Friday, May 20, 2011


I've been deleting the comments of the rightwing "troll" who's plagued this blog almost since its inception. But I thought I'd leave his last comment as a perfect example of where the thinking of rightwingers goes when played out to its illogical conclusion (with, of course, the impetus of the rightwing propaganda machine's arguing the veracity of syllogisms that are based on false premises which lead to false conclusions, but by playing on their following's prejudices and fears, topped by their inability to reason effectively, convince their base of the most ludicrous assumptions, presumptions, misdirections, misinformation, distortions and lies).

So here it is. Since Obama couldn't be faulted on his place of birth anymore, or his national security credentials (apres Bin Laden's demise) they jumped on his call for a two state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on the pre-1967 (in other words the United Nations agreed upon) borders.

So our resident, if no longer allowed to join in the conversation, rightwing "troll" uses—as his final attempt to paint Obama as unsympathetic to Israel—this statement (in case you haven't already read in in the comments thread to the post before last):

"Obama the Jew hater!!!"

If this kind of rightwing inanity weren't so viciously successful in attracting the borderline and not even borderline psychos on the right, the rest of us would merely shake our heads in disgust at such a pathetic attempt to generate its own form of hatred intent not on winning arguments or political discourse but simply on doing harm.


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  4. This guy is just incredibly disturbed. How long will he keep this up? Michael, you are a very patient man...

  5. Thanks anonymous. This is how the right has become so influential, even though they represent such a small fraction of us. They are relentless in their continuous attacks on anyone who doesn't agree with them, and they escalate from irrationality to viciousness and, as in the comments I deleted, that means irrational and vicious lies. This one obviously can't accept the reality that he's not wanted here. He's long since begun spewing his toxic waste on the blogs of those who sometimes comment here. It's like a virus. One for which those of us more to the center or the left side of the political spectrum have yet to devise a successful remedy for I'm afraid. reason, logic, and factual reality aren't enough it seems.

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