I'd noticed this article by an ex-functionary of the Republican Party on "Truthout" but hadn't read it yet, until today when my friend Kevin sent
this link. This is maybe the best summary of many of the points I've been making for the past several years on this blog. It's well worth reading, and only gets better, so I recommend reading it all.
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ReplyDeleteHe also points out the total ineptness of the Democrats at playing politics. Among many sad but true examples here's one:
ReplyDelete"...they do not understand language. Their initiatives are posed in impenetrable policy-speak: the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The what? - can anyone even remember it? No wonder the pejorative "Obamacare" won out. Contrast that with the Republicans' Patriot Act. You're a patriot, aren't you? Does anyone at the GED level have a clue what a Stimulus Bill is supposed to be? Why didn't the White House call it the Jobs Bill and keep pounding on that theme?"
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ReplyDeleteOnce again, Teapocriscy at its most blatant, with no regard for the general welfare of real flesh and blood human being, nor for the common good.
ReplyDeleteI came across this, of interest:
K., You quoted the exact section I was thinking on quoting as a "quote of the day" kind of thing before I decided to link to the entire article. But that's the perfect example of how well this point that so many of us have been making for a while was made in this essay.
ReplyDeleteAnd Robert, thanks for the link, a clear sign of the hypocrisy of the right. As their leaders have made clear since the beginnings of Obama's presidency, they would rather see our country, our economy, even the world suffer than see Obama re-elected.
And as for their using the latest equal net gain/net loss in jobs (leading to the commonly termed "zero job growth") to label Obama a failure, his overall record is job growth, as opposed to what in inherited which was continuing and worsening job loss under Bush/Cheney, something the right ignored at the time and didn't see the need to start a Tea Party over. But the fact remains, Obama's record on jobs is way ahead of Bush/Cheney's, which just goes to show how much their record sucked.
"Obama's record on jobs is way ahead ahead of Bush /Cheney's" is prima facie evidence that Lally is stark raving mad.
ReplyDeleteJim, I think you are the one who is stark raving mad. Why would you keep irritating people on a blog where you are clearly not wanted and
ReplyDeletenot respected?
Because anonymous responded to another rightwing lie, I'm not deleting the comment responded to, but offer this link, one of thousands that will back it up of course, showing how during just 2010 more jobs were created by the Obama presidency than by all eight years of Bush/Cheney. Check it out: http://newsjunkiepost.com/2010/10/08/its-official-more-private-sector-jobs-created-in-2010-than-during-entire-bush-years/
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ReplyDeleteLal: The article is absolutely brilliant. Almost every paragraph would launch a discussion in and of itself. The unifying theme running through the whole of the piece is the observation that the media and low-info voters have fallen into this trap of bestowing an legitimacy to each "side" in any so-called argument - as is well illustrated by this:
... the "respectable" media have been terrified of any criticism for perceived bias. Hence, they hew to the practice of false evenhandedness. Paul Krugman has skewered this tactic as being the "centrist cop-out." "I joked long ago," he says, "that if one party declared that the earth was flat, the headlines would read 'Views Differ on Shape of Planet.'"
Clearly we are in dire need of the child standing in the crowd who says "The emperor has no clothes." No, it was not "Congress" that failed or was at fault in all of the recent dust-ups. It was 100% the the Republicans and their right wing masters. Let their be no doubt about it, and let us crow it constantly from the rooftops.
~ Willy
Amen "Willy"
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