Sunday, August 21, 2011


So the same rightwing Republicans (pretty much interchangeable terms these days) who fought so hard to KEEP the Bush.Cheney tax cuts for the wealthiest (and thereby guaranteed much of the growth in the deficit and debt) are now fighting to END the "payroll tax"—which is applied to workers only, not investors, profiteers, corporate welfare recipients, CEOs, salaried corporate earners, etc.—cuts that Obama and the Dems passed that expire soon.

So, just to be clear, when the temporary tax cuts for the wealthy were scheduled to end, the Republicans fought to have them extended, but when the temporary tax cuts for workers is scheduled to expire, the Republicans are fighting to let them expire, and thereby raise taxes on workers.

Obama and the Dems should be talking about nothing but this, as well as the media, the way they should have about the tax cuts for the wealthy, but as usual this clear and devastating (to working people) difference between the Democrats and the Republicans will go mostly unrecorded, unremarked, and therefore unknown to most voters.

[PS: And there's never any mention of the fact that the Bush/Cheney tax cuts for the richest among us were justified on the grounds that they would help the economy and regular folks but the exact opposite happened!—the economy tanked and the share-of-wealth gap has become still greater!]


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I can only imagine what was deleted, but I'm sure in was more heresy from someone who doesn't have the manhood to admit to the truth or reality. he doesn't realize that the very daughter we all rose about our differences to wish well will suffer because of his recalcitrance.

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  4. Robert, My daughter Shannon would be waiting months for treatment if we lived in government run health care systems like the UK, Canada or New Zealand. Obamacare if it survives the Supreme court or the 2012 election would surplant the patient physcian relationship with management by the same entity that manages the Post Office. She may or may not have survived the wait.

  5. I'm gonna leave that last comment in because Robert addressed the issue personally toward him. But it is also full of lies as always. Statistics show that you have a better chance of good healthcare and a longer and healthier life if you live in any of the nations mentioned rather than the U.S. I'm happy that this young person was given treatment that worked for her. But I, and I'm sure any of us who respect the truth, could give examples of many cases we know personally (out of the hundreds of thousands) of young people whose health has suffered, in some cases critically, or even fatally, because they weren't given, and couldn't get, IN THIS COUNTRY, THE USA, the treatment they needed because they didn't have insurance or the right kind or did but the insurance company went out of their way to discourage or even trick them into thinking it wasn't necessary or they weren't covered. I have friends who have DIED because of these kinds of immoral attitudes about human health care being a decision for insurance and health corporations to make based on profits rather than need. It makes me so angry to even think of it that I can't believe I've wasted my time once again on rightwing deception and misinformation and outright lies about something so vital that is now used for rightwing ideological imposition. The facts are clear and have been for a long time (and by the way, the post Office did fine as a government agency, in fact a shining example to the entire world, until the Republicans under Nixon turned it into a quasi-public quasi-private for profit corporation and it's been going downhill ever since, but it has NOTHING to do with Obama's healthcare bill and the ways in which it is being implemented).

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  8. Thanks Michael. I also know people who have died HERE because of immoral/unethical practices, or have been bankrupted because of unethical practices, like a doctor sticking his head in your room at the hospital and asking "how ya feeling?" and then you're getting a two thousand dollar bill for it.

  9. Jim you are so wrong man it's not even funny. Your assertion has no basis in actual fact or reality.

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  11. FYI, in 1999 while visiting a friend in Montreal I fractured my rib from a bicyle accident. Was seen, x-rayed and treated rapidly and without charge.
