Thursday, March 17, 2011


He's not the smoothest media presence, but he sure tells it like it is or should be most of the time.

If you didn't see The Ed Show last night (I don't watch it regularly but check in occasionally to see what he's saying and it's almost always terrifically researched as this one is) I highly recommend his segment on how many Republican governors are cutting breaks for corporations and the wealthy while sticking it to working folks.

I couldn't get a direct link to the segment, so go to this one and then on the right click the image that says "Corporate Welfare States"—if only the rest of the media would pick up on this, and stories like it found almost exclusively on MSNBC.


  1. I just happened to see that segment too, although like you, I don't watch Ed regularly. Great stuff, as you say.

    I watch Rachel Maddow more often. She is terrific at explaining subjects, be they political or topical. For instance, her explanation of meltdown in nuclear reactors was top-notch. I finally understood the whole thing perfectly (and it scared the crap out of me). Until viewing her segment I did not realize that the so-called "spent" fuel rods are just as dangerous as the active rods in the core if they are not constantly cooled. This is why it is such a big deal that the tank holding the spent fuel rods in #4 is apparently empty!

    Rachel just keeps getting better. Notice how that now days very few, if any, right-wingers will submit to an interview by her. She scares the hell out of them.

    ~ Willy

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