Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Thanks to Digby at Hullabaloo for this:


  1. What an ignorant, uncaring, asshole. And please don't delete ASSHOLE because that's better than he deserves. I don't wish suffering on anyone, but I pray that he or someone he loves suffers a misfortune and needs care they cannot afford. What an idiot, as are all those who cheered, stupid mindless ignorant morons.

  2. what's worse than this guy is that he's the most compassionate one in the group !

    he and those other ones leading their herds of ignorant sheep
    are pretty-much now running the country.
    about 30 % of the voters in this next election going to be right-wing-fundamentalist-evangelical ....MORONS !

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  5. I've been trying to come up with a coherent response to that video, but I'm finding it difficult to stomach it long enough to separate my thoughts from my physical disgust. The video is especially revolting since it comes on the tail of last week's cheering for Texas executions (in spite of evidence that at least one innocent man has been executed under Rick Perry). The sentiment among these people is disgusting, evil and totally misguided. What type of citizen is attracted to an ideology that seeks to expand types of suffering while simultaneously increasing the number of sufferers?

    In contrast to what these death cheering folks seem to think makes for happiness, here is an interesting article about the happiest countries on earth which gets to some interesting ideas in spite of its generally conservative economic slant:


  6. Miles, you said it eloquently and clearly. The interesting thing is that a majority of our fellow citizens feel the same way, but unfortunately, as we know from the past, most of those people will either not bother to vote or will be swayed by other rightwing influence on the media into casting a portest vote against Obama and the Democrats and will bring about a further move to the right in governance, which is what put us in this decline in the first place.

  7. The only conciliatory thread to be pulled from this savage behavior is the forum in which it was presented.
    CNN has once again lowered the bar by moving political debate to a forum comparable to Wrestlemania where it appeals to the lowest common denominator and offers incendiary rhetoric to fuel their ratings and the idiots that subscribe to the madness.
    Regardless of the mindless candidates, CNN now plays a major role in shifting the political landscape by not only cherry-picking their audience but by coercively designing their questions for reaction.
    Who isn't watching the CNN logo this week all over the world?
    No wonder this country is looking more like a bad investment opportunity - even to the wealthy and corporations that control its destiny ...
    As for the battle cries from the audience; I keep thinking of that line in "Chinatown" when Nicholson says - "I'm just the leper with the most fingers".
    For now ...

  8. It's fitting that Ron Paul's eyebrow looks like Hitler's moustache, as he is now in the same league of criminality as Hitler.

  9. ..... & the Dems lost Wiener's vacated seat because of the way Obama has sold-out Israel !

    comparing Ron Paul to Hitler ?!!! that's a s t r e t c h ...

  10. ...as is the idea that anyone has "sold out Israel" of course. Israel is the harbinger of our own swing to the right. It has been hijacked by a far rightwing nationalist religiously fundamentalist minority that influences the politics there in ways I'm afraid the Tea Party is doing and will continue to do here.

  11. Wanting people to die because they cannot afford or do not have health insurance - is genocide. Hardly a stretch.

  12. Almost impossible to fathom, but it turns out the "hypothetical" question that garnered the vile reaction was not so hypothetical after all: Ron Paul's former campaign manager died uninsured leaving unpaid a $400,000 hospital bill. As Tina Fey would say, "what the what?"


  13. Thanks for that link Miles. Incredible. And incredibly sad that so many people now feel the way Paul obviously did and does. Kind of gives the lie to the whole "we're a Christian country" jive, but for all the wrong reasons.

  14. That makes him even more vile and dangerous. I think even Hitler would have taken care of his own.
