Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Got a recorded message earlier this morning saying the water situation is being fixed and should be back to normal in a few...weeks!

It also said not to let water from any tap touch fruits or vegetables or get in the mouth etc. etc. and to put bleach into any water we use to wash dishes etc.

Don't see this on the news, and it's happening in many surrounding towns over a wide area. Bottled water is being handed out on a "first come first serve" basis as the store shelves are empty etc. etc.

Infrastructure anyone?


  1. yeah

    they don't want to tell you that raw sewage (meaning poop) is in the drinking water.

    lots of sewage run-off (and over) into the water purification plants... and now electric to run the plants' machines...

    thy already add too much bleach (chlorine) and other "crap" to our drinking water in normal circumstances..

    that bottled in plastic water at the stores is worse... no testing on it at all...

    this is the New Reality we can't afford the cost of rebuilding anything....

  2. When we were kids all the Essex Co water came from artisian wells. But this current problem would most likely be caused by overrun at the Elizabeth treatment plant. It was the same thing when Floyd hit NJ. At that time I was taking care of my invalid mother and really worried about her immune system. It seems to me I picked up something at a camping store that helped back then. Good luck.

  3. Not so scary really, more just incredibly inconvenient at this point. I'm hearing mixed rumors, that it's "only runoff" with pesticides etc. and not actual sewage, etc. But compared to the folks who lost houses or businesses or had to be rescued by boat etc. or still don't have power and won't for days or weeks, I feel we got off relatively easy. My point was just that given the rise in population and usage, the wealthy can pay a few more dimes to help our taxes pay for infrastructure and safety instead of tax breaks for oil companies and unnecessary wars.
