Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I'm sure everyone by now has seen and heard the desultory, petty, resentfully snide response of the Republicans to the Libyan situation, i.e. the impending end of Qudaffi's rule. As with the killing of Osama Bin Laden, they choke on even the thought of having to congratulate our president.

But the fact remains, they and their then leaders Bush and Cheney made all kinds of belligerent boasts and predictions about catching Osama and liberating Iraq and "Mission Accomplished" et-endessly-cetera, but they didn't do the job. Their wars are still going on eight and ten years later, costing our country much of its wealth in human life and treasure, without even capturing or killing the man who led the attack on us!

Obama did it with courage and decisiveness that didn't boast, didn't chest beat, but just got the job done. There is plenty of footage of Republican leaders predicting failure or a stalemate or worse in Libya, and mocking Obama's "lead from behind" strategy. But now that it seems to have worked, they can't acknowledge they were wrong and he was right, but instead pretend he had nothing to do with it and either give credit to everyone BUT Obama, or continue to criticize him by saying it would have happened much sooner if he'd done it differently, as if a six month war in which we didn't lose one troop is a disgrace, but a ten or eight year one in which thousands of our troops died and thousands more were permanently disabled and hundreds of thousands of civilians lost their lives as well is a great triumph!

Their cowardly hypocrisy almost turns my stomach. And I find it personally not just unpatriotic to the extreme, but close to traitorous. They would rather do everything in their power to discredit and disgrace and dishonor our democratically elected leader, than to credit or grace or honor him for pulling off a great victory for the cause of freedom (as well as for one less terrorist sponsoring tyrant, not to mention most likely creating an atmosphere in which oil prices will come down as well).

The right used to tell anyone who was left of the Klu Klux Klan or their dressed up in suits counterparts The John Birch Society et. al. to "go back to Russia" as if basic beliefs of our Founding Fathers came from Russia! But there isn't a country on earth today that we could send the right to where they wouldn't be further to the right than even the few tyrants left. We have to shout "Go back to The Middle Ages—no, even further, Go Back to The Dark Ages where you obviously belong."


  1. Of course, Jim will be so predictable and do exactly what you say, and you will delete him, which I thank you for, because he and they don't deserve to be heard.

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  3. Lal--Robert G. risks being tagged-back by "Jim" as intolerant for saying that "they don't deserve to be heard." One of the basic building blocks of the American form of democracy is that everyone has a right to his opinions and a right to be heard, if only via the freedom of the press in its various forms. To shut people up is not democratic and it certainly does not constitute rational argument. The various Jims of this world may well not be persuaded by rational argument, but to shut them up does not begin to refute them.
    Bob B.

  4. True enough Bob. My choice to delete one person's comments on this blog is a result of a few years of not deleting them and instead refuting the misinformation, misdirection, outright lies as well as name-calling (something the poor man accuses me of several times a week and pretty much the only name I've called him over the past few years is "rightwinger") he has aimed at me and others. No amount of facts or reason or logic has any sway whatsoever over the relentless barrage of rightwing propaganda points (he pretty much parrots the rightwing line as it appears in the rightwing media day to day). And as I've pointed out he has invaded the blogs of friends of mine who either ignore him, edit their comments threads or have eliminated comments all together because of this one person who seems to have nothing better to do than watch and listen to rightwing media and then go on this blog and some of my friends' blogs to propagate that rightwing propaganda and in that way exhaust the patience and tolerance of the bloggers themselves as well as many of those who read the blogs. It's a relatively successful tactic that the right has used not just on individual blogs but on all media where even when their statements are misleading or totally false they gain credibility just by repetition for those not as discerning or well-informed and become part of the "public dialogue" where in the past they would have been dismissed or ignored as the misinformation and outright lies they are based on.

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  6. PS Anyone interested can go to the archives at the bottom on the right and find years of back and forth arguments in comments threads with the rightwinger who now mostly gets deleted where facts are given by myself and many others refuting his misinformation and lies and you will see that when caught in a lie he changes the subject or uses some other form of misdirection to not answers the charge or refute the claims. Ad nauseum. Anyone who at this point believes any of the rightwing propaganda that the media mainly treats as just another perspective rather than mostly lies and misinformation is either a victim of that propaganda barrage or unable to use reason and logic and facts to draw conclusions based on reality rather than ideology. I've addressed this many times, and not saying that there isn't value and even reason and logic behind some conservative perspectives and goals, true conservatisim actually had some great elements in the distant past. But the kind of rightwing Republicanism that now calls itself "conservative" ala Perry, Bachmann, Palin, Limbaugh, Fox News et. al. is not fact based, no reasonable or logical and not of use to the challenges facing this country and the world at this moment.

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  9. Robert, I stand by my assertion. Yes, Jim has a legal right to be heard, but it is my legal right to say that he doesn't deserve to be heard, because he eschews truth, decency and integrity. He is a hypocrit.
