Got up early this morning to drive to Pennsylvania to a skateboarding camp with my oldest son, his son—my twelve-year-old grandson— and a friend of his, and my thirteen year old son.
I missed seeing my daughter and granddaughter, but it was an exhilarating experience to see my youngest and his nephew arrive at a place they've fantasized about for years (and watched videos of, and will get to interact and learn from some of their heroes at) overwhelmed with excitement and anticipation.
And then to see them acclimate in minutes to their new fantasy surroundings displaying a ready independence beyond what they've shown before, my older son and I becoming superfluous pretty quickly.
The ride there, especially the Amish countryside part of it, a delightful experience in itself (including the constant, "How long before we get there"). And the ride back with just me and my older son talking about topics that interest and excite us. Pretty sweet.
So, a wonderful and satisfying Father's Day (with the exception of not seeing my daughter and granddaughter) for me. Hope any fathers who read this blog had the same.
[PS: For my current favorite poem about fathers, see this recent post and the poem "Gigs With My Father."]
This so great Lals.