Saturday, January 8, 2011


How many people do you think know that from February 2001, Bush’s first full month in office, through January 2009, his last, the economy added about 1 million jobs, but in 2010 it added at least 1.1 million jobs?

Nancy Pelosi has announced that Obama and the Dems created more jobs in 2010 than President Bush did over eight years.” But just like the media ignored her historical run as Speaker of the House by putting Newt Gingrich on their news and opinion shows and John Boehner and other rightwing Republicans on the covers of their magazines and newspapers during her tenure BUT NOT HER, as they have ignored the fact that she may have been the most successful Speaker of the House in modern history and certainly one of the most successful in all U.S. history, they are also ignoring the reality of the history of job creation during Obama's first two years vs. Bush/Cheney's eight by making Boegner and the Republican propaganda machine the ones who frame this story.

Man I get awfully sick and tired of the rightwing media bias. 



    A Democratic congresswoman was shot in the head with an automatic weapon and five of her staffers were killed. Thank goodness we have the second amendment so that lunatic lemmings can protect our society from the evil represented no doubt by this congresswoman. As and Anal List, I predict that Jim will make some noise about how this was wrong but that somehow, she and the Dems had it coming. It's time to outlaw guns, to BAN them, by force if necessary, and learn to resolve conflicts and express displeasure peacefully.

  2. The fix is in & we're all fucked, I'm sorry to report. I guess it's worth fighting the giant right-wing anti-American corporate Monster, as you do so valiantly here, but unless there's another anti-establishment (and I don't mean the misguided corporate-sponsored tea party) counter-cultural uprising, along the lines of what happened in the '60s and '70s, victory is not assured.

  3. I just heard about the shooting. So unnecessary and tragic. And thanks for the link Robert. I notice in that article that Sarah Palin had this Congresswoman's district depicted in "crosshairs"—as in gun site—and now offers her condolences. That too is so typical of the right and their corporate masters. And I hear you TP, when will Obama and the leading Dems in Congress get it that they can't just parry rightwing propaganda and influence with logic and reason but must stay on message every day and keep it simple: Republicans are for the corporate takeover of America by any means necessary, Democrats are for the Founding principles of liberty and justice for all.

  4. Irresponsible Republicans, Tea-Partiers and Right Wing Media vilify Democrats with lies and hate rhetoric, plus promote and condone gun ownership - they all are responsible for this tragedy.

  5. Hi Robert and Mike,

    Violence from the Left or the Right is an affront to our democratic republic. Hopefully the SOB will be executed as Lee Harvey Oswald should have been executed if Ruby had not intervened. By the way, besides being in the military do you recall that Oswald was a progressive/socialist/communist. Maybe we should hesitate to hastily dam as demons people whom we disagree with. Maybe we are part of the problem. Maybe we should recognize that there are unstable folks on both extremes. Just look how easy it is for K, Lally and Robert to call me a LIAR,RACIST and possibly an

  6. Nancy's Message of how great the Democrats performed does not match the numbers. Bush's unemployment numbers were in the 4-6% area. Obama started at 7% and ran it up to 10% or 17% including folks who stopped looking or are comfortable on unemployment after multiple years.

  7. "from February 2001, Bush’s first full month in office, through January 2009, his last, the economy added about 1 million jobs, but in 2010 it added at least 1.1 million jobs" was the quote and it is totally accurate and correct. The economy crashed because of two terms of a rightwing Republican administrations and six years of a rightwing Republican controlled Congress, during which the gap between rich and poor grew greater than any other industrial nation and more than many "developing" nations. All facts. As is the reality that all the individual acts of political violence perpetrated since Bush/Cheney took over have been inspired by rightwing media lies (like the latest bs about Obama and the Dems plans to turn the dollar into some kind of one world currency etc.) and a lie is a lie whoever's telling it. In light of this recent rightwing media and propaganda inspired violence comments from the usual suspects will be deleted for a while unless they are apologizing for supporting rightwing politicians and media mouthpieces whose messages and lies inspire and even encourage this kind of violence.

  8. It's true that there are fanatics on the full bandwidth of the political spectrum. Call it what you want, someone who should have had a gun had one (or more); someone who shouldn't have thought to use the gun had the thought to use it. This comes from legislators who cow-tow to the NRA, from socially irresponsible mass media that glorifies and inundates us with images of gun use and gratuitous murder. Sadly, this completely preventable tragedy will likely lead to a flurry of name calling, tit-for-tat, making others wrong. In Italy, when people get into a driving conflict, they honk their horns, get out of their cars and yell at each other, then get back in their cars and go to the restaurant and eat pasta together. Here we have a diabolical glut of guns and ease of getting them, plus mass media that 24/7 shows people (real and animated) shooting each other over the slightest disagreement. Sorry Jim, but government needs to outlaw and ban guns with severe penalties and it needs to regulate allowable content.

  9. Woops, left a couple of words out - here's the amended version:

    It's true that there are fanatics on the full bandwidth of the political spectrum. Call it what you want, someone who should NOT have had a gun had one (or more); someone who shouldn't have thought to use the gun had the thought to use it. This comes from legislators who cow-tow to the NRA, from socially irresponsible mass media that glorifies and inundates us with images of gun use and gratuitous murder. Sadly, this completely preventable tragedy will likely lead to a flurry of name calling, tit-for-tat, making others wrong. In Italy, when people get into a driving conflict, they honk their horns, get out of their cars and yell at each other, then get back in their cars and go to the restaurant and eat pasta together. Here we have a diabolical glut of guns and ease of getting them, plus mass media that 24/7 shows people (real and animated) shooting each other over the slightest disagreement. Sorry Jim, but government needs to outlaw and ban guns with severe penalties and it needs to regulate allowable MASS MEDIA content.

  10. the next national election will precipitate

    in the Senate

    23 Democratic senators are up for reelection
    9 Republicans

    guess who tkes the Senate?

    the Dems are now playing into the Republican's "hands"


    WOW! the Dems might as well surrender...

    the mentality is like that of a game a football game

    us against them! it s not in football how you "play the game" it s
    about WINNING

  11. There is a considerable body of research that shows as gun ownership goes up violent crime goes down. It seems the criminal has more to lose with an armed potential victim. There is also that thing called the US Constitution which protects the right to bear arms and has been recently upheld. I did enjoy the reading of our Founding Document. It is good that politicians be reminded of their limitations as they attempt to increase the reach and control of government.

    PS Mike, the electorate seem to be might testy with Democrats and their big government ineffectual programs. As to the dominence of big media, the real news is that the consumers have multiple choices and previous sources like the NYTimes no longer have a near monopoly.

  12. Jim, pull your head out of the sand...violent crime is rampant!! Get real buddy. In Australia handguns are BANNED. Violent crime is rare there. Your "research" is heresay and if any was done it was probably backed by the nra. And Anon, your observation is sad and to some degree true. This is a powerful opportunity for you to go one or more step further than your negativity and begin teaching those around you the importance and necessity of 'how the game is played' - you have the power to help change things for the better.

  13. RZ

    is your .... Opinion ..
    what is called A Preemptive Strike?

    SIT. REAL PEOPLE are dying via these "games"


    drop another BOMB on "them"!

  14. No it's preventive medicine. As strong as the impulse may be to do a preemptive strike, ultimately it won't solve the problem or cure the ill. Neither will making the other party wrong - this only leads to an unending cycle of blame. Lao-Tzu says: "What is a good man, but a bad man's teacher, and what is a bad man, but a good man's job?" and Rumi says: "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field-I'll meet you there...when the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase 'each other' doesn't make any sense."

  15. Great quotes Robert. Thanks. I needed that.
