Friday, April 8, 2011


Thanks to TPW for hipping me to this segment (and if you pay attention you'll notice that the Michigan guv is eliminating tax breaks for the movie industry working in his state (they made over a hundred movies there last year because of the tax breaks he's now eliminating), like Christie did in Jersey, and it will mean the loss of tons of jobs and revenue etc. as it has done here. What is it these brave rightwing Republican governors (and I bet there's more also doing it) are so afraid of about the movie and TV business?).

[Oh, and by the way, for the rightwing, especially Tea Party, advocates of blaming everything on the deficit except tax cuts for the wealthy—they want even more of that—their golden boy Paul Ryan's plan touted by them as the solution would raise the deficit by thirteen trillion over the next twenty-one years, way more than their projections for Obama. As usual their math is based on ideology not reality, otherwise they'd have to admit that tax breaks for the rich only work when the rich are paying way more than their share, which they really haven't done since Reagan, but certainly not under Bush/Cheney and the extension of their tax cuts for the wealthiest. One of the less shining moments of Obama and the Dems when they compromised on that to save some basic programs for the rest of us. Bad deal, because you can't bargain with extreme ideologues, haven't they learned that yet? Every time they do, we lose something else the Dems are supposed to be protecting and the right loses nothing because not running the executive office or the Senate (though they can certainly sabotage those who do) means any concession in their favor is a win and any status quo is as well, but they have succeeded in framing anything on the "liberal" agenda succeeding as another sign of imminent Armageddon.


  1. Democrats/socilalists/RINOs and todays liberals believe in the power of government to lift up people, share the wealth. They believe this even though there is zero historic evidence of it working. Conservatives and some Republicans believe in the power of free enterprise to lift the entire economy and well being of Americans. We have evidence of that philosophy working. We also have stark evidence of big government failure and great damage done to the US economy. Just look to the 1930s, the 1970s and the years 2008- to present.

    The Ryan Plan is the first serious plan to fix US's massive problem that has been built bi-partisanlly. The Obama Budget will have resulted in a doubling of debt by the end of his first term and a tripling of debt by 2021. America must change or fade to economic oblivion.

  2. Obama is about to speak next week on The/ Budget

    The one that he has already submitted... He is about to "dumb" it down change things that will more-so be i tune with the Ryan program...

    Obama has already moved from the left-of-center to a
    position just right-of-center...

    this will be a fun year... like the broadcast news on tv .... non-stop just treat politics as Entertainment ... like Donald Trump is doing He's a joke. Time to start laughing at him and them.... and, Bring on the Clowns

  3. Another interesting post Michael ...
    I guess when you have guys like Michael Moore, Eminem, and the automobile industry sharing their "phoenix" stories it doesn't reflect the party line message. Today's right wing politics - or the 'art of perception/deception', doesn't fare well with the truth.

    So much of the rusting of america and back-woods, guns 'n bible iconography is there for the taking in Michigan - not to mention stories of recovery.
    Once again, it seems that if you disagree with ideology you'll become the beneficiary of some kind of punitive enforcement - ie., taxes, union breaking, benefits, healthcare, etc. - and there's something very dangerous about that vindictive use of power.
    So much so that it reminds me of Germany's pre-war history and the way Hitler rallied support and intimidation to gain his constituency. And with the proper messaging to a volatile and uneducated audience, they can easily meet their destiny on the road they took to avoid it.

    Back to Friday's Congressional stall session. Basically the G.O.P., with Tea Party directives, managed to bilk the American public out of approximately the same amount that Bernie Madoff accomplished with single-handed entrepreneurship. This pattern of unconscionable behavior for profit has got to stop.

    As far as the "imminent Armageddon". It seems that if you can't deal with the facts you create bogeymen like "wars on terrorism" or "Star Wars". Give some people a paycheck, gun, and fear-based idea and who knows what you'll end up with ....

    The Marthat and the Vandella's song "Dancing in the Streets" comes to mind ...

  4. In my techno-dyslexic personal tradition, I messed up in the comments section of the previous post. I meant to delete the rightwing comment above but deleted a slightly less egregious example of rightwing lying and wrote the comments below in response to that incorrect deletion, not realizing I was on the wrong post!

    So, we all are capable of making mistakes, but some are unwilling to ever admit to theirs. I'll leave the intended deletion that starts this thread, despite the accumulation of distortions and lies in it so you can see what I thought I was reacting to:

    "Opinions, okay, but the accumulation of repeated lies based on ideology or the ideological revision of facts until they're lies, no.

    PS, I let a few be and ignored them, as did others, for which I'm grateful, but again, the attempt to overwhelm with repeated misrepresentations and lies becomes too tediously tiresome and intrusive. The links provided on this blog by me and others, like Miles, offer enough factual evidence to support the basis for a realistic discussion of policies and their impacts, but rightwing propagandistic references to easily refuted distortions and lies is just meant to either incite or obfuscate which we get relentlessly from the rightwing already.

  5. When the effects of Jim's own and that of the Teapocrits' bigotry, greed, ignorance and hatred hit home, which, while I don't wish bad upon anyone, seem inevitable, only then will they hopefully come to see things like that the vast majority of Muslims in the world are good people, that guns are bad and the God wants us to evolve to a point where we don't need them, that quality medical treatment should be available to all without the scamming and gouging currently going on and that, as Confucious says: "One should behave in one's own room as if the ceiling has eyes."

  6. Robert,
    It would be honest, if when you accuse me of bigotry, greed and igorance that you would be specific. To do otherwise is dishonest. I am beginning to believe you are dishonest, because you continue to accuse me of dispicable behavior, but when challenged, retreat into further name calling. Again, Cowardly Robert Zuckerman, be specific!!

    PS In order to be a good Muslim, it is necessary to believe that the Koran is actual words of Allah. It is also necessary to believe that a reinterpetation of those words is at best difficult and at best heretical and worthy of death. The words to the Koran give non Muslims three choices; convert, pay a tax to Islam or death. That does not sound like the Preamble to the Constitution or any modern civilized society.

  7. I leave the above just as another display of this one's—and most rightwingers I read or listen to on the radio or watch on TV—inability to reason or use facts. All fundamentalist and evangelical Christians—close to 100% of whom belong to the Republican party and many of whom support the Tea Party—believe the Bible is "the word of God" and not to be challenged, which is why they refuse to accept evolution and believe dinosaurs lived on earth at the same time as humans, but none of whom, to my knowledge, believe it's okay to raid Canada for slaves, or even to keep slaves, though their Bible says it is quite alright, or to have many wives too and stone those who commit adulatory (look out Gingrich) but oh my goodness these good "Americans" don't do that, even though some want to replace the Founders ideas with the Bible's ideas, because they are very selective about which lines in the Bible they push or practice, despite their Bible literalism, just as the majority of the world's muslims are. Duh!

  8. The main thing on my mind right now is Japan.

  9. Soon after September 11 2001 I attended services at a number of Mosques around Los Angeles. I was treated with respect and not threatened. Was invited to houses of congregants for meals and thoughtful conversation. In 2008, while working on Transformers 2, I walked the inner city streets of Cairo unaccompanied, ate in restaurants, spoke with many people. Shook hands with men who greeted me with "Salaam" - peace - the highest word in their language, according to them. Also did this in Luxor, Akaba, Amman, Al Salt. Mingled with Bedouins in the timeless magnificent desert of Wadi Rum. Know high level very sophisticaed and educated Muslims who observe Ramadan and have a vision of world peace. So, who's the coward - the one with significant first hand experience, or the one who takes cheap pot-shots based on paranoia and hearsay from his mile high toy soldier tree fort?

  10. So Robert, where the hell are the examples of my of bigotry, greed and igorance?

  11. "In order to be a good Muslim, it is necessary to believe that the Koran is actual words of Allah. It is also necessary to believe that a reinterpetation of those words is at best difficult and at best heretical and worthy of death. The words to the Koran give non Muslims three choices; convert, pay a tax to Islam or death."

  12. Robert, How is that inaccurate? Please be specific. I am prepared to back up my statement as I have done many times before. I would expect any serious person who disputes that fact would do no less.

  13. Jim, my first hand experience of meeting, spending time with, knowing for years numerous Muslims, some of which I spoke of above, refutes your paranoic splooge. Cut the crap.

  14. Robert,You obviously have no knowledge of Islam or the Qu'ran. You are a typical liberal who makes accusations and is unable to back it up. America has had enough of liberal crap. We seem to be at a tipping point. It could work out for America, if Obamanomics is rolled back. You and your ilk's (a Robert word) influence is about to deminished greatly over the next 1 1/2 years.

  15. I have knowledge of humanity, something you sorely and sadly lack. You're so smug. Half your words are misspelled, you don't even care enough to proof-read or use proper language. Your a sad, scary joke.

  16. Robert, you're a better man than I even bothering with such nonsense. I had a busy day and evening and came back to find all this rapid spewing again. What a knuckledragger this one's turning out to be.

  17. Neither of you address the question. Both of you accuse but are unable to back up your accusations. You obviously have never read the Koran or willfully excuse what you have read. America would be a better place if liberals accorded the same courtesies to Christians and Jews.

  18. It is you who do not address the question or the numerous answers that are given to you which you selectively and ommissively interpret. I have read the Koran, the Bible (Old and New Testament), the Bagavad Gita, The Upanishads, The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Tao te Ching, The I Ching, Shakespeare, The Art of Peace and The Art of War. It is you who has obviously not read the Koran, but instead have interpreted it out of context based upon your parnoia. Know this Jim, you're no match for me or any of the caring people on this blog. You're an instigator because it's the only way you have a sense of validation, ill-conceived and toxic thought it may be. Keep 'em coming, sad sack, all your barbs won't make a dent in the truth or in goodness.

  19. Robert, I too have read all you mention, but it's pointless to engage this wingnut, I specifically answer in many comments I've left in response to these baseless accusations that all Muslims believe whatever it is that has him trembling with fear and loathing (the rage seems faked most of the time just to provoke, as you point out). Jews and Christians were accepted in many Muslim societies for centuries with no problem, as Muslims were and are here (Thomas Jefferson called them Mohamadens and welcomed them into our new democracy among others of the founding fathers). The danger in "America" has always come from within, and for the past couple of geneerations it has almost exclusively been coming from the right, which would turn our secular democracy into a either a fundamentalist Christian theocracy or a corporate run oligarchy in which the Constitution is cherry picked or revised (through rightwing activist judges, ala the Citizens United case) to favor only the wealthy and their corporate masters. That's the real fear that is driving most on the left and even in the middle. And all the statistics and graphs show this threat is very very real. Another reason to exclude their parrots from our discussions.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Facts are stubborn things. Just because Liberals like Lally and Robert refuse to acknowledge the evil, murder, honor killing, discrimination against gays, women and non muslims does not make the danger go away. Only forceful confrontation keeps it at bay. This exchange is a perfect example of why liberals can not be trusted with national security.

  22. What a dumb, not even one-dimensional utterance. Of course force is sometimes necessary, as a last resort, when other means are either exhausted or not available. Your total disregard of the vast majority of good hearted, ethical, upright Muslims makes you as bad as your condemantion.

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  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. As Bugs Bunny would say, ain't it great to be able to delete rather than refute obvious errors in your arguments. You guys are really stupid and deserve to lose in the arena of ideas. Who would have believed that Michael Lally received a first class education, largely on the charity of Bishop McCarthy. As for Robert, I suspect that Mordecai would be ashamed of your mental gymnastics.

  26. You know nothing about my Father, Jim, and you're way out line. My Dad would have been ashamed of you calling yourself a Conservative, and he would have had nothing to do with you. See unlike you, my Dad was a thinker, he was open minded, and he saw multiple sides of a situation, in other words, he was reasonable and grounded in reality. You are grounded in delusion and self righteousness. You haven't got a clue about the real world, only the world inside your ignorant mind.
