Tuesday, September 27, 2011


And here's what's being done to those protesting the banks near Wall Street (you have to read the whole thing and watch the video and click on the links etc. to get the full impact).


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Soon they'll find a way to arrest them for acts of terrorism against a federal institution ...
    But to be accurate, I remember some of the same cavalier approaches to harsher crowd control during the civil rights movement, Kent State, etc. ...
    Where's the leadership among these protesting crowds and the media that should be screaming out about these injustices?
    Or is it that there's too many degrees of separation between the old newsreels and civil disobedience these days?
    Blame it on an education system that panders to a weak will and the uninspired ...

  3. well yes and no brother, I mean the young people doing the demonstrating are products of that education system. I think it has a lot to do with the internet and present technology, as well as the success of rightwing propaganda that always plants the idea that politics is for suckers because all government sucks and both parties are the same (of course they play a different game with their base who understand even if only intuitively the game that's being played). The hope is that unlike the protest of the 1960s and '70s, these younger people won't fall for the "elections don't matter" message and will actually organize for progressive candidates. With a lot more Bernie Sanders-es in Congress, the banks would now be being held accountable.

  4. Posted to my FB page. This is terrifying.

  5. Michael Moore visited Occupy Wallstreet and layed it out clear and plain (it gets good at 3:00 minutes in):


  6. Miles, you beat me to the punch. I was just going to post that video (which I still will) because of its powerful impact.
