most thoughtful persons I know.

  26. Bush underfunded NCLB and hurt it seriously. It's another buzzword like shock and awe, like all the empty sloganeering.
