Thursday, February 24, 2011


So, gas prices are skyrocketing supposedly because of the "unrest in the Middle East."

Even though oil corporation profits are greater than ever in the history of the world!...

...and there is still a surplus of oil in the USA!


I wonder if oil corporations would be so low as to take advantage of circumstances to do some "profiteering" as they used to call it?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Gas prices should be on a sliding scale basis determined by a thumb or eyescan that instantly knows one's holdings and financial abilities. In fact, all prices should be so determined.

  3. It's horrible when you come to expect nothing less than 'profiteering' from these situations - or the deceit and corruption that follows in the shell-game (no pun intended) of deflecting responsibility. And it's no wonder that it remains unchecked when you see the amount of money the oil companies are using for lobbying congress and GOP campaign contributions - particularly in the recent mid term.

    I'm afraid this part of our Experiment with Democracy is severely dysfunctional.

    And you would think that with the 'unrest' - and the more economic instability that is due as a result of ripple effects from sky-rocketing fuel prices - there would be a crisis, call-to-action to develop alternative energy and surplus supplies - or even rationing - but that isn't happening (because there really isn't a shortage, it's a windfall opportunity) ...

    Somehow the Fairly Unbalanced Networks will figure out a way of blaming Obama -
    nice deflection ...

  4. Harryn,
    If the domestic energy industry had not been prevented by Democrats and Obama from developing domestic recources, the prices would not be going up. When supply goes up demand goes down. I realize an economic truism is very difficult for liberals like Lally.

  5. JIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your truly,
    Jamie Rose, just another liberal like Lally.


    Go to this link to find out where the nearest rally to you is this Saturday, 2/26, in support of the working people of Wisconsin.


    Singer John Legend says "take my tax cut please." He says he and other rich folk don't need a tax break, and that it's vital to not cut arts and education programs.

  8. Thank you for expressing my sentiments so graphically Jamie. A bit too Sol Lewitt for my taste, but clearly memorable.

    If I recall correctly, we had a major oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico (which of course was Obama's fault from the Republican perspective) and an unprecedented economic disaster that required attention - during the same time oil company profits continued to soar ...

    Prior to that, economists are now attributing the last spike in oil prices in 2008 more to global economic inflation adjustments than shortages.

    The supply and demand model is a bit out-dated when you begin to consider the market's ability to create false positives with reserves - even the E-Trade baby knows that ...

    Part of the 'adult conversation' that is being espoused in D.C. these days requires less blame game and more responsibility - something that is not likely to occur if you follow who's lining the coffers of the G.O.P. - and the party-line talking points only add to the problem - no matter whose side your on ...

    The real problem still seems to be "profiteering" ...

  9. oh yeah Robert ...

    and the pension benefits that are being cut in WI were 99% funded until the economic disaster bit off more than half of their value - and the union workers are being made to pay twice for a Wall Street problem where bonuses continue to soar ...


    Required reading: 'Ishmael' - especially the part where our society is likened to thinking we are airborne in flight, when in fact we are in middair, flapping our wings fervently, but plummeting rapidly toward a crash landing below.

  11. The Gulf disaster was attributable to lack of corporate and government oversight. The problem has been fixed yet Obama bans drilling. The cariboo thrive next to the warmth of the Alaskan pipeline, yet ANWAR has been stopped. Shale oil development has been stopped in Colorado by the Democrats. In a time of deep recession Democrats have compounded unemployment. In a time of middle east uncertaintly and a corresponding spike in prices, America is unable to development domestic resources. Instead Obama and the Democrats push wind, solar and $40m electric cars from Government Motors. Both parties are responsible for the ethanol boondogle. All the feel good projects are not viable without substantial government support.

  12. Robot arms are flailing. "Danger Will Robinson - does not compute!" I'll just parrot my prime (mis) directive - 'blame Obama/blame Democrats/blame Progressives' regardless of immutable facts to the contrary.

    How can anybody with one molecule of intelligence possibly think that pink slipping all 2,000 teachers in Providence (ironic name choice for this action) do anything but lead to dire consequenmces - that's 100,000 or more of our children who won't have education or a place to go or sense of community, so what - they'll turn to crime and violence? True education is our greatest resource, our greatest defense, much greater defense than weapons and incursions, which only undermine our security. Who needs more than a billion dollars of income or, for that matter, more than 100 million, to live comfortably for a lifetime. All above this should be redistributed. Having this much while others who helped get you there are suffering and dying is hardly 'success' in any economic system.

  13. Robert,Rhode Island is a liberal state. Providence is approaching bankruptcy. Take it up with the liberals.
