Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Well, the Comast technician came and was very proficient. And the Comcast customer service guy "on the mainland" called to ask how it went and promised me he'd bring my suggestion into a meeting tomorrow about keeping customer service in the US and hiring more operators and repair people so there aren't such long waits.

It might be just hot air, but if enough customers do it, you never know. Meanwhile, I intend to take part in the march on Wall Street tomorrow. So far two of the three unions I belong to—the WGA and AFTRA—have sent out calls to join them there. No word from SAG as far as I know. I'll let you know how it goes.

Double meanwhile: here's a link to an online interview the poet Burt Kimmelman did of me and was just "published" online in Jacket. Some "interesting" photos included!


  1. Great interview in Jacket---nice to see it in print.

  2. thanks man, you know how much that means to me.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Great photos, and I enjoyed the long interview. Now where can I get a copy of the South Orange Sonnets?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Tim,

    I found 3 used copies of The South Orange Sonnets on Amazon (had to dig around a little though). Here's a link:


  7. Tim, glad you dug it. The S.O. Sonnets are also part of a larger book, IT'S NOT NOSTALGIA, published by Black Sparrow Press in I think 1999 and available I hope through the link you get to if you press on the photo of the cover of that book to the right on this blog. Lots of Jersey memoir stuff in that one.

  8. Oh, and I meant to say thanks Miles for your response to Tim as well.

  9. And a other "Oh" and not to get carried away, but if the edition of the South Orange Sonnets in the photo in the interview is the one that's for sale on Amazon, they're pretty rare because the first several editions were small and all sold out so I haven't even got an extra copy of them myself!

  10. Thanks, guys! I'll tell you if it turns out to be a rare first edition. I look forward to reading it.

  11. The first step of change is awareness then acknowledgement that the problem is real, then stemming the cause and then, solution. The Wall Stree Occupation is bringing attention to the problem and mobilizing those affected to say we want to change, we can change and we will change it. Now we need solutions, options, roads to pave and travel. Much of it has to do with holding those accountable and stopping further exploitation. There needs to be a redistribution of wealth and if the ignorant want to call this socialism let them because when people can no longer afford to buy things, the corporations will collapse. It's in the corporations best interest for everyone to be living comforably and to be able to afford to buy shit. There's no need for anyone in on this planet to be a billionaire. Everything above a billion should be spread to the many. It's been said around before, but if the stimulus money went to the people instead of the corporations, the crisis would be over and we'd be out of debt.
