You have to watch the "Weathering Fights" clip from a recent Daily Show (
here). It illustrates perfectly the glaringly anti-intellectual, anti-reason, anti-logic, anti-facts, anti-reality core of rightwing ideology as a Republican strategist confirms everything this blog has ever posted about rightwing ideology.
Alfred Einstein's theory of how the universe works has been thrown into doubt with the experiments at Cern, disproving the the accepted rate of the speed of light, but Albert Gore's theory of man caused global warming is sancrosanct. The mental aptitude of liberals is interesting.
ReplyDeleteThe "mental aptitude of liberals" is certainly more "interesting" than the mental decrepitude of "Jim."
ReplyDeleteBob B.
That is a wonderful word; decrepitude. You should send it to Bill O'Reilly for the word of the day.
ReplyDeleteOh my Jim. Your citing the Cern experiments perfectly illustrates the point made by the Daily Show satirical riff. Check this link to see that the Cern experiments have been proven wrong.
Einstein still rules and so does Al Gore.
~ Willy.
Albert Einstein (also) said:
ReplyDelete"Imagination is more important that Intelligence"
what I want to know is
who shot The Iceman in the back?
and why?
"Alfred" Einstein said what? Anyway, can't go away for a few hours without more inanity from you-know-who. I'll leave this thread stand since there have been responses to it. But it certainly is evident that no amount of facts will ever get in the way of rightwing ideology.
ReplyDeleteActually, Jim did mean "Alfred" --- Alfred E. Newman, the source of many of Jim's scientific citations.
ReplyDeletewhat me worry?
ReplyDeletepercisely. and I meant "per"cisely.
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ReplyDeleteOK, enough's enough. He's still babbling about how the winter weather back here somehow proves there's no global warming!
ReplyDeleteBefore it was deleted, Jim said something to the effect that science is a developing process. Which completely negates his denial of the possibility that increased population, industrialization, CO2 emissions, deforestation, pollution, extinction and elimination of species, etc etc etc is having a significant effect on our planet.
Actually Robert, that is not the case. Obviously industrialization has an effect on the enviroment. I and many of my fellow hunters contribute to mitigation of some of those effects through license fees. Liberals just make up fantastical expensive programs to extend govt. control to every day life.
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way "Let it snow, let it snow".
Luckily the Jim's of the world don't represent most conservatives. (at least I hope I'm right) The anti-science wing of the right is certainly the most vocal. Science is only good when it proves what they already believe. Luddites are nothing new. Nor are the Know-Nothings. Seems that party has been resurrected in the current leadership of the Republican party.
ReplyDeleteJim - take a look at the history of the Gilded Age and see if that is really what you want for America to return to.
Michael - thanks for posting the link. I missed that show.
ReplyDeleteYou wlecome Tom. An amazing expose of the intransigence of the right's ideology to accept any reality that contradicts their basic strategy that whatever corporations want is what the rest of us should support, even if it leads to our own extinction.
ReplyDeleteThe right has gotten very good at taking single issues and promoting them. Issues like gun control and abortion. So people who are mostly liberal in their beliefs, but who don't investigate the whole ideology of the right, might vote for rightwing candidates based on single issues. I know a lot of 'liberal' hunters - who the fear of having their guns taken away will convince them to vote for a Republican - even though that politician might have many beliefs that are contrary to the 'liberal' hunter's beliefs. Every election we see the right trot out the same old lies about Democrats.
ReplyDeleteTom, The right or conservatives are distingished not necessarily by single issues but in a belief that federal government should be guided by the Constitution with a particual emphasis on the 10th amendment, limiting government powers to those that are enumerated. Liberals seem to believe in what ever feels good or is in their minds "fair". By fair liberals do not believe in equal rights, but special rights for favored groups.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Jim. But I disagree on both counts. Liberals and conservatives are not homogenous groups. The right does play out certain issues that they know certain groups will respond to. Guns and abortion are the most common. The fear factor. They're going to take our guns away. They're killing babies. With of course the Democrats being the 'they'.
ReplyDeleteTom, what you say has some truth, but the core conservative value is the US Constitution, 10th Amendment and belief in the value of free enterprize as the best form of economic endeavor. We have had numerous instances of Keynesian economics since the 30's and in Europe today. It is not working well.
ReplyDeleteTom I'm gonna let this thread go as is because you responded to him. But it's a waste of time and energy for any of us to try and discuss any issue with this rightwinger because he will always follow the party line. He says he and his fellow rightwingers believe in the Constitution and those of us who aren't rightwing ideologues don't, and these days, as do his rightwing media masters and pols and think tankers, he emphasizes the 10th amendment because of "states rights" etc. (which as those of us old enough know was what the right used to try and keep segregation legal in the South back in the day). But go back over his comments when Bush/Cheney were running the show and you will find not one, NOT ONE, reference to the 10th amendment, especially, of course, when the rightwing dominated Supreme Court that had always supported states rights reversed themselves when it came to Florida and the Bush/Gore fiasco. All of a sudden Florida's state court decision to allow the recount to continue was reversed, overridden by federal considerations over states rights. Think that would have happened had it been Bush asking for the recount in a state run by his brother at the time? I am totally insulted by this radical rightwinger's allegation that I, who served over four years in the military, who had brothers who served during both the Second World War and Korea, all of whom considered themselves liberal Democrats, and that others like us, don't believe in or defend or are even willing to die for what The Constitution stands for. I find it thoroughly unpatriotic, even bordering on traitorous, the way the right, and the one who stalks my blog most of all, misinterpret and misuse what The Constitution says and stands for, and miseducate others to misunderstand it in order to serve the traitorous ideology of the right and its corporate masters. Some days it makes me sick to even see this man's name on my blog, let alone the tripe he most often is spewing. If you wonder why my words against him are so strong, just go back a few years and read forward in the comments threads to see the disservice he has done, and I allowed him to do, to those of us who love this country and its Constitution and all it stands for and hate the ways in which the mostly chickenhawk (that means those rightwingers with the loudest mouths who never served or sacrificed a thing for this country including "Jim" and his puppeteer Rush et. al.) rightwingers have done everything in their power to destroy what made this country great in order for their corporate masters to have even more control over our lives and our livelihoods.
ReplyDeleteRIGHT ON MICHAEL. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see through Jim's verbal excrement and traitorous posturing...the danger is that there are many who do not possess, or better said, do not exercise intelligence and are swayed by the lies and the bullshit of the ignorant, careless, irresponsible teapocrits, and due to the integrity and tolerance of the truly good these lost ones are allowed to vote, resulting in horrors that affect us all. Jim even misinterprets and misrepresents the 10th Amendment, as well as its historical context.
ReplyDeleteI have yet to see Robert, Lally or Tom express support for a single idea from the founding documents. Please prove me wrong. I want to have some faith in my fellow Americans.
ReplyDeleteI've yet to see the rightwinger support slavery and the less than human status of "Americans" who can be proven to descend from slaves whose skin is darker, even though it's in the Constitution, unless of course the rightwinger concedes that the Amendments to The Constitution are also part of the Constitution, which, if he does, means that his rightwinger masters' contentions that only the Founding documents created by "The Founding Fathers" count as authentic is incorrect and The Constitution can be changed. But the right exclaims "not by judicial activists" on The Supreme Court interpreting (as The Constitution asserts) The Founding Fathers' intent and the Congress and President's intent when creating new laws etc. as that third branch of government is supposed to according to The Constitution, yet the right rails against that very practice when it goes against their ideology but makes no complaint when their rightwing dominated current court proclaims "corporations" have the same rights (though not the same duties, interestingly) as "persons"—where is the Tea Party outcry over that?! Oh, that's right, corporations are immune from any rightwing ideological tenet that interferes with their gaining and maintaining power over our government and ourselves. All Hail rightwing corporate supremacy! Which is obviously what our Founding Fathers had in mind, according to all the rightwing mouthpieces and media. Anyway, the lies will be deleted again, we've seen enough for now to know what the rightwing main stalker-of-this-blog's purpose is, to distort the true intention of The Founding Fathers and Founding Doctrines including the precious Constitution for the purposes of corporate overlords of the right's ideology and very minds and mental states. Poor devils.
ReplyDeleteSo, Jim - you understand, I hope, that the Articles of Confederation, which allowed for state sovereignty,
ReplyDeletefailed and that caused the need for a new constitution which gave the federal government more powers. I am well aware that sovereignty is the big thing in some circles. Kinda like the kid who doesn't like the rules of the game and decides he'll make his own. I don't think anybody in this group thinks about the chaos this would create. Or maybe they don't care.
Isn't this place called the "United States of America", underscore the word United....
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